Tourism Advisory Commission
Park & Recreation Conference Room
May 24, 2016
Members Present: Bill Samisch, Welby Stamps, Liz Rozanski, Watty Brooks Hall, Polly Shipley, Susan Eads, John Stamps, Kanette Keough-Rodgers, Laura Todd, Ashley Carver, and Sheila Moody (staff)
Members Absent: Shannon Byers, Amber Lombardo, Tamara Swain, Marty Marbry, Missy Marshall
Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Bill Samisch at 4:00 PM. The agenda and minutes were provided. Motion to approve was made by Watty Brooks Hall; seconded by Polly Shipley. Motion carried.
Member Reports:
Alderman John Stamps reported the recent Board of Mayor and Alderman meeting (BMA) passed the budget. No tax increases are planned. The Beer Fest at Carriage Crossing was issued a permit to proceed. The groundbreaking for the new Collierville High School was held Friday, May 13. A resolution (2016-25) requesting an amendment to the town charter to establish term limits for the Mayor and Aldermen was approved and sent to the Tennessee Legislature.
John Duncan, Director of Economic Development, presented a report. The town budgets continue to reflect Collierville’s sound financial footing. Six office projects, reflecting 600K of office space, are under consideration. Activity is reflective of corporate moves within the region and large amounts of developable land in Collierville. CCL’s expansion near Progress Rd. and Shelby Dr. is proceeding. Orgill is expected to break ground within 45 days. Opportunities with new retail and restaurant projects continue to develop. The town’s sales tax revenue collection continues to grow and property tax revenue is following suit. Expected demographic growth for the town is projected to reflect solid gains in the 25-34 and 60 plus age groups.
Tourism Report:
Sheila Moody, Special Events/Tourism Coordinator, reported that the 2016-2017 budget has included a Tourism Manager. The opening was posted on May 13. Six applicants have submitted qualifications. The Events Coordinator position was posted on April 14. Ad purchases in regional tourism publications have resulted in 900 leads; ads have been committed for Summer/Fall placements. Recent local events include Rhodes College hosting a 9-team softball tournament, the Independence Day celebration, the summer production of “Footloose”, and the Main Street Collierville’s “Sunset on the Square” Concert Series. The tee-shirts have generated sales of $11,000 with $5,200 in profit. Shirts are available at Parks and Rec, the Brooks Collection, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Morton Museum. Susan Eads volunteered to have shirts for sale at the Carriage Crossing movie night.
New Business:
Laura Todd, Executive Director of Main Street Collierville, provided information on the Sunset on the Square concert series. Southbound, a magazine focusing on historic districts, interviewed several Main Street merchants for an upcoming article. An advertisement has been placed in the At Home magazine and an article featured in the recent Tour Collierville magazine. An education conference will be held in Collierville and events are centered on Main Street.
Ashley Carver, Morton Museum Director, reported that museum attendance has risen 50%. In April, 1,100 visitors were noted; a substantial increase over the 550 monthly visitor average. Carver attributes this to several dynamic exhibits and partnerships, including the St. George’s school exhibit, “A Portrait of Collierville: 1940-1945.” Carver relayed that the Frisco 1351 steam engine will receive a cosmetic restoration. Costs are being covered by the Town.
Susan Eads, General Manager of Carriage Crossing, provided information on the Friday movies at the mall as well as an upcoming summer camp. She encouraged voting for Carriage Crossing in the Memphis Most contest. The Brew Fest is scheduled for September 24 from 12:00-4:00 PM.
Kanette Keough-Rodgers, President/CEO of the Collierville Chamber of Commerce, presented information and asked for feedback on an upcoming educational event focusing on tourism/retail efforts. The event will be held at MCR, but date/time has yet to be determined. Early September is a possibility. The format will be either a speaker or a panel discussion. Discussion of improving relations with the Memphis CVB and MMAA was discussed. A Collierville “passport” project was presented as a way to market local attractions.
Old Business:
Chair Bill Samisch thanked the sub-committee for their work on the letter to encourage the BMA to fund the Tourism Manager position. The letter was not sent as the position was included in the budget and the position listed. A Thank You gift was presented to Sheila Moody on behalf of the commission members to recognize her efforts and wish her well with her upcoming retirement.
Public Comments:
There were no public comments.
Bill adjourned the meeting at 4:51 PM.
The next Tourism Advisory Commission meeting is July 26, 2016 at 4:00 PM in the Community Center Conference room.
Respectfully Submitted,
Liz Rozanski, Secretary