20 - Exceeds Standards / 16 - Meets Standards / 12 - Emerging / 9 - Attempt was Made
Delivery / ·  Holds attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact, facial expressions, posture, and gestures
·  Speaks with fluctuation in volume and inflection to maintain audience interest and emphasize key points
·  Always speaks clearly and loudly / • Consistent use of direct eye contact with audience, facial expressions, posture, and gestures
• Speaks with satisfactory variation of volume and inflection;
·  Consistently clear & loud / • Displays minimal eye contact with audience, facial expressions, posture, and gestures while reading mostly from the notes
• Speaks in uneven volume with little or no inflection / • Holds no eye contact with audience, as entire report is read from notes
• Speaks in low volume and/or monotonous tone, which causes audience to disengage
·  Students mumble and can’t be understood
Organization / ·  Presentation has clear focus
·  Presentation is clearly organized, logical, and not repetitive
·  Presentation shows a full grasp and understanding of the topic; stays on topic
·  Presentation highlights key ideas and concludes with a strong statement
·  Presenter(s) fields questions easily / ·  Most elements of focus, organization, logic, understanding of topic, key ideas, and a decent conclusion are apparent
·  Fields questions comfortably / ·  Some elements of focus, organization, logic, understanding of topic, key ideas, and a decent conclusion are apparent
·  Fields questions / ·  Very few elements of focus, organization, logic, understanding of topic, key ideas, and a decent conclusion are apparent
·  Did not fields questions
Awareness / ·  Demonstrates strong enthusiasm about topic during presentation
·  Significantly increases audience understanding and knowledge of topic; convinces an audience to recognize the validity and importance of the subject / ·  Shows some enthusiastic feelings about topic
·  Raises audience understanding and awareness of most points / ·  Shows little or mixed feelings about the topic being presented
·  Raises audience understanding and knowledge of some points / ·  Shows no interest in topic presented
·  Fails to increase audience understanding of knowledge of topic
Group Collaboration / ·  All group members participate equally
·  Group members help each other as needed
·  All group members speak clearly and are easy to understand / ·  All group members participate
·  Group members help each other as needed
·  Most group members speak clearly and are easy to understand / ·  Some group members participate
·  Some group members help
·  Some group members speak clearly and are easy to understand / ·  Only 1 or 2 group members participate
·  Only 1 member takes charge
·  Most group members are hard to understand
Visual Aids / Worksheets / ·  Creatively uses a variety of effective visual aids and/or other methods of delivery
·  Visually organized and complete
·  Visuals reinforce and enhance learning
·  / ·  Uses visual aids or other learning tools effectively
·  Moderately visually organized and complete
·  Visuals reinforce learning / ·  Ineffective use of visual aids or other learning tools
·  Somewhat visually organized and complete
·  Used visuals but they do not add or may distract from learning / ·  Does not use visual aids or other learning tools as a method of delivery
·  Disorganized or incomplete
·  No visual aids used
Presentation Choice
PPT/Keynote or
Web page
Other / A great deal of thought was placed on:
·  Choice of Presentation
·  Storyboarding/Scripting
·  Layout of presentation
·  Design Principals
·  Originality of presentation
·  Quality of graphics
·  Flow of the Lesson
·  Considering the audience / A lot of thought was placed on:
·  Choice of Presentation
·  Storyboarding/Scripting
·  Layout of presentation
·  Design Principals
·  Originality of presentation
·  Quality of graphics
·  Flow of the Lesson
·  Considering the audience / Some thought was placed on:
·  Choice of Presentation
·  Storyboarding/Scripting
·  Layout of presentation
·  Design Principals
·  Originality of presentation
·  Quality of graphics
·  Flow of the Lesson
·  Considering the audience / Very little thought was placed on:
·  Choice of Presentation
·  Storyboarding/Scripting
·  Layout of presentation
·  Design Principals
·  Originality of presentation
·  Quality of graphics
·  Flow of the Lesson
·  Considering the audience
Assessment / Reflection / ·  Provided excellent assessment to determine if students learn subject matter / ·  Provided adequate assessment to determine if students learn subject matter / ·  Provided modest assessment to determine if students learn subject matter / ·  Provided no assessment to determine if students learn subject matter
Citations / ·  Copyright and Citation Documentation completed appropriately on all materials used / ·  Copyright and Citation Documentation completed appropriately on some materials used / ·  Copyright and Citation Documentation was hit or miss / ·  Copyright and Citation Documentation was not completed at all
