- An Introduction (Windows XP)

Copying Files

There are times when you need to make a copy of a file. You may want to recall a letter or spreadsheet and update it, but you still would like to keep a copy of the original version. In this case, use the Save As option in the File menu of the program the file was created in.
In the case where you need to keep a back-up copy of a file, you can save a copy in another location by using Windows Explorer.
Open Windows Explorer and access the folder containing the file you wish to copy. Click on the file, then click on Edit and Copy. To copy the file into the same folder, just click on Edit and Paste. To copy the file to another folder, access the folder you want to put the copy into and then click on Edit and Paste. /
Click here to see a video clip of copying a file. Please note, this video clip is best viewed in Full Screen mode.
Otherwise move the file to a different folder as detailed in the Moving Files into Folders section.

Deleting Files or Folders

Open Windows Explorer and find the file or folder to be deleted. Click on the file or folder to highlight it and then click on the File menu and then Delete. A message appears asking if you are sure you want to delete the file or folder. Click on Yes. If the file or folder is on your C drive it will be sent to the Recycle Bin and can be restored later if necessary. If the file or folder is on a floppy disk or removable disk drive it is impossible to retrieve after deleting, so think twice before pressing the delete key! /

Restoring Files from the Recycle Bin

If you change your mind and need a file that was previously deleted from the C drive, you will need to access your Recycle Bin. If you have a Recycle Bin icon on your desktop, double click on that. If not, open Windows Explorer and the Recycle Bin will be displayed in the list in the left-hand pane.
/ Highlight the file you want to take out of the bin and click on Restore This Item. The file will be returned to the location it was in before you first deleted it.
Every now and then it is a good idea to empty the Recycle Bin to free up space on your computer. Open the Recycle Bin as above and click on Empty the Recycle Bin. This will permanently delete these files.

Taking a Screen Print


Sometimes it is useful to be able to take a snapshot of what is on your screen, either to save or to print out. This is a simple process. When the information you wish to record is showing on your screen, click on the Print Screen button at the top of your keyboard. Open a new Word document and either click on the Paste toolbar button, or click on Edit and Paste. The image of your screen will appear.

The image can be reduced or enlarged by clicking on it, pointing at one of the black squares around the outside of the image and then dragging it inwards or outwards.