Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Principal Mrs.C. Herauf 1342 Edenrose Street, Mississauga, ON. L5V 1K9

Vice Principals Ms T. McNeely/Mrs. K. McTavish Phone 905 – 567 – 4296

Superintendent Ms. J. Uniac 905 - 569 - 9946 Fax 905 – 567 – 9846

Trustee Mr. J. White 905 – 267 - 0764 SAFE ARRIVAL – 905 - 567– 4296 Ext. 700


Welcome and Bienvenue!

On behalf of the staff, we would like to welcome all new and returning families to Edenrose Public School. We hope that everyone had an inspiring and relaxing summer and took full advantage of the exceptional weather we had all summer long.

Our summer custodial staff, Ms Biskupski, Mr. Bicca and Mr. Andradehave worked incredibly hard to help our school sparkle and shine for our return. Our office administration staff: Mrs. Karnik,Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Greco have also been an integral part of getting the 2012-2013 school year off to another outstanding start.

We would also like to thank all parents and community members in advance for your patience with respect to Reorganization Day, on Tuesday, September 25. This day will be a Professional Activity day for staff and therefore there will not be any school for students. This day may also mean some class changes for some of our students, and we will do our best to communicate with everyone involved in these changes in a timely manner.

On another note, please remember to send your "Where in the World has OKEE been?" picture to , so that each picture can be posted by our new world map. We would also like to thank our amazing School Council for their support in providing a new Trophy Case in the front office. The students will be very excited to see their trophies and awards on display.

As you know, our entire staff is very dedicated to

ensuring that your child is successful and reaches his/her full potential. We are strong believers that communication between home and school is the

key to student success, thus our role as partners in your child's educational journey is essential.

At Edenrose, we are committed to communicating with parents and the community by:

  • Posting a monthly newsletter on our school website: schools.peelschools.org/1568
  • Communicating important events via our school website and our “Thursday Envelopes”(these are the brown envelopes given to each child on the first day, and they are sent home weekly on Thursdays with important notices)
  • conducting meetings and Open Houses to familiarize parents with the school and our programs
  • communicating with parents regarding the progress of their child/children by means of telephone calls, agenda notes, letters, personal interviews and report cards
  • continuing to support and encourage our School Council

If you would like to volunteer or become more involved with the school, please feel free to contact Mrs. C. Herauf at (ex: 401), or our Vice Principals Ms T. McNeely (ex. 402) or Mrs. K. McTavish (ex. 403), and let us know that you would be interested in either assisting the school or being part of our School Council. We truly welcome your ideas, talents and support.

Once again, we wish you much success and a wonderful 2012 – 2013 School Year!

Mrs. C. Herauf Ms T. McNeely Mrs. K. McTavish

Principal Vice Principal Vice Principal

School Day/hours

Our daily schedule for the 2012-2013 School Year will be as follows:

Entry Bell8:50 a.m.

Classes Begin8:55 a.m.

(students are expected to be in their classrooms ready for learning at this time or they will be marked late)

Morning Recess10:35 a.m. – 10:50 a.m.

Lunch12:10 p.m. – 1:10 p.m.

Afternoon Recess2:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

Dismissal3:25 p.m.

It is very important that students be at school and picked up on time, so please make note of these school hours.

Our Kindergarten classes follow a different schedule, as they are half days only. Please note the time differences from our regular school day.

Morning 8:55 a.m. – 11:25 a.m.

Afternoon12:55 p.m. – 3:25 p.m.

Karate Kids

We are excited to announce that the Karate Kids program will be coming to Edenrose P.S. this year! This 40 minute class will run during lunch hour recess in the school gymnasium. It combines fun fitness activity, character education lessons and non-contact basic martial arts movements. The class is designed to build self confidence, self discipline and fitness levels in a non competitive environment.

For a fee, this program will be offered to grades 3 & 4 during the first term, and grade 2’s during the winter term, the program will run once a week for 18 classes every Tuesday. Enrolment flyers containing full details will be distributed to the grade 3’s and 4’s on September 5th, 2012 and to the grade 2’s in January. This is a popular program that is currently running in over 95 schools across Ontario. You are invited to visittheir website for more detailed information at or call Shannon Smith (President – Karate Kids) at 416-482-8198.

2012 - 2013 staff List

Principal:Mrs. C. Herauf

Vice Principal:Ms T. McNeely

Vice Principal: Ms K. McTavish

Kindergarten:Mrs. Samarita, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Angra & Mrs. Chan-Toki

Grade 1: Mrs. Price, Mrs. A. Sykes

Grade 1 French Immersion: Mme. Sikka, Mme. Van Dongen, Mme. Fidler, Mlle Young, Mme. Karrys, and Mlle Lesperance

Grade 2 French Immersion/English: Mlle Asselin & Mrs. Reid (2/3 FI)

Grade 2: Ms Abols, Mrs. Marcantonio

Grade 2/3: Mrs. Redman

Grade 3 French Immersion/English: Mr. Gagliardi, Mrs. McKay, Mme. St. Onge, Mlle Geier

Grade 3: Mrs. Kan, Mrs. Diamonon & Mrs. K. Sykes

Edenrose ErinoakKids: Primary - Mrs. O'Neil,Junior - Ms McGuire

Grade 4: Ms Parker, Mr. Scott and Ms Suleman

Grade 5: Ms Barron, Mr. Zelinka & Mr. Pietrantonio

ISSP: Mrs. Mackenzie, Mr. Menezes & Mrs. Pellerin

ELL: Mrs. St. Hill-Taylor (LTO) & Ms Bhogal

Physical Education: Mr. Goode, Mrs. PellerinMs Solomon, Ms Bhogal

French: Mlle Da Silva

Library: Mrs. Allore

Music, Drama, Dance & Art: Mrs. Barratt & Mrs. Ventura-Quintos, Mrs. Lynch-Pappas, Ms Bhogal

Office Manager and Office Assistants: Mrs. Karnik, Mrs. Smith & Mrs. Greco

Custodians: Mr. Walt, Mr. Bicca, Mr. Andrade & Ms Biskupski

Teaching Assistants: Ms Barbosa, Mrs. Szczygiel, Mrs. Perveen, Ms Johnston & Ms Kennedy (LTO)

Behavioural Teaching Assistant Ms Jimenez

Getting in touch with your child's teacher

We know that it is vital for parents to feel they are able to contact their child(ren)'s teacher. If you feel you need to touch base with a teacher, please call the main office 905-567-4296 and our secretaries, Mrs. Karnik, Mrs. Smith or Mrs. Greco will put you through to your child's teacher's voicemail. Teachers' voicemail extensions are the same as their classroom numbers; However, these will not be set up for the first week.

Voicemail will be activated on Monday, September 10, 2012. Until then, please feel free to contact the office and leave a message for your child’s teacher. The teacher extensions are listed in this newsletter.

A Message from our new vice principal

I am pleased and honoured to be joining the Edenrose Public School team. As a teacher with over twenty years of experience in the Toronto District School Board, I have had the privilege of teaching students in Kindergarten, Grades One through Five and self-contained classes. In my capacity as Chairperson, I provided leadership in curriculum, school improvement, student support and school-wide operations. At the board level, I have been involved in Safe and Caring Schools, Mentoring Beginning Teachers and Equity initiatives.

My background is in the field of Special Education. In the role of Methods and Resource Teacher, my responsibilities included identifying student strengths and needs, exploring a range of support strategies, consulting with stakeholders, developing and implementing intervention plans, providing direct student support and coordinating the regulated requirements of Special Education. The focus is placed on student success with respect, accountability and partnerships as my core values.

On a personal note, my husband and I are the parents of three children. We live in Mississauga and are involved in a variety of local recreational and social activities. As a family, we enjoy travelling, camping and canoeing together. We have recently returned from a week long canoe adventure in northern Ontario.

Edenrose Public School is truly a special place. I look forward to being a part of this wonderful community!


Mrs. McTavish

Agendas, Optional activities and materials

As a school, we provide a number of optional materials and activities for students. One of these materials is our “Agenda”. The agenda supports students in developing their organizational skills and it is also an effective communication tool between parents and teachers.

We will have agenda that can be purchased for $5.10, and we ask for exact change or a cheque made out to Edenrose Public School. Should you not wish to purchase an agenda, your child will be provided with a notebook which he/she will be able to use as his/her agenda. All agendas which have been purchased will be given to students on Monday, September 10, 2012. Your child will be bringing an Agenda Form home on Tuesday, September 4, 2012.

In the past we have also brought various Performing Arts and Visual Arts groups to the school. These are also considered optionalactivities. We will be forwarding you more information about these various activities in the very near future.

Should you have further questions, please feel free to contact the school at 905-567-4296.

Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting

The Ministry of Education’s assessment document (Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools) will continue to be implemented in the 2012-2013 school year.You may access this document on-line by visiting :


Once again, for this school year there will be two reporting periods, and one progress report. The Progress Report will be sent home prior to the Reporting to Parents Day (November 16, 2012). Parent teacher interviews during this time will focus on learning skills, work habits and student progress.

The two remaining Report Cards will provide updated information on learning skills, work habits as well as grades. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions regarding the reporting process for this school year.

Kiss and Ride

One of the benefits of walking to school is the reduction in traffic into and out of our school during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up times. At Edenrose our staff are committed to ensuring the safety of our students, and therefore we will continue to follow the Kiss and Ride procedures next year. Please continue to be sure to only use the Kiss and Ride (middle lane in driveway) for the drop-off and pick-up of your children. Children should only exit via the passenger side of the car, and only when signaled to do so by an Edenrose staff member.

Please Note: There are no left hand turns permitted both entering and exiting our parking lot during the Kiss and Ride times before and after school. Please see the posted signs at the entry and exit of our driveway.

It is also important to note that signs are posted along both side of Edenrose Street across from the school. These are“No Stopping” signs and it is important that our school community understands that if they are waiting to enter the Kiss and Ride zone in one of these areas, they may be ticketed, as “No Stopping” means no stopping at all, even if you cannot move forward. Traffic safety officers have been coming by the school at random intervals.

BUssing at Edenrose

Bussing is provided for students who live more than the following distances by road, path or walkway from the school.

Kindergarten1.0 km

Grades 1-4 1.6 km

Grade 52.0 km

(Please note that there is a difference of 0.6 km as students transition to Grade 1 and a 0.4 km difference as they transition to Grade 5)

If Courtesy Bus seats become available, application forms will be made available in the main office in October. Information regarding applications (and the deadlines) will be sent home with students in a Thursday envelope, posted on our Edenrose Public School website: (schools.peelschools.org/1568) and announcements will be made at the school.

Below are two ways that parents can directly access bus information throughout the year:

Geoquery Website -

This website allows parents to login and find their child’s transportation information by following these instructions:

  • type in the website address: businfo.stopr.ca
  • click “student login”
  • enter your child’s OEN number (at the top of your Ontario Report Card), street/house number, school and grade
  • click “login”

This will automatically display the child’s transportation information, if they are eligible.

This capability for “student login” will be available for parents starting the second last week of August until the end of June each year. This feature will be locked down during the summer for route planning purposes.

STOPR Website

A STOPR website is - The items available in this website, include the following:

  • “About Us” – background information on Student Transportation of Peel Region
  • “Policies and Procedures” – STOPR procedures and Peel and Dufferin-Peel Transportation Policies
  • “FAQ” – frequently asked questions in regards to student transportation
  • “School Forms” – the forms that go with the STOPR procedures
  • “Inclement Weather” – updates on a daily basis for inclement weather cancellations

Dufferin-Peel CDSB and Peel DSB logos – click one of these logos and it takes you directly to the school board home page. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Please contact Ms. McNeely, the Vice Principal, if you have any specific questions at 905-567-4296, ext. 402.

on-line newsletters

In keeping with our school initiative for a Healthier, Cleaner, Greener school, we will continue to make our Newsletter electronic for the upcoming school year. Therefore, you are able to access our monthly Edenrose Editor on our school website: schools.peelschools.org/1568 .

This not only helps us to reduce the amount of paper we use, but ensures that the information contained within the newsletter is always accessible and more convenient for our community (It is also much easier to read online and all of the photos and clip arts will be in full colour). Our school newsletter will be posted on the first day of every month. Paper calendars will continue to go home with oldest and only in each class.

If you would still like to receive a "hard" copy of the school newsletter for the 2012/2013school year, a form will go home early in September with this option. At the bottom of this form there will also be a section for you to indicate whether or not you wish your child's travelling OKEE pictures and any other photographs taken here at the school (sporting events, french projects, ambassadors news, etc.) to be displayed in the newsletter (both hard copy and on-line). We encourage you to take and submit your OKEE pictures, but will only display them in the newsletter with your permission (otherwise they will be displayed on our OKEE bulletin board only).

You can also subscribe to receive Peel Board news releases, board agendas & highlights, and job postings for non-teaching staff. Subscribing is easy  just visit our website at and click on the subscription link under "Quick Links."

Assemblies for 2012/13

Edenrose is a growing school! As we continue to add to our student population, we have decided to revise the format of our monthly assemblies for the 2012-2013 school year.

Our first Awards and Sharing Assembly will be held on Friday, September 28th. Grade 1 (English and FI), Grade 2 (English and FI), AM Kindergarten and Section 23 will have their assembly at 9:30 a.m. and Grade 3 (English and FI, 2/3, Grade 4, Grade 5 and PM Kindergarten will have their assembly at 1:30 p.m. Our plan is to have these two groups alternate between AM and PM assemblies for the rest of the year. Hopefully, this will allow more parents the opportunity to attend our assemblies, and share in their children’s accomplishments!

Terry Fox

Terry Fox National School Day Run

Thursday September 27th, 2012

Edenrose P. S.

10:30 a.m. -12:00 p.m.

Volunteers Needed!!! If interested please contact Mrs. McTavish at

905-567-4296 (ext. 403).

We hope you can come and help us keep Terry’s Dream Alive!!!

Homework Policy

At Edenrose, we believe that responsibility for a child's learning should be shared by the home and the school. The involvement of children in a variety of non-school activities adds to the development of the 'whole child'. As we try to guide this learning, it is important that we build a supportive relationship between home and school.

School related activities which are done at home (homework) play a role in enhancing this relationship by providing a channel through which parents can be informed of the skills and learning that takes place in their child's programme.

Here at Edenrose our students will be given homework assignments based closely on 10 minutes per grade, per day. The school policy reflects the board policy in that homework:

  • offers our students a variety of age appropriate activities that align with learning style, maturity and individual skill level.
  • Encourages and supports the participation in broader learning experiences
  • Ensures a balance among the three types of homework: practice, preparation, and extension
  • Prepares students in class for the homework assignment
  • Provides consistent, timely follow up by teachers to the homework assigned.

When school related activities are done at home in a positive, non-stressful manner, they can be effective in reinforcing basic skills. Real-life experiences such as going to the store, making change, travelling, cooking, recreational reading, and communicating ideas reinforce these basic skills in a positive, non-threatening way. These are aspects of life which enrich and bring added meaning to everyday classroom experiences. Establishing specific times for 'homework' helps children learn responsibility and some time management skills. We encourage all families to use the agenda as a helpful tool to communicate between home and school!