Prosperity Plus

Churches Email 2

To be sent 3 weeks before course begins.

Possible Subjects: Prosperity Plus Begins Next Week... Register Now!


Activate Your Abundance and Prosperity With Us- Register Now

Dear [fname],

We have a place saved for you in Prosperity Plus—the proven prosperity course taught “virtually” by globally renowned spiritual teacher, Mary Morrissey, right here at, (insert your church name).

If you are ready to have a significant breakthrough in your abundance, this is the course for you. And it starts insert date! So sign up now...


1- Click on this link

2- Call this #

3-Send an email to ___

4- Show up on Sunday to sign up at the registration table

True prosperity includes every aspect of your life: your money, your health, your time, your contributions to the world, your freedom, and your relationships. You may find you’re strong in some areas, but not in others. This is the perfect chance to elevate and inspire any aspect of your life that just isn’t quite there yet. And make a change for GOOD!

Prosperity Plus is a vision driven program, which means you will be guided to create an inspired vision for a life you would love living. The more you practice the principles of prosperity, the more quickly you will see results, because you will begin to resonate at a frequency in harmony with the life you want to attract.

Here is a recent testimonial from someone who took Prosperity Plus more than once:

I felt so inspired! I learned so much for this program that as soon as it ended, I immediately signed up again. I had a huge breakthrough. I’ve been working on a project for over 20 years. This course gave me what I needed to finally finish the project and bring my dream to the world!

Jay Gaysee,

Ojai, Ca

There is power in community, and in participating in this course you will gain the support from the whole class during the 10 weeks. This makes it that much more powerful... and FUN!

We encourage you to sign up as a family, and with friends, as the added support will help you to gain the most from this inspired teaching.

This course offers a proven path to prosperity, and it has changed the lives of thousands of people.

Again, there are only a few spaces left and the course is starting in a week, so register now by


1- Click on this link

2- Call this #

3-Send an email to ___

4- Show up on Sunday to sign up at the registration table

This course will be facilitated by our very own (facilitator name), and supported with the masterful video-based “virtual” teachings of Mary Morrissey.

We look forward to supporting you in your experience of abundance! Class begins (insert date)

Celebrating Your Success,