Information from Mrs. Day:

Many of you know my cousin passed away on Monday. I am going home to Indiana for her memorial service and funeral. I will be out the rest of the week but plan to be back on Monday 12/9. If you have any questions while I am gone, please email me. I will be checking email from Indiana.

PLEASE be cooperative for whatever substitute teachers you have. I need to go do this, and I appreciate your understanding and good behavior. You know my rules and what I expect. Please do not push boundaries with the subs.

·  Turn in your Vocab Book as planned. You know where they go on the shelves in the front of the room. Put your book with your class period.

·  Vocab Quiz #6 that was scheduled for Mon. 12/9 will be moved. Plan to take it Thursday, 12/12. (We’ll grade Unit #6 in class on Monday; you’ll keep the book that day and have three nights to study.)

·  The Cumulative Vocab. Test for Monday the 16th will remain in place.

·  Postcards are still due on Tuesday 12/10.

·  Finish reading the stories in Part One of The Odyssey. This includes “The Land of the Dead,” “Sirens,” “Scylla and Charybdis,” and “Cattle of the Sun God.” These are not difficult stories and I am confident that you can read and interpret them on your own.

·  Work on the question packet. If you finish it, KEEP IT! DO NOT TURN IT IN UNTIL I GET BACK! It will be due at the beginning of class on Tuesday 12/10. On Monday, we’ll go over the stories you read on your own and make sure you are not confused about anything. Just because it is not due until then, WORK ON IT NOW! Do not waste time in class because you are telling yourself you will do it later.

·  The adjusted bell schedule is now extended to Wednesday AND Thursday. 1st and 5th are long and 2nd and 4th are short. I am aware of this. 2nd and 4th – do as much as you can do in the time you have.

·  Friday you will watch the movie. The movie version is very good and it fills in many of the things the textbooks skips. I want you to watch it and not try to work on anything else.