Role Profile


Vision: To influence and shape a world where music thrives; where society understands and values what it means to make music, and musicians are able to be the best they can be
Mission: Help Musicians UK provides help, support and opportunities to empower musicians at all stages of their lives
The Team:
  • We’re passionate about music, creativity and the work that we do
  • Our ambition drives us forward to ensure our work is excellent and makes a lasting change
  • We know that our power to help people comes with responsibility, so we always do our best to act with fairness, honesty and compassion
  • We forge connections with others and the world around us so that we can be stronger and more impactful together

  • Making a difference
  • Positivity
  • Passion
  • Trust
  • Collaboration


Job title / Community Assistant
Department / Fundraising Team
Hours / 35
Salary / £20k to £23k (dependent on experience)
Location / 7 – 11 Britannia Street, London, WC1X 9JS
Reports to / Community & Legacy Senior Officer
Responsible for / No direct reports
Role purpose and dimension /
  • Primary responsibility to provide administrative and operational support and assistance on community fundraising and volunteering
  • To manage the day-to-day administration of the volunteering programme

Key external contacts /
  • Community fundraisers and regular givers (‘Friends’)
  • Challenge event participants
  • Third party organisers / venues etc
  • Volunteers

Key internal contacts /
  • Senior Community & Legacy Officer
  • Fundraising Director
  • Fundraising Managers, Officers, Administrators across e.g. events, corporate, trusts and foundations etc
  • Communications Team
  • Creative Programme Team
  • Health & Welfare Team
  • Finance and Resources Team

Key areas for decision making /
  • In most circumstances is responsible for own workload, but will refer more complex matters to senior staff as required

Other considerations /
  • Communication is mainly transactional rather than advising, influencing or negotiating

Key Result Areas / Key Elements
Community fundraising support /
  • Provide administrative and operational support to the Senior Community & Legacy Officer on community fundraising activity and regular giving
  • To include community fundraising activities, challenge events and processing income

Volunteer recruitment /
  • Establish and promote volunteering opportunities
  • Organise activities to attract new volunteers and engage local communities in fundraising opportunities including across regional and national clusters
  • To ensure at all times that compliance with data protection regulations is adhered to and enforced
  • Work with the communications team to plan regular contact with volunteers and to continue to promote recruitment e.g. social media, press, adverts
  • Get out and about, meeting and interviewing prospective volunteers, matching skills and abilities to the charity’s needs, with ongoing monitoring and support

HMUK/MBF Trading (Christmas Cards) /
  • Under the supervision of the Senior Community & Legacy Officer, plan and deliver the annual Christmas card campaign
  • Responsible for fielding enquiries and calls relating to Christmas card sales

Volunteer development /
  • Identify the learning and development needs of volunteers and organise suitable training opportunities, making sure all volunteers are kept up to date with the skills training they need
  • Develop ways to recognise and reward volunteer efforts
  • With the Senior Community & Legacy Officer, monitor and evaluate the success and impact of volunteering, how it involves the ‘buddy’ scheme, people we are supporting, events support, and continue to update and develop new volunteering opportunities in line with the new strategy

Project management /
  • Work closely with the Senior Community & Legacy Officer, Fundraising Events Officer, the Health & Welfare team, Creative Programming teamand regional / national teams to establish a growing range of volunteering opportunities and ensure they are co-ordinated effectively, complementing or enhancing any schemes currently in place

Reporting and evaluation /
  • Keep accurate database records of volunteer details, volunteer activity and monitoring information for regular staff meetings, reporting to the line manager as required
  • Work with the Marketing Database Officer to ensure all information and records are kept up to date to allow for sufficient regular reporting and efficient communication with all volunteers

Effective team work and communication /
  • Supportwiderfundraisingactivitiesby beingan effectivememberofthe team
  • Work co-operativelyandthoughtfully acrosstheorganisation
  • Ensureworkschedulesare planned takingintoaccounttheneeds ofthe team
  • Covercolleagueworkloadsinstaff absences
  • Activelyparticipateinteamand organisationalmeetings

charity’s workandvalues /
  • Professionallyrepresent thecharityat events andpromotekey messages
  • Endeavour toraisetheprofile ofthe charityat everyopportunity
  • Activeinvolvement in fundraising campaigns,whereappropriate
  • Engagementwith thecharity’s activities andensureup-to-dateknowledgeand understandingof itswork
  • Ensure cost-effectiveness in all areas of work

Training, developmentandother support /
  • Undertakeandidentifyrelevant professional developmentactivitiesand trainingasagreedwiththeFundraising Director
  • Undertakeother duties relevanttothe postasagreedwiththeFundraising Director

Person Specification

Essential knowledge /
  • Goodknowledgeofand interest in music
  • Knowledgeoffundraising techniques and principles

Essential skills /
  • Excellent communication skills (interpersonal and relationship building)
  • Excellent written skills and spoken English
  • Basic finance skills
  • Excellent planning and organisational skills
  • Excellentattentiontodetail
  • Teamplayerwith positive, proactiveattitude

Essential abilities /
  • Highlevelofself-motivation, able to use initiative to get desired results
  • High level of professionalism at all times
  • Ability to work with a variety of people from different backgrounds
  • Abilitytoworkunderpressureandprioritise
  • Abilitytothinkcreatively
  • AbilitytouseCRMandITtoan intermediatelevel
  • Commitment tothe strategic objectivesofthe charityand incorporatingtheseintoallareasof influence
  • Abilityandwillingness tolearnnewskills

Essential experience /
  • Experience of managing a varied workload and achieving targets

Special conditions /
  • A willingness to occasionally work outside of office hours and at weekends, sometimes outside of London
  • Bound by Help Musicians UK confidentiality agreement