The Great Gatsby

Critical Analysis of Film Adaptation

  1. Describe two characters which appear in both the film and the novel. One of them should be a minor character. Specify how dialogue, action, and physical appearance in the movie define the individual. Using direct quotes from the written work, citing page numbers, describe the characters using the same criteria. Evaluate which presentation is best in allowing either the viewer or the reader to fully grasp the nature of the characters.
  1. Evaluate the tone created in the movie. Cite clear examples of color, visuals, editing, and music that may have contributed to the tone of any particular scene. Compare the tone created in the film to the tone created in the novel using the same scene. Cite specific examples, giving page numbers, of the description that created the tone in the written work.
  1. Important motifs, symbols, or allusions contained in a written work of fiction are sometimes missing or changed in the movie. Specify two examples of these literary tools that are not a part of the film adaptation. Note any replacement motifs, symbols or allusions contained in the movie.

The Great Gatsby

Critical Analysis of Film Adaptation

  1. Describe two characters which appear in both the film and the novel. One of them should be a minor character. Specify how dialogue, action, and physical appearance in the movie define the individual. Using direct quotes from the written work, citing page numbers, describe the characters using the same criteria. Evaluate which presentation is best in allowing either the viewer or the reader to fully grasp the nature of the characters.
  1. Evaluate the tone created in the movie. Cite clear examples of color, visuals, editing, and music that may have contributed to the tone of any particular scene. Compare the tone created in the film to the tone created in the novel using the same scene. Cite specific examples, giving page numbers, of the description that created the tone in the written work.
  1. Important motifs, symbols, or allusions contained in a written work of fiction are sometimes missing or changed in the movie. Specify two examples of these literary tools that are not a part of the film adaptation. Note any replacement motifs, symbols or allusions contained in the movie.