AP Human Geography

Mr. Ricardo Fernandez

Room #2103

Periods: 2nd, 3rd, 4th

Phone #: 281-641- 6971


Webpage: http://humbleisd.net/Domain/5897

1.  Go to Kingwood HS website, click on Staff Sites, then click on Ricky Fernandez.

a.  On my webpage you will find all the information for this course such as calendars, assignments, and unit plans.

Course Description:

AP© Human Geography is a full year course designed to fulfill the curriculum expectations of a one semester university human geography course. The purpose of the AP Human Geography course is to provide students an opportunity to study systematic patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth’s surface. Students employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human social organization and its environmental consequences. This course would be ideal for students interested in global business, politics, or cultural interaction.

Course Goals:

Students will be prepared to enter the global community to become culturally literate global citizens.

A.  Students will interpret maps and analyze geospatial data.

B.  Students will recognize and interpret patterns and networks; assess the nature and significance of spatial relationships; analyze how cultural values, political policies, and economic forces collaborate to create landscapes.

C.  Students will recognize and interpret different scales of analysis of relationships between patterns and processes.

D.  Students will define regions and evaluate the regionalization process.


1.  Rubenstein, James M. The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to

Human Geography. 11th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education,

Inc., 2012.

2.  The Nystrom Desk Atlas – purchase on Amazon.

Supplies: *These will be needed in class everyday!

·  Pencils, of course

·  Pens – black or dark blue (black for AP practice preferably)

·  Basic (Desk) World Atlas – of World Maps and Regional Maps

·  Ultra-Fine Point Black Sharpie (for maps!)

·  Highlighter

·  Binder

·  Dividers – at least 5.

·  Paper

·  File Folders – Letter size (at least 10 for each unit)

Note: Students need to bring magazines for a project we begin this Friday. (Each magazine is worth a ½ point for a total of 5 points max.) These bonus points will be used on the first test. Examples of magazines appropriate for school: Home and Gardens, National Geographic, Time, People, Teen magazines, etc…

Grading Policy:

1.  Major Grades (Summative) are 70% of your average. Major grades include tests, essays, and projects,

2.  Daily grades (Formative) are 30% of your average. Average about two per week

3.  Extra Credit Points in AP will be equitable and possible for all students. Extra assignments are not given in AP courses to boost individual student grades.

Late work and Reassessment:

Late assignments will be accepted and administered in accordance with the guidelines set by the campus. If a student is absent due to illness or school related activity, students will get one day for every day absent with no deduction of grades.

As per Humble ISD Policy. 20 points for every day past due.

1 Day = 80 (highest achievable grade)

2 Days = 60 (highest achievable grade)

3 Days = 40 (highest achievable grade)

4 Days = 20 (highest achievable grade)

5 Days = 0

Summative Homework (projects, papers, etc.)-minus 20 points per day after the original due date.

Note: Students will be NOT have the opportunity to reassess one failing test grade per 9 weeks according to AP policy.

Make-ups for Homework, Quizzes, and Tests:

All students are responsible for any missed assignments. Make-up times will be set up for students who miss a quiz or test. One make-up day is given for each day of an excused absence up to one week. Students are required to take the test or quiz missed within 1-week of its original administration. If the student is not able to attend the Social Studies make-ups in the testing center during lunch, arrangements must be made with the instructor.

Tutoring/ Make-up Times:

Wednesday and Thursday – B Block during ONE Lunch.

Wednesday – Before school.

I can also meet with any student by appointment if needed for extracurricular activities an



1.  Respect the space & property of your teacher and fellow classmates

2.  Be prepared mentally & physically

3.  Be respectful of yourself & others

4.  Be engaged & always try!

3 Strikes Correction:

1st Strike – Teacher / Student Conversation

2nd Strike – Parent / Guardian Contact (and Coach if needed)

3rd Strike – Referral to Student’s Principal

AP Exam:

At the conclusion of the course, students will take the AP Exam. A score of 3, 4, or 5 (on a 1-5 scale) is accepted for credit at most colleges and universities. The exam is 2 hours 15 minutes in length – a multiple-choice section (75 questions in 60 minutes) and a free response section (3 essays in 75 minutes). Students who register and complete the AP Exam will not be required to take the KHS second semester course exam. Our AP Human Geography Exam will be Friday, May 12th, 2017. We will be reviewing in preparation for this exam all year long.

Tech Behavior / BYOD:

Throughout the year, students are allowed to bring their own devices to utilize in class for notes,

research, organization, group work, and projects. It is recommended that when a device is brought it

should be a smart phone or tablet and not a gaming device such as a Nintendo DS.

The technology behavior expected in this class include but are not limited to the following:

·  Approval for technology use and access will be at teacher discretion on a daily basis.

·  Devices should not be out unless specified by the teacher before class begins.

·  Students are expected to behave respectfully with any device in the classroom.

·  Image and video recording are not allowed without prior teacher approval.

·  All students are expected to adhere to the digital citizenship guidelines.

Parting Thoughts:

This will be your child’s first experience with an AP class, thus a challenging and rewarding experience awaits them with the potential to earn future college credit. Due to the rigorous nature of the course, some students may initially earn grades lower than what they might have experienced in previous academic settings. It must be clear the AP portion of this course is designed to stretch students in ways similar or equivalent to what an entry level college Human Geography course would do. In order for colleges to award credit for AP scores earned through a course of study while in high school, the College Board has outlined a challenging curriculum and provided for a rigorous assessment to meet the expectations of these institutions. Therefore, the content and materials are mature, reflecting the diversity of culture and geographical perspective of people and places on Earth that leads to the study of human geography.

Please, if you find yourself struggling, look at it as an opportunity to grow and learn. Come and visit with me early so that we can figure out a successful course of action. I look forward to working with you to create a positive learning experience.

Wishing you much success!

Parents please make sure your information with the school is accurate should I need to contact you about individual concerns or questions. To help with group communications students and parents should register for Remind 101. This is one-way reminders from me can be sent via text. Directions for Remind 101 will be provided in class. Make sure you register for your specific class: AP Human Geography or World Geography.

Cut here and return signed portion to Mr. Fernandez by Friday August 26th , 2016.

Keep the remaining portion for your records.


Your signature below indicates that you have received and understand all the above information regarding this course

Please sign and return this page:


Student Name (printed) Period Parent or Guardian Signature


Student Signature

Note: Pictures and videos of lessons and activities will be taken in class for student and instructional purposes. Please indicate below this line if you do not want your child's image used for class or educational instructional purposes
