Name: Date:

Decision 2008: Portfolio Assignment

You are currently living through an indelible time in America’s political history. For the first time since 1929 the presidential seat is wide open. Neither a sitting president nor vice-president is running, creating unlimited opportunity for the candidates of both parties. The issues are hard pressing. The economic state of the U.S., the War in Afghanistan and Iraq, soaring oil prices, and healthcare concerns all require John McCain, the Republican candidate, and Barack Obama, the democratic candidate, to develop new and innovative ways in solving these issues in order to gain America’s support. Race and gender have played a role in this election more than any other in the past. Barack Obama is the first African American to be a major political party’s nominee for the presidential office and John McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin, is the first female Republican vice presidential nominee.

The goal of the Decision 2008 Portfolio is to help you to not only educate yourself on the candidate’s and the issues, but understand the presidential political process. Regardless of whether you will be eligible to vote in the upcoming election, educating yourself on the political process is very important.

After declining for three decades, 18-29-year-old voters increased in the past two major elections. In 2004, 4.3 million more voters under 30 cast ballots than had in 2000. Also in 2004, 18-29 year olds made up a larger share of voters (17%) than voters over the age of 65 (16%) according to CNN exit polling. Youth turnout also increased in 2006, by 1.9 million over 2002 levels. With civic participation on the rise, it is up to our elected leaders to address the issues that are important to young voters. Young voters are paying attention and so should you!

Portfolio Assignments

 / Entry / Topic / Date Due / Score
1: Platform Briefing: McCain, Obama, and You on the Issues / Oct. 10th / ____/20
2: Analyzing a Candidate: Issues and Policies / Oct. 15th / ____/30
3: Presidential Debate Analysis / Oct. 20th / ____/30
4: What’s New?: A Recap of Election Current Events / Oct. 24th / ____/20
  • Assignments will be accepted 1 day late for ½ credit
    *Assignments emailed to me by 4pm on the date due will be considered on-time!
  • For your convenience, an electronic version of this assignment is available on the course wiki!

Entry I: Platform Briefing: McCain, Obama, and You on the Issues

Assignment Overview ▪ On the chart provided, first record your views on the issues. Then go to the Democratic candidates’ website ( and the Republican candidates’ website ( to find out what the candidates’ say about each issue. A third site, will give you a clear and concise version of the platforms of both the democratic candidate (and party) and republican candidate (and party).
Listed on the chart are 6 issues for you to explore.
Youmust choose two [2] more issues to explore. Which issues you choose is up to you!
For this entry, you will be graded based on completeness, and thoughtful and reflective writing.
Assignment Checklist

Completed graphic organizer detailing your views, Democratic views, and Republic views on each of the 6 issues listed and 2 additional issues of your choice.

Two, detailed paragraphs answering follow-up questions [one paragraph/question].

Helpful Resources

  

Your Views on the Issues vs. the 2008 Candidate Platforms

Issue / Your Views / Democratic Platform / Republican Platform
Economy & Jobs
Energy & Oil
Issue 7
[your choice]
Issue 8
[your choice]

Follow-up questions: (*responses should be typed, 1 paragraph (4-6 sentences) response / question)

  1. What observations can you make about the information?
  2. What conclusions can you draw from the information?

Entry II: Analyzing a Candidate – Issues and Policies

People, in an ideal world, should vote based on a candidate’s past performance (retrospective judgment) and future programs (prospective judgment). With no sitting president or vice president running in the 2008 election, voters will have to make judgments based mainly on what the candidates’ are proposing for the future.

Assignment Overview ▪ Now that you have explored each candidates views on major issues, your task is to choose one candidate and explore that candidates platform more closely to determine how he would respond to the following questions if you had the opportunity to interview him.

Choose twoof the four topic sets, and explore how the candidate would respond to the questions outlined below. Go to the candidates’ website ( or to review the candidates’ views to determine how he would respond to the essential questions.

Your responses should be typed, size 12 font. You do not need to re-type the questions, but you should clearly identify which topic sets and questions you are responding to.

Topic Set 1: The Economy and Jobs:

  1. What specific legislative proposal will you support to ensure that jobs that pay a living wage are available domestically for America’s younger generation?
  2. With many young adults believing Social Security will not be available once they retire, what is being done now so that members of the next generation will be able to meet their financial obligations when they retire?
  3. What policies and legislation will you promote to help 18-30 year olds achieve greater financial planning and security, and to help those who are living paycheck to paycheck get out of that cycle?

Topic Set 2: Healthcare

  1. How would you describe the current status of health care in America? How will you tackle the challenge of providing all young adults with access to affordable healthcare?
  2. What responsibility do employers have to assist in addressing the current healthcare dilemma for 18-30 year olds, particularly for young adults who are hired as short or long-term temporary workers as they start their careers?
  3. What should the government do, if anything, to ensure that every American has health coverage?

Topic Set 3: Education (respond to three of the four questions):

  1. What role do you believe the government should play in making higher education more accessible and affordable?
  2. In light of the struggle to pay for college, what will you do to make it easier for young adults to attend college or graduate school without accumulating unmanageable debt?
  3. What skills and training can help U.S. workers stay competitive in a global economy?
  4. What policies will you promote to help better prepare high school students for college or for entering the workforce?

Topic Set 4: The Environment and Energy Policy:

  1. What steps will you take in order to ensure that our environment will be protected for future generations?
  2. What will you do to address factors that are detrimental to the environment, such as pollution and a potential energy crisis?
  3. What measures do you support to address our country’s dependence on foreign oil? What should be done, if anything, by the government to reduce our use of and dependence on fossil fuels?

Assignment Checklist

Completed 2 of the 4 topic sets above (a total of 6 questions answered)

Technical Requirements: 12-point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced

Helpful Resources

Grading: Each question will be worth 5 points for a total of 30 points. Provide accurate and thoughtful responses to each question, and proofread!

Entry III: Presidential Debate AnalysisDebate: October 15th

Assignment Overview ▪ Holding a presidential election today without a television debate would seem almost undemocratic. There are three presidential debates scheduled between Obama and McCain. Since this is an Economics course, the assignment requires you to watch the debate focusing on Domestic Policy, and fill out the two worksheets on the following pages. You then will compose a paragraph explaining who you believe to be the winner of the debate and your rationale as to why.

Assignment Checklist

Watch the Presidential Debate scheduled for October 15, 2008

Complete Presidential Debate Ballot

Complete Question and Rebuttal Handout

Compose a detailed typed paragraph explaining your choice and reasoning for the winner.
[12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced]

Helpful Resources:

October 15, 2008: Presidential debate with domestic policy focus
Location: Hofstra University

Grading: This entry will be worth 30 points; 5 points for completing the ballot, 20 points for thoughtful and accurate responses on the question/rebuttal handout (5 points/question & rebuttal), and 5 points for the paragraph explaining who you believe won. As always, proofread!

Entry IV: What’s New?: A Recap of Election Current Events

Assignment Overview ▪ Find a news article from a reputable source that highlights the election’s current news. Write a one-page, comprehensive summary of the article that includes the five basic questions of journalism (who, what, when, where, why). In your summary, you should exhibit your understanding of the article and also add your own opinions and thoughts.

Assignment Checklist

Length: 1 page summary that includes my own opinions and thoughts

Technical Requirements: 12-point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced

A copy of the article [must be attached to receive maximum credit]

Helpful Resources:

Grading: This entry will be worth 2o points and will be graded based on the PSSA scoring rubric.

Presidential Debate Analysis: Question and Rebuttal
Record any four questions asked throughout the debate, the candidate’s answer
and the opponent’s rebuttal in the space provided.

Question #1:

Candidate: Answer:
Candidate: Answer:

Question #2:

Candidate: Answer:
Candidate: Answer:

Question #3:

Candidate: Answer:
Candidate: Answer:

Question #4:

Candidate: Answer:
Candidate: Answer:

Presidential Debate 2008 Ballot

Superior / Analysis
Within each topic, did the debater deconstruct and show a full understanding of the issue(s) raised in the debate? / Superior
Excellent / Excellent
Good / Good
Deficient / Deficient
Superior / Evidence
Did the debater support arguments with facts and expert opinion? / Superior
Excellent / Excellent
Good / Good
Deficient / Deficient
Superior / Reasoning
Did the conclusions reached by the debater flow from the evidence? / Superior
Excellent / Excellent
Good / Good
Deficient / Deficient
Superior / Cross Fire
Were questions relevant and brief? Were answers on point? Was the crossfire conducted in a civil manner? / Superior
Excellent / Excellent
Good / Good
Deficient / Deficient
Superior / Rebuttal
Did the debater effectively counter the arguments of the opponents? / Superior
Excellent / Excellent
Good / Good
Deficient / Deficient
Superior / Delivery
Did the debater speak in an organized, communicative style that was pleasant and easily understandable? / Superior
Excellent / Excellent
Good / Good
Deficient / Deficient

Who do you believe to be the winner of the debate? Explain your rationale as to why.