
A-Z of A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Create a vocab list of one ‘great’ word relating to AMSND for each letter of the alphabet. Eg. A-affection; B-balance…



If the link doesn’t work search: The Madness of Love A Midsummer Night's Dream: a chamber play Stratford Festival 2014

In your workbook, summarise three points/comments the actors say about love in the play?






Answer these questions in your workbook.

Look at these images. What do you see?

To what extent can one believe one’s own eyes?

Why are illusions important? What part do they play in romance?

Why do we need illusions in our lives?



If the link doesn’t work, search Ted Ed, Suzanne Rogers "A Midsummer Night's Dream" CHARACTERS

Think deeply: Are Hermia and Helena treated as more foolish in the play than Demetrius and Lysander? Is this a comment on gender?

Write 6-8 sentences as a response in your workbook.



If the link doesn’t work search: Royal Shakespeare Company - Billy - A Midsummer Night's Dream

Then, answer these questions in your workbook.

1. What does the short film suggest are the key elements of AMSND?

2. Do you agree? Are there any key elements missing from the film?


Write 60 word recap of the story.



Answer in your workbook:

  • DEFINITION: Write a definition for ‘interference’
  • SYNONYMS: Write three synonyms for ‘interference’
  • How is ‘interference’ a key concept in the play?
  • Which characters ‘interfere’?
  • How does Oberon’s interference in the affairs of man further complicate the matters of the play?
  • How does Puck’s interference affect what happens in the play?


What is Shakespeare really saying (or commenting on) in these quotes? Write the quote and your responses in your workbook.

“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.”

“Lord, what fools these mortals be!”

“The course of true love never did run smooth.”

“And yet, to say the truth, reason and love keep little company together nowadays.”

“Lovers and madmen have such seething brains”


Topic sentences

Is A or B a more effective topic sentence? Why (give at least three reasons). Now, write a topic sentence for the same essay topic where the paragraph is going to discuss obstacles to love.

Essay topic: “Shakespeare explores the power of love in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Discuss.

  1. The interference of others can impact on the stability of love.
  2. The comedy A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare tells of four young lovers and a group of mechanicals, who are controlledand manipulated by the fairies who inhabit the forest where a lot of play is set.


Character 3+2+1

Choose 4 main characters from the play: write 3 adjectives to describe them +

2 key events they are involved in + 1 quote said by the character or about the character


Mind map of the play

Develop a set of three important questions that would need to be considered when looking at the key themes of the play.


Cooking up some magic

creative and come up with a recipe or a spell for Puck to use on Bottom or Titania.12.

13. Character interpretation

Choose two characters from the play and then use your ipad to look at how different directors have represented them. Copy and paste two images for each character. Identify 2 similarities and 2 differences for each 15.

How insulting!

Read Act III scene ii lines 191-344. Identify 10 insults and write them in your book. Then, create your own ‘Shakespeare-like’ insult.


Shakespeare in a box

Find an opportunity in the play where you could use these random items from the prop box:

A coffee cup holder

An iTunes voucher

A tennis racket

1 metre of white paper

A red texta

A blow up hand

A dishwashing glove

A shopping bag

A coat hanger

A green bowl

A wine glass

A spray can