The following information is being provided at the request of Insp. LOXTERKAMP for Amnesty International:

  1. Testing of the TaserCam –

The Edmonton Police Service recently conducted preliminary testing of the TaserCam product. The testing consisted of both research, including nationwide testing and application of the weapon system, and scenario based analysis. Currently the Edmonton Police Service is in the process of deploying several TaserCam units to specific Patrol personnel, including specialized areas where relevant data can be captured. This pilot-project will commence in the fall of 2008. A final decision will then be made as to whether or not the EPS will adopt this weapon system with video capabilities.

  1. Frequency of use regarding the CED between 2006 & 2007–

In 2006 & 2007 the following breakdown of CED usage is as follows:

  • 2006-Probe deployments98 (21%)

Drive-Stun deployments32 (7%)

Laser/Presence only327 (72%)


  • 2007 -Probe deployments76(21%)

Drive-Stun deployments20(6%)

Laser/Presence only256(73%)


  1. Number of EPS officers trained to carry and use the Taser X26 between 2006 & 2007 –

In 2006 & 2007 the following breakdown of CED trained operators vs. CED operators carrying the weapon is as follows:

  • 2006 -Total number of CED trained operators685

Total number of officers carrying a CED195

  • 2007 -Total number of CED trained operators654

Total number of officers carrying a CED228

  1. Reduction trend on the use of the CED between 2006 & 2007-

In 2006 the EPS had a total of 457 deployments of the CED, which ranged from Probe deployments, Drive-Stun deployments and Laser/Presence only. Despite having more CED weapons deployed at the frontline in 2007 vs. 2006, the numbers drastically reduced in 2007 by more than 100 deployments, totaling 352 deployments.

An analysis was completed, confirming that the contributing factors attributed to this decline regarding CED deployments can be related to the following information:

-On-going training for both CED operators and non-operators during mandatory training regarding skills, procedures and tactics.

-All participants of a CED operator course are provided additional information regarding civil and criminal responsibilities when deploying the CED.

-The continual update and progression of the EPS CED policy, training and legal/medical research.

-Higher accountability for both the CED operator and their immediate supervisors during each deployment.

-Educating the public through media venues, including “Taser FAQ’s” available to the public through the EPS internet site.

-Public knowledge that EPS officers are carrying the weapon, with several subjects/criminals exposed to the weapon, having no desire for a 2nd exposure – more compliance from re-offenders.

-The media has portrayed this weapon system as potentially having the capability of causing death in certain circumstances – officers have expressed concernwith public support when utilizing appropriate force in this manner.

Prepared by Cst. Joe Tassone

Officer Safety Unit/CED Instructor

Edmonton Police Service

June 11, 2008