American History Survey – HST 1

Mt. San Antonio College

Spring 2012

Dr. Leleua Loupe Office Hours: By appointment

11:45 – 12:45 M/W 26B -2481B

** I will only respond to e-mails from the above account. I will not respond to e-mails on the campus e-mail.

United States History 1 Memorial History of America

8:30 – 9:55 M/W Section CRN# 41136 Meets in Room 26A - 1831

United States History 1 Memorial History of America Section

10:15 – 11:40 M/W Section CRN#41144 Meets in Room 26A - 1831

Course Description

This course is an overview of American history beginning with an introduction to the diverse cultures of pre-contact America and ending in the Twenty first century. Social, political, economic developments will be emphasized and students will confront subjects that deal with race, class and gender relations throughout American history. We will also examine the historiography of major historical events and issues, historical accuracy and myth making in American Popular history.

Goals and Objectives

1.  To follow directions, be accountable and responsible for learning the information shared in class including reading assignments, audio and visual resources.

2.  To understand critically the historical development of American institutions and values and their impact on the individual and collective lives of Americans.

3.  To asses critically how the Constitution of the United States and government under the Constitution have shaped American democracy and contemporary American society.

4.  To differentiate among changes in the American constitutional government over time.

5.  To understand critically the political culture of citizen participation, including political parties, pressure groups, public opinion, and the electoral process.

6.  To recognize the significance of important cultural, intellectual, moral, and political struggles that have shaped contemporary American society.

7.  To recognize the significance of the contributions of various ethnic and gender groups to American history, political institutions, and values within contexts of cultural accommodation and resistance.

Required Texts

Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States

Red Eagle, Phillip H. Red Earth: A Vietnam Warrior’s Journey Salt Publishing, 2007

Loewen, James, Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Text Books Got Wrong


The African Presence in Ancient America parts 1 – 5 (available on

We Shall Remain Series available on for free viewing

Course Requirements

Exam 1 25%

Exam 2 25%

Participation 15%

Attendance 10%

Assignments 25%

What to expect in Lecture: A combination of lecture, video and discussion


Quizzes will cover the lecture material for the previous week, and/or reading assignments from the previous or current week.

Reading Assignments:

I expect students to complete readings BEFORE the class for which I list them. You are responsible for summarizing and analyzing the reading each week in preparation for discussion.

Academic Dishonesty: All students are expected to do the work for this course with honesty and integrity. To do otherwise is to break one’s implicit contract with the instructors or with one’s fellow and sister students. Anyone who cheats on an examination in any way, or who submits work that is not wholly his or her own work, will FAIL THIS COURSE in its entirety.

Classroom Management: ELECTRONICS ARE PROHIBITED. If I find a student using any kind of electronic device you will be asked to leave for the day, upon a third classroom removal I will ask the Dean to intervene. Points will be deducted from your participation grade as I decide is appropriate. If you are tardy or late to class I will also deduct participation points at my discretion. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND CLASS and COMPLETE ASSIGNED COURSE WORK, YOU WILL NOT PASS. I will drop students from class for excessive absences.

Common Types of Disruptive Classroom Behavior that you may be penalized for:

• Grandstanding: Use the classroom for themselves by monopolizing class discussion, speaking protractedly and bombastically on favorite subjects with no regard to relevancy to the discussion.

• Sleeping in Class: While passively disruptive, it sends a message to the other students about the quality of the class or teaching. It is disrespectful to the instructor and the other students.

• Prolonged Chattering: Small cliques of 2-3 students who engage in private conversations or pass notes to each other.

• Excessive Lateness: Students who not only come in late, but make an entrance speaking to friends, walking in front of the professor, arranging their belongings.

• Noisy Electric Devices: Beepers and pagers going off in class or students talking on the telephone during the class.

• Disputing the Instructor’s Authority or Expertise: Students may be disappointed or frustrated over a grade and may debunk or devalue the instructor’s judgment, authority, and expertise. This may take the form of comments in the class or memos to department chair or dean.

If you display any of the above behavior I may ask you to leave the class for the day, week, or permanently or deduct points or value from your final grade.

Late Policy: I Will Not Accept Late Work

Reading and Writing Assignments: I expect students to complete readings BEFORE the class for which I list them. For discussion identify the thesis and main points of the chapter.

Grading Papers/Exams: I will respond to e-mails during office hours. I require a 2 week turn-around time to return papers back to you. I may respond more frequently and get your papers back to you sooner but you can expect me to be available and respond to your inquiries as explained above.

Exams: Unless you have pre-arranged an alternative test with me NO MAKE UP EXAMS will be allowed after exams have been taken by the class unless PRE-ARRANGED with me.

What material you can expect to be covered each week:

Week 1 Monday, February 27, 2012 & Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Introduction to Class

Theme: Pre-contact America

Lecture: Peopling of America

Video: More Than Bows and Arrows Worksheet

Discussion: Loewen, “The True Importance of Christopher Columbus”

Study Guide

Week 2 March 5, May 7, 2012

Theme: European Contact

Lecture: “Explorers, Conquistadors and Saviors” part I and Part II

Video: The Canary Effect/We Still Remain Series V. 1 Worksheet

Discussion: Zinn, “Indians, Columbus and Human Progress” Study Guide

Week 3 March 12 & 14, 2012

Theme: Colonial American Expansion

Lecture: Colonial America and Racial Slavery

Video: Terrible Transformation Worksheet

Discussion: Zinn, “Drawing the Color Line” & “People of Mean and Vile

Condition,” Loewen, “The Truth About the First Thanksgiving” Study


Week 4 March 19 & 21, 2012

Theme: Revolutionary America

Lecture: Towards Revolution

Video: Midwives Tale Worksheet

Discussion: Zinn, “Tyranny is Tyranny” and “A Kind of Revolution”

Week 5 March 26 & 28, 2012

Theme: Post Revolution and Expansion

Lecture: The New Republic

Video: PBS Trail of Tears Episode 3 Worksheet

Discussion: Zinn, “The Intimately Oppressed” & “As Long as the Grass

Grows and River Runs,” Loewen, “Red Eyes”

Week 6 April 2 & 4, 2012

Theme: Industrial and Market Revolution

Lecture: The Market Revolution & Revolt and Reform

Video: One woman One Vote Part I/History of Sex/link on blackboard

Discussion: Zinn, “Robber Barons and Rebels,” Loewen, “Gone with the

Wind: The Invisibility of Racism in American History Textbooks”

Week 7 April 9 & 11, 2012

Theme: Antebellum South and Gold Rush California

Lecture: Slavery in the South and California

Discussion: Zinn, “We Take Nothing by Conquest Thank God,” Loewen,

“The Invisibility of Anti-racism in American History Textbooks”

Week 8 April 16 & 18, 2012

Theme: The Abandonment of Reconstruction

Lecture: Road to Secession/Reconstruction

Video: Africans in the Americas v. 4 worksheet

Discussion: Zinn, “Slavery without Submission, Emancipation without

Freedom” & “The Other Civil War”

Week 9 April 23 & 25, 2012

Midterm: In class (Monday)

Bring Scantron 882

Journal Due minimum of 4 worksheets Initial _____

Week 10 April 30 & May 2, 2012

Theme: Post Reconstruction/ American Imperialism abroad

Lecture: Quest For Empire

Video: Savage Acts

Discussion: Zinn, “Empire and the People” & “The Socialist Challenge”

Week 11 May 7 & 9, 2012

Theme: Wilson and the Great War & Great Depression

Lecture: The Great War at Home and Abroad

Video: The Great War Clips, Armenian Genocide

Discussion: Zinn, “Self Help in Hard Times” & “War is the Health of the

State” study guides

Week 12 May 14 & 16, 2012

Theme: World War II at Home and Abroad

Lecture: War at Home & Abroad

Video: Zoot Suit Riots

Discussion: Zinn, “A Peoples War?” Part I Study Guide; Loewen,

“Handicapped by History: The Process of Hero Making” & “Land of


Week 13 May 21& 23, 2012

Lecture: Civil Rights

Theme: Post WWII and the Rise of Civil Rights

Video/CD: Citizen King/ Bobby Seale and the Black Panther Party

Discussion: Zinn, “Or Does it Explode?” & Loewen, “Watching Big


Journal Due minimum of 4 worksheets Initial _____

Week 14 May 28 & 30, 2012

Theme: “Cold War” containment at Home

Lecture: Cold War

Video: Fidel/Crisis in America

Discussion: Zinn, “A Peoples War?” Part II

Have Phillip Red Eagle read by Monday

Week 15 June 4 & 6, 2012

Theme: Vietnam

Lecture: Vietnam

Video: documentary clips/Winter soldier

Discussion: Zinn, “The Impossible Victory, Vietnam” & “Surprises”,

Loewen, “Vietnam.” Red Eagle

Zinn, “Are the 70s Under Control,” “Carter-Reagan-Bush,”

Week 16 June 11 & 13, 2012

8:30 M/W Final Exam Monday, June 11, 2012 7:30 AM -10

10:15 M/W Final Exam Wednesday, June 13 7:30 AM - 10

Video Links:

1. More Than Bows and Arrows

2.Burning Times – Colonization in Europe, pre-contact

3. Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Chumash & Hawaiian trans Oceanic travel


1. Africans in the Americas: Terrible Transformation

2. Colonization of NA – English settlements

3. Colonization of NA – Spanish Settlements

4. Colonization of NA – English Part II

Revolutionary America

1. Midwives Tale

2. 1750-1805 Revolution Africans in America

Market and Industrial revolution

1. One Woman/One Vote

2. History of Sex in the West

Westward Expansion

1.  Chinese in the Frontier West

2. The West

3. Underground Railroad

Post Reconstruction

1.  The Black Press


1.  Savage Acts:

2. Guilded Age

The Progressive Era

1.  Progressive era

The Great War

1.  The Great War Slaughter

2.  The Great War Total War

The Great Depression

1.  The Great Depression

2.  Roaring Twenties

World War II

1.  Navajo Code Talkers

2.  Zoot Suit Riots

Cold War

Fidel: The Untold Story

American Cultural History: Racism
El Che


The Fog of War

Post WWII & Civil Rights

1.  Citizen King

Jocelyn Aragon

------Forwarded message ------From: Jocelyn Aragon <> Date: Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 4:43 PM Subject: leleua_loupe links To: "Abad, Timothy" <> here are your links :



Montoya, John

Professor Loupe, Here are your video presentation links:

Tue 8/16

Regan Administration

1.  Crisis in America Propaganda Film- revival of the cold war

Jocelyn Aragon

------Forwarded message ------From: Jocelyn Aragon <> Date: Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 4:43 PM Subject: leleua_loupe links To: "Abad, Timothy" <> here are your links :


Kevin Lam

Here are your links: Colonization of North America: Spanish Settlements Colonization of North America: English Settlements
