1.  Purpose of the Report

1.1  To inform Members about achievements in delivering the 2005/06 Transportation Capital Programme.

1.2  To approve the Transportation Capital Programme for 2006/ 07.

2.  Policy Context

2.1  The Capital Programme implements schemes which underpin the Council’s “Clean, Green and Safe” Priority, and delivers the targets set out in the Local Transport Plan and Best Value Performance Plan.

3.  Recommendations

3.1  It is recommended that the following be noted :

(i)  Progress with delivering the 2005/ 06 Capital Programme, as detailed in Appendix A.

(ii)  The adjustments between approved budgets in the 2005/ 06 Capital Programme, as detailed in Appendix B.

(iii)  The carry over of schemes from the current year, as detailed in Appendix C.

(iv)  The programme of developer funded schemes, undertaken in 2005/ 06 and proposed for 2006/ 07 and as shown at Appendices F and G.

And the following be approved :

(v)  New schemes for the 2006/ 07 Capital Programme, as detailed in Appendices D and E.

4.  2005/ 06 Capital Programme

4.1  A brief résumé of progress with delivering the major parts of the 2005/ 06 Capital Programme is included at Appendix A.

4.2  Due to resource issues, and enforced changes as a consequence of external influence, e.g. Bus Station Improvements, it has been necessary to make adjustments to priorities during the year in order to maintain progress with the programme. Members have been kept informed about changes during the year. A complete list of financial adjustments undertaken for the 2005/ 06 programme is included at Appendix B.

4.3  2005/ 06 Capital Programme schemes which are currently in progress, and it is proposed will carry over into 2006/ 07, are shown in Appendix C. This is based on the projected outturn for the current year – any variance to this will be reported at the first Capital Programme update early in the new financial year.

Financial Summary – 2005/ 06 Programme

4.4  Details of budget allocations, current and predicted spend profiles are shown below (excluding developer funded schemes),

£924,984 / £3,881,853 / £4,806,837 / £4,343,337

5.  2006/ 07 Capital Programme

5.1  The proposed schemes within the 2006/ 07 Transportation Capital Programme, together with estimated costs, are shown in Appendix D.

5.2  The programme is presented in a different way than has been shown in previous years. Previously, schemes were grouped under the headings “Park and Ride”, “Key Schemes”, “Public Transport” etc. The Government and Local Government Association (LGA) agreed, in July 2002, a set of seven shared priorities for local government. These priorities, which include raising the standards across schools, transforming the local environment and meeting local transport needs more effectively, are a focus for the efforts of Government and Councils for improving public services in key areas. The shared priority for transport includes improving accessibility and public transport and reducing the problems of congestion, pollution and safety.

5.3  The 2006-2011 Local Transport Plan, currently being finalised, is laid out in terms of the four transport priority areas of Tackling Congestion, Delivering Accessibility, Safer Roads and Better Air Quality. The 2006/ 07 programme has therefore been shown in similar terms, but excluding Better Air Quality as that is not a current issue for Poole.

5.4  The programme has been developed in accordance with the Council’s Transportation Strategy and is designed to achieve a balance of the associated aims and objectives. However there are particular problems facing this Unit in terms of staff resources being available to deliver the programme. Some action was taken during 2005/ 06 to address this, and discussions are currently underway with Bournemouth BC regarding the joint use of a partnering Consultant and Contractor to assist with dealing with peaks in our programme. Depending on progress the programme may need to be modified to reflect the ability to deliver the schemes contained within it.

5.5  A brief outline of each scheme within the programme is described at Appendix E. Following development of proposals for each scheme, further reports will be submitted to this Group.

5.6  A further scheme, currently not included in the programme, is a contribution towards the strategic traffic model which is required to develop regional schemes such as the Poole to A31 link. This will be reported to a TAG in the near future and may require adjustment of the programme budgets currently being proposed.

6.  Funding for 2006/ 07 programme

6.1  Most of the funding for the Transportation Services Capital Programme - £2,930,000 - comes from the Government through the Local Transport Plan (LTP), and indeed the programme itself has been developed to generally support the aims and objectives contained within the latest version of the LTP. Through the Annual Progress Report (APR) detailed reports will go to Government describing how successful the Authority has been in this respect.

6.2  The 2006/ 07 programme also includes a budget of £3,167,000 for Canford Bridge. This is fully funded by Government and results from an Exceptional Scheme Bid, submitted in July 2005.

6.3  In addition to Government funding, the Borough of Poole provides a further £400,000 in the area of structural maintenance in order to achieve more work in this most important area.

6.4  Borough of Poole funding of £50,000 is also included within the programme for Car Park Maintenance. A Car Park Asset Management Plan (AMP) is currently being developed in order that an appropriate way forward for managing car parks, including securing the necessary funding, can be developed. It is likely that the AMP will demonstrate that the current level of funding is unsustainable in the longer term.

7.  Developer Funded Schemes

7.1  In addition to the Transportation Capital Programme there are a number of other highway improvements undertaken, using developer funding secured through Planning Agreements. The majority of these improvements are solely funded in this way, but opportunities for utilising developer funding to part fund LTP funded schemes is taken where possible.

7.2  The programme of schemes, undertaken in 2005/ 06 and solely developer funded, is listed at Appendix F. The expected programme for 2006/ 07 is listed at Appendix G, which could be expanded during the year as some, smaller scale, schemes are introduced.


Head of Transportation Services

Appendix A - 2005/06 Capital Programme Schemes Completed and in Progress

Appendix B - Budget adjustments during 2005/ 06

Appendix C - Projected budget carry over from 2005/ 06 to 2006/ 07

Appendix D - 2006/ 07 Capital Programme

Appendix E – 2006/ 07 Capital Programme Schemes Proposed

Appendix F – 2005/ 06 Developer Funded Schemes Completed

Appendix G – 2006/ 07 Developer Funded Schemes Proposed

Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact :

Graham Spicer (01202) 262072




A1.1 / Town Centre Study
At the time of drafting this Report, a Consultant is in the process of being appointed to assist with the Study. They will be responsible for producing a set of tools which can be used by in-house staff to assess highway infrastructure improvements, necessary as a consequence of future development in the town centre.
A1.2 / Strategic Road Network Traffic Management Studies
Based on requirement of Traffic Management Act for Authorities to reduce traffic congestion on Primary Transport Corridor (PTC). Investigations have been carried which considered a package of measures to improve movement along the Lindsay Road to Station Road corridor, thereby assisting movement along the nearby A35 route. These investigations will form the basis of the 2006/ 07 Capital Programme.
A1.3 / Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP)
The development of a Transport Asset Management Plan (TAMP) will be an important element of highway maintenance strategy. This is not only highly desirable as a highway asset management tool but also an essential requirement for “Whole Government Accounting” (WGA). WGA is expected to be introduced during 2006/ 07 and will require highway authorities to value their highway assets. This will require the holding of comprehensive data on the highway asset, together with a knowledge of its condition and depreciation characteristics.
Initial assessments are likely to indicate upgrading of current management systems, both in the amount of information collected and the way it is assessed. We are working jointly with Bournemouth, and utilising Opus as consultants to advise.
A2.1 / South West Passenger Transport Information (SWTI) Travel Line
Ongoing funding towards regional ‘Traveline’ public transport information system, specifically identified within the Government LTP allocation.
A2.2 / Real Time Information - RTI
All the remaining on street RTI signs have been commissioned. Currently working with AIM Ltd, the Contractor, to correct some outstanding faults which prevent consistent display of bus information. This is expected to be resolved shortly.
A2.3 / Bus shelters/ Passenger Transport Facilities
Ongoing support for public transport within the Quality Partnership arrangement in the form of new bus shelters, raised kerbs for low floor buses and bus stop clearways. During the year 10 No. new/ improved bus shelters have been provided, 15 No. kerbs have been raised to assist wheelchair access to buses, pedestrian access has been improved at 3 No. locations and 6 No. shelters now have improved lighting.
A2.4 / SMS Mobile Phone link to RTI
This represents development of the next stage of RTI technology, which will enable Real Time Information to be sent to mobile phones.
A3.1 / School Schemes
Continuation of programme of improvements outside schools, particularly where part of a School Travel Plan. Efforts have been made to tie these works into the programme of 20mph zone creation outside schools (further detail below).
A3.2 / Gravel Hill Cycleway
This scheme, involving construction of 950m of surfaced unsegregated cycleway, has been completed.
A3.3 / Improved Lighting of Pedestrian and Cycle Routes
This budget has been used to enable the lighting of paths where either no lighting exists or the current provision is inadequate. Primarily based on requests, public safety issues of incidents. The following improvements have been made,
(a)  Two columns on the footpath between Galloway Road and the subway to Turlin Moor.
(b)  A column on the footpath between Talbot Meadows and Wallisdown Road.
(c)  Five columns on the footpath linking the Dolphin Centre to serpentine Road.
(d)  Two columns on the footpath in Seldown Lane, adjacent to “The Lighthouse”.
A3.4 / Pinecliff Road/ Branksome Chine
Works are programmed to start in the last week of March to install a signal controlled pedestrian crossing in Pinecliff Road, at Branksome Chine. This scheme is the highest ranking scheme on the prioritised pedestrian crossing list. A crossing here should also support use of Beach Road Car Park, which is to undergo refurbishment.
A3.5 / Town Centre Pedestrian Signing
A comprehensive review of out of date, and incorrect, pedestrian signing around the Town Centre has been carried out. Following consultation with various stakeholders the preferred location of new signs, and their destinations, has been determined. Following a tender process, Aquila have been appointed to undertake the work. It is planned to erect the new posts in early March, with completion by the end of the financial year.
A3.6 / School 20mph Zones
Implementation of 20mph zones outside of schools based on a priority list approved at April 2005 TAG. A scheme has been completed for a 20mph zone, and associated traffic calming, in the vicinity of Ashdown Secondary and Haymoor Middle schools. The scheme, which includes 190 metres of segregated cycleway and 90 metres of shared use cycleway providing safer facilities for pupils, is shown below,

A further 20mph zone, at Turlin Moor school, is due to be installed before the end of March.
A3.7 / Lower High Street Paving
This scheme, which is designed to improve the environment for pedestrians, was commenced in January. The existing carriageway is being raised to kerb level, thereby providing a continuous level surface between shop frontages. Gateway features, intermediate street furniture, a 20mph limit, and the appearance of a “shared” surface are designed to slow traffic. The Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ), currently on the Quay, will extend to this section of the High Street. Works are expected to be substantially complete by the end of March.
A3.8 / Blandford Road/ Ashmore Avenue puffin
This signalised junction currently has ‘pelican’ type facilities which do not currently extend the crossing time for pedestrians. Parents of school children attending the nearby Hamworthy Schools have long protested that given the amount of pedestrians using this junction at peak times there is insufficient time for pupils to cross. It is proposed to refurbish the junction by installing PUFFIN facilities with audible bleepers on all three arms, which will increase safety for pedestrians and encourage more children to walk to school. The scheme is due to start in mid-March 06 with completion expected by the end of the financial year.
A3.9 / Waterloo Road/ Sopers Lane
There has been an outstanding request for a pedestrian facility on Waterloo Road (between Sopers Lane and Darbys Corner) since March 1998. In addition, requests have been received for a crossing point at the traffic signal junction at Waterloo Road/ Sopers Lane from Parkstone Grammar School where there is no pedestrian facility. The work involves the complete refurbishment of the existing signal junction, replacing the controller and installing staggered pedestrian crossing facilities across Waterloo Road. The work will also include altering the phasing of the signals to accommodate this pedestrian phase. This work commenced early February 06 and should be completed within 3 weeks. In addition we are trialling a new form of tactile paving which detects pedestrians as they stand on rubber tactile pressure mats.
A4.1 / This area of work continues a programme of engineering measures aimed at casualty reduction. Schemes prioritised based on injury accidents over 3 year period either at specific locations, corridor, or area based.