Teacher Education: Texas Southern University

BS in Biomedical Engineering Technology

LeTourneau University

Teacher Certification

Conference Period1st Period: 7:25am-8:15am(M-T)

7:25am-8:10am (F)

Tutoring scheduleMonday afternoons 2:55 pm to 3:35 pm or by appointment

Supply List:3 Ringed Binder


Classroom Goals

MMA: The ultimate goal of this course is to prepare students for Algebra II and the STAAR EOC exam. This class will review essential concepts in Algebra 1 that will be essential in passing the math STAAR EOC exam.

Guidelines for Success

For most people reading this syllabus, this will be your final algebra class before college. If you have had troubles with math in the past….DON’T SWEAT IT!!!! We will get through this together. As a teacher, I am here to ensure that you are successful. If you stick to these guidelines, no matter what your skill level, you will be successful in my class.

  1. Turn in all assignments. Math is like a muscle, you have to continue to work it out if you want the muscle to get strong. Good things happen to those who turn in all assignments.
  2. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. There is no such thing as a “stupid” question. In my classroom, I aim to create an environment free of antagonization and will not tolerate anyone who undermines or degrades a person that is actively trying to learn.
  3. Own your education. My job isn’t to enhance my own education but to help provide you with one. Take charge of it. If you need extra help, step up and get that help. As your teacher, I will do everything that I can to see that you are give you the help that you need and deserve. This includes being available for extra tutoring sessions and through lesson modifications.

Communication Procedures:

The saying “it takes a village to raise a child” has never been more true in today’s society. With that said, I encourage all parents and guardians to reach out to me with any questions or concerns they may have in regards to your student performance and/or behavior in my class. However, there are times that I will reach out to the parent. Things that are not time sensitive such as general information, shout-outs and kudos will be done by email. When there are behavioral or grade issues I will contact the parent by phone and/or email. My job is to ensure the success of every child that walks into my class and I believe that parent involvement is key in making that happen.

Classroom Rules/Expectations

  2. It is important that you are in class ready to work when the tardy bell rings. We only have a limited amount of time in each class and we must use our time wisely. Anyone that is not on the inside of the door jamb with the bell rings must report to the Silver II OSOT station to receive a pass to be admitted to class.
  4. Every day it is expected that you will come to class with the needed supplies ready to work. Being prepared also means finishing up select assignments and being ready for discussions.
  6. Treat everyone in the class with respect. No bullying or antagonizing will be tolerated.
  8. Make use of all allotted time. When directed to work on an assignment or task, make sure you are doing just that.
  10. Learning happens when you actively participate in the activities. It is expected that you will fully participate in all activities that take place in class. There is NO OPTING OUT!!!! Students who chose not to participate will get an IMMEDIATE parent phone call.


a. Phones and headphones cannot be visible in the classroom. They cannot use them under any circumstances unless I authorize the use. This includes taking out the phone to see the time. If the student knows they are going to want to use it during class, I will kindly hold it until the end of class for them. They should not be checking to see if parents or family members called. Please call the school if anyone wants to get in touch with the student. If I see the phone for any reason, that will be an automatic 40 pts off the assignment we are currently doing. If it is doing a test, the test will be voided and they will receive a “0”.

Consequences for Violating Expectations

1st offense: Verbal reminder

2nd offense: Teacher/Student conference

3rd offense: Phone call to parent/guardian

4th offense: Discipline referral

Content Grading

Grading scale will be standard for the district –

A: 100-90; B: 89-80; C: 79-75; D: 74-70; F: 69-0 – and will be separated in two categories.

Formative Assessments (Homework, Class Assignments)40%

Summative Assessments(Quizzes, Exams) 60%

Conduct Grades: Conduct grades are separate from content grades meaning that one does not affect the other. Students who have bad conduct will not have their grade lowered because of misbehavior and vise-versa. Any parent of a student receiving a grade lower than a “S” will be notified by phone prior to the report card.

Assessment Retakes: Students have the opportunity to retake a test if they are dissatisfied with their initial grade. Retakes must take place within one week of the original assessment or the end of the grading period (whichever comes first). A retake can have a maximum score of 85. However, anyone that scores an 85% or higher on the exam is NOT eligible for a retest.

Academic Dishonesty: On homework, select class assignments, and projects, student collaboration is encouraged and in some cases mandatory for success. However, there are times where I as the teacher need to assess the class on an individual basis (i.e. test, quizzes, and exams). Any student caught cheating on an exam will be given a grade of 0 and of which the parent will be notified if such a situation should occur.

Classroom Procedures

Attendance: Math is a subject that is fluid meaning that we do something different every day. It is also a subject that builds upon previously learned topics. Students who are frequently absent and tardy are doing themselves a disservice by setting themselves up for failure. Every student’s goal should be to be present in school 95% of the time. Furthermore, students with unexpected absences should see me immediatelyon their return for any make-up work. Students will have as many days as they were absent to turn in any make-up work without consequence – up to five. Missed tests or quizzes must be made up after or before school within a week. Work or tests not made-up within that time will receive a failing grade.

Starting the Period: Enter the class quietly and be seated immediately. Get your materials out and begin the Introductory Activity, sometimes referred to as the warm-up or daily dose. After the bell rings you will only get 5 minutes to get the assignment done therefore if you get to class earlier you will allot yourself more time to do the warm-up problem.

Supplies: All students are expected to come to class with three things: A pencil, paper, and a 3 ring binder. Every student will have paper and pencil out and available for use during the entire class period. This should be done before the tardy bell rings.

Calculators/Technology: Calculators use will be directed by the instructor. Only those who have a filed technology contract will be allowed to use a calculator. Students are responsible for any damage or the loss of their calculator or any other issued technology. Using technology is a privilege and anyone who demonstrates a blatant disregard for proper care will lose that privilege.

Homework: Homework is checked at the beginning of class at the same time as attendance/warm-up exercises. Homework that is due should be placed visibly on your desk, and I will check it as I walk the aisles during attendance. Any work that receives a stamp is considered turned in on-time and will receive full credit. Students will keep their homework until a designated pick-up day is assigned. Only on those days will students submit their homework to the assignment box.

Late work: Work due during an excused absence will be due the next day the student returns to class for no penalty. All other worked turned in past the due date will follow SCHS policy. Late work will have 20 points deducted from the overall score, every class period it is not turned in up to 3 days.

At the teacher’s discretion, when some assignments are worked out in class they will not be accepted due to the unfair advantage it gives to the late student. Howeverthe student may request a substitute assignment to take the place of the one worked out in class. It is the student’s responsibility to ASK and REQUEST the substitute assignment.

Past Due Assignments: One week’s worth of pass due assignments will be located in the pull out boxes on the table at the back of the class. Any student absent is encouraged to look there to find the work they are missing. I will not remind them to get there missing assignments or notes. It is there responsibility.

Returning Assignments: Assignemtns will be turned in 1 – 3 days after assignment. Students will pick them up off the table in the back of the room. Any assignments left on the table will suggest that they do not want it and will be thrown in the trash. Students must know the procedures. Exams are not returned to the students. We will however allot time to review and reteach exam concepts if necessary.

Grade Status: All grades will be posted to eSchool within 1 week of submitting it to me. Anyone that is having trouble checking eSchool can come see me or have their parent email me regarding their grade.

Passes: You must remain in the room until 10 minutes after the entrance bell and for the 10 minutes before the exit bell. If, outside these times, you need to leave the room for any reason, you must have a pass.

Restroom Policy: All students will be allowed 3 restroom passes per 9 weeks. This will be kept track with a pass sheet which is to remain in the student’s binder. If the student decides that they need to use the restroom, they will fill out the pass and I will void that spot on the paper. These passes are nontransferable and cannot be added on to. If a student is caught letting another student using their passes, both students will lose their restroom privilege for the duration of the semester.

Ending Class: At the end of each lesson there will be an “exit ticket.” This is a short assignment that I use to assess students to make sure that they understand the day’s lesson. So when the rings, students are not dismissed unless I the teacher dismisses the class. In order to leave on-time, students must make sure that the exit ticket is complete, the room is back in order and that all calculators and supplies are properly stowed.


Electronic Devices: Unless instructed by the teacher, NO personal electronic devices are allowed in the classroom at any time. This includes cell phones, cameras, portable gaming, music playback devices, and outside calculators. If I do not see them, they do not exist. If I see them or if they disturb the class (i.e. ring) I will be forced to confiscate them. As per school policy, there is to be no photography done in the class at all. Lastly, as per school policy, there will be absolutely no electronic device charging done in the classroom

Food and Drink: No other food or flavored drink is permitted in class as per school policy.You may bring a closed container of water into class.

Student Code of Conduct: All students are expected to follow the guidelines set forth by the student code of conduct. I will enforce all rules pertaining to but not limited to tardies, ID visibility, electronic devices, dress code, and behavioral issues.

K. Wilson Algebra 3 Parent & Student Syllabus Acknowledgement Form for 2016-2017

By signing this document I understand and agree to abide by the policies and procedures set forth in this document.

This syllabus will also be located on my website parents to see.

StudentName ______

Student Signature ______

Date: ______