( CODE 42141 )





TEL. 46 22681






/ The Republic of Latvia
Ministry of Education and Science
Reg. No. LV 90000011588
Atbrīvošanas aleja 90, Rēzekne, LV-4600
Telephone 4623709; Fax 4625901 e-mail: ,


______No. ______

To ______No. ______

To: Latvia Ministry of Education and Science

Higher Education Programs Accreditation Commission


Regarding accreditation of a study program

We request to review for accreditation the following higher education study program:

Name of higher education institution

Legal address of higher education institution

Telephone number
E-mail address
Registration No.
Name of study program


Duration of studies
Type of studies
Admission requirements
Degree/qualification to be acquired
Place of studies
Programme director
Person responsible for accreditation
Rector of RHEI: /

Rēzekne Higher Education Institution

Atbrīvošanas aleja 90, Rēzekne, LV-4600

46 23709

LV 90000011588

Higher professional education bachelor degree study program “Teacher of geograhpy and social studies”
160 credit point
4 years (8 semesters) and 4,5 years (9 semesters)
Full time and part time studies
General education
Bachelor’s degree in education
Teacher of geography and social studies
Rēzekne Higher Education Institution
Faculty of Humanities and Law
Mg. paed., lect. Vladislavs Malahovskis
Mg. paed., lect.. Vladislavs Malahovskis (; tel. 46 22681
Prof. L. Svarinskis
4. Description of higher professional education bachelor degree study programme of the second level……………………………………………………………………………………...
5. Advertising and informative issues…………………………………………………………...
6. Study programme perspective evaluation form point of view of Latvian government interests………………………………………………………………………………………….
6.1. Corresponding to the second level of higher professional education state standards…………………………………………………………………………………………
6.2. Employers survey results…………………………………………………………….
7. Evaluation of study programme
7.1. Aims and objectives of study programme………………………………………….
7.2. Organization of study programme………………………………………………….
7.3. Practical implementation of study programme……………………………………..
7.4. System of evaluation………………………………………………………………..
7.5. Students……………………………………………………………………………..
7.5.1. Number of students in programme……………………………………………
7.5.2. Number of the first course enrolled…………………………………………..
7.5.3. Number of graduates………………………………………………………...
7.5.4. Surveys of students and their analyses……………………………………….
7.5.5. Surveys of graduates and their analyses…………………………………….
7.5.6. Participation of students in the study programme improvement…………….
7.6. Academic staff involved
7.6.1. Number of academic staff…………………………………………………...
7.6.2. Academic staff qualification corresponding to implementation of aims and objectives of unit structure……………………………………………………………………...
7.6.3. Politics of academic staff selection, renovation, teaching and development.…………………………………………………………………………………….
7.7. Sources of finances infrastructure supplement………………………………………………………………………………………
7.8. Outer links…………………………………………………………………………...
7.8.1. Connection with employers…………………………………………………...
7.8.2. Collaboration with similar study programmes in Latvia and abroad…………
7.8.3. Academic staff worked or carried of scientific search abroad in foreign educational establishments……………………………………………………………………..
8. Plan of study programme development for 2006. – 2011……………………………………
The second level higher professional education bachelor degree study programme “Teacher of geography and social science”………………………………………………………………..
·  Appendix Nr. 1. Programmes of study course
·  Appendix Nr. 2. CV of academic staff / 3

4. Description of the second level higher professional education bachelor degree study programme “Teacher of geography and social science”

The second level higher professional education bachelor degree study progremme “Teacher of geography and social science” (code – 42141) licensed 24 in 24th of march in 2006, number of license – 04048 – 53 (see license in department of philosophy and history) established on the basis of professional study programme “Social science and geography teacher” with following corrections:

·  it was reformed into professional bachelor study programme;

·  its title was changed to “Teacher of geography and social science”.

These changes were due to demands of new tendencies in the system of higher education. Necessity of Latgale region study programme for schools and the content of programme has been agreed with LR Ministry of Education and Science General Education Department and School Board of Rezekne region. There is an agreement between Latvia social science and management Department in terms of provision collaborative study opportunities.

Study programme is established basing on Latvia Education legislation, Higher Educational establishment and Minister Cabinet rule Nr. 347 demands according to requirements to pedagogues of needed education and professional qualification, the second level higher professional education curriculum accepted by government, RA Senate etc. defining documents (see in Department of History and Philosophy)

General education course and Pedagogics, theory of Psychology and Course of Informatics Technologies module establishes the programme obligatory part 94 KP. The most important is Pedagogy, Psychology branch studies, upbringing course, study papers, pedagogical practice 26 KP develop teachers competence, promote scientific activities, develop organizing skills and positive relationship to student personality. Obligatory is to carry out and represent a diploma paper and to pass a state exam. Humanitarian science courses, for example, Philosophy, History of Culture, History of religion, Practical foreign language widens outlook of furthercoming teacher as a cultural personality.

The part of compulsory programme choice forms professional specialization course 60 KP. In this module Geography, Social Science and Environment Science course are included. Ethics, Civil, Economics, Health Education, Geography, Science of Nature branches and teaching methodic courses develop a teacher professional competence, social and communicative skill development.

Free choice courses 6 KP Content of free choice course established to provide students with knowledge and skills of guiding excursions. For example, excursion guiding, methodic, basic and tourism, world meaning tourism objects in Latvia etc. RA offered courses.

Division of study educational course programme in creditpoints

In programme there are included the following branch theoretical and professional specialization course modules and its parts volume:

Course modules




Volume %

General education module / 20 / 13
Theory of Pedagogy, Psychology and Technologies of Informatics / 36 / 22
Pedagogical practice / 26 / 16
Geography and environmental Science Course module / 28 / 17
Social Science Course module / 32 / 20
Free Choice module / 6 / 4
Centralized testing / 12 / 8

Students of the second level professional education bachelor degree study program “Teacher of geography and social science are accepted without enrollment exams on equal competition order, basing on the results of centralized exams.

Full time study programme student has to acquire 160 CP in 8 terms. (20 CP in every term) And part time study programme 160 CP in 9 terms (18 CP in 8 terms and 16 CP during the ninth term)

Qualification is gained if compulsory and free choice study courses are successfully acquired, pedagogical practice carried out (26 CP), exam successfully passed, carried out and represented a diploma paper (12 CP).

5. Commercial and informative issues

To gain information in terms of study programmes “Teacher of geography and social science” offered by Rezekne Higher School possible to gain from the following resources:

-  Resources of the internet - RA home page ( it is possible to gain information about study opportunities in all RA faculties;

-  Annual RA “Information Day” enterprises, where interested are able to get acquainted with work condition of faculty, teaching staff, students and specifics of offered study programme, work market after study graduation programme;

-  RA issued bucklets, offered to regional and town educational establishments;

-  Commercials local radio Ef – Ei, radio SWH, Latgalian radio;

-  For publishing in a local press ( Ex. Advertisement about offered study progarmme in “Rezekne Vestis” 14. 06. 2005 );

-  Annual exhibitions “ school” etc. educational establishments.

6. Perspective assessment of study programme from point of view of interests

Study programme has been established basing on requested search of Rezekne, Jekabpils, gulbene, Madona region qualified teachers of Geography and Social Science teachers.

Necessity of qualified “Teacher of Geography and Social Science” is demanded by decline of the numbers of students in Latvia due to this fact many countryside schools classes have to be united and teachers who teach only one subject, are not able to be fully employed. That is the main reason of lack qualified teachers of geography in regional schools. In Latvia only in DU is realized the programme of teacher of geography, but in LU – bachelor study programme in Geography. Graduates of these programmes have bigger chances to get better – paid jobs in work market and therefore profession of teacher is not chosen by big amount of students, but DU graduates are not able to cover the region demands. This model – Geography and social science is reasonable because environment and Geography cone together with social science courses: Ethics, Civil education and especially economics.

In 2004/2005 it was offered to implement Social science in schools of Latvia as integrated subject for 1 – 9 forms. DU and LPA have already started preparation of this type of studies, offering professional education study programmes in History and Social science. RA and LU offers corresponding qualification diploma for teachers working in sphere of social science branch, implementing licensed second level higher education Social science teacher study programme. Only representatives with higher education and work experience are matriculated in this programme

Considering the fact that in present situation in many schools of region there is no necessary number of not only qualified teachers of Social Science, but also teachers of Geography (e.g. in Rezekne region in 203 only 1/3 of teachers had corresponding qualification). Offered study programme unites two actual and demanded teacher qualifications.

As far as industry of tourism in Latgale has not implemented all opportunities, they are not searched sufficiently, the programme free choice course module has been established to provide students with opportunity to acquire knowledge and excursions to guide excursions in Latgale region and in Latvia as well.

6.1. Corresponding to the second level professional higher education curriculum

Second level professional higher education state curricum demands to the compulsory content of professional bachelor degree / RA professional education bachelor programme “Teacher of Geography and Social Studies”
Volume of study programme at least 160 CP / 160 CP
General education study course at least 20 CP / 20 CP
Bachelor theoretical basic courses and technologies of Informatics courses at least 36 CP / 36 CP
Practice 26 CP / 26 CP
Branch specialization course at least 60 CP / 60 CP
Centralized test, the part of which is a diploma paper at least 12 CP / 12 CP
Free choice courses at least 6 CP / 6 CP
At least three study papers / 3 study papers

Study programme is carried out corresponding to teacher professional standard demands students would be able to implement responding to primary and general education curriculums according to state educational standards to organize and manage teaching and upbringing at school.

The programme structure and content is formed due to graduates are able to realize the aims of the state elementary school standards – to provide the learner with necessary basic knowledge and skills needed for social and personal life, to promote the learner responsible attitude to himself, family, society, surrounding environment and state.

Study programme Social Science course module is carried out to meet Social Science elementary education curriculum requirements and objectives.

The content of geography and Environment Science course module is adjusted to requirements of this curriculum, considering specific knowledge and skills and general education curriculum of Geography.

LR ministry of education and science has approved Social science teacher curriculum (10. 07. 2002. Instruction Nr.405) To carry out curriculum, RA lecturers, who will be involved in implementation of study programme - doc. V. Chaksa and lect. Malahovskis, were involved.

6.2. Results of surveyed employers

Students accepted in 2006/2007-study programme graduated in the first course. Although two part – time students have already been working in educational establishments. Carrying out surveys of employers, it was found out that the most positive admitted moment was gaining qualification. Approving diploma of their employees. Surveys of employers in bigger numbers are foreseen in 2010 when the first full – time study graduates will enter the job market (see surveys in Department of History and Philosophy)

7. Evaluation of Study Programme

7.1. Aim and objectives of study programme


To provide gaining of bachelor degree and qualification “Teacher of Geography and Social Studies” corresponding to state educational curriculum and job market requirements.

Objectives: - to ensure offer of theoretical knowledge in Pedagogy, Psychology, Mathematics, Geography, Environment and Social Studies;

- to form students relationships to promote their abilities to establish safe study environment, students social participation and teaching – learning individualization process;

- to develop teacher practical skills to support pedagogical practice

According to the aim and objectives of programme the result is foreseen: in a job market requested, in science of Pedagogy and two teacher professional specialized spheres competent specialist being able to realize proposed by state Educational Content at school, integrating in it civil, economic, ethic, health, geography and environmental education and to be prepared for life – long education

7.2. Organization of study programme

Establishment of study programme corresponds to strategies of Department of history and Philosophy, Humanitarian and Jurisprudence Science faculties aims of activities and objectives in developing conception of RA. Programme has been established as a result of collaboration among faculties including of Pedagogics, that ensures branch theoretical part teaching course in Pedagogy and Psychology.

This study programme has been formed basing on the previous study programme “Teacher of Social Studies and Geography”. While according to changes and following new twndencies in system of higher education, was changed the kind of programme from the second level professional study programme to the second level professional Bachelor degree study programme and Qualification of “Social Studies and geography teacher” to Professional Bachelor in education, “Teacher of Geography and Social Studies” and the title of programme and code has been changed as well. (see in Department of history and Philosophy)