Month / Team Prep / With students
August /
  1. Design the team template
  2. Create a folder in the student X drive and save the portfolio as a template in this folder.
  3. Discuss ideas for conferences for fall, spring and end-of-year celebration. Some can be in person at school and others can be done at home. Will you have and end-of-year celebration of learning?
  1. Have students create a portfolio folder in their H drive, and have students open the template and save the portfolio to their H drive folder, naming it LastName_Portfolio
  2. Have students get a paper pocket folder labeled Portfolio to add any documentation (written reflections, data and work samples) for their portfolio. Students bring this to the computer lab on lab work days to add items from any/all classes.
  3. Language Arts and Math- teach students to pull their full assessment report from Schoolnet and save the .pdf to their H drive, portfolio folder.
  4. In math class, have students identify strengths and learning goals based on their math assessment data. See data reflection questions to help guide this discussion with students.
  5. In Language Arts, have students identify strengths and learning goals based on their reading and writing data. See data reflection questions to help guide this discussion with students.
  6. Teach students to scan artifacts, and identify times when students can scan work and take pictures of products and activities such as science labs and presentations.
  7. Optional: Take photos of students to add to their portfolio cover page.

September /
  1. Plan reflection time in each subject area based on the learning goals, learning scales and learning activities you have planned in your class. Identify reflection questions that students can respond to in each stage of their learning to add to the portfolio later during lab time.
  2. Provide time for students to scan/photograph/type reflections and artifacts so they are ready to be added to the portfolio on lab days. All reflections and artifacts should be saved to the student’s H drive. Do not hand back completed work without allowing students time to digitize files or prompting them to save in their portfolio pocket folder.
  3. Plan class time for students to add content to their portfolio in class using laptops.
  1. Students should be continually reflecting on their learning goals for each subject area and collecting artifacts in their H drive and/or the portfolio pocket folder.
  2. Have students type learning reflections prior to going to the lab.
  3. At least one content area teacher takes students to the lab to add artifacts and reflections written throughout the month in all content areas.
  4. Have students complete the student self-assessment document and identify one or two personal goals for the year that will support their academic and personal development.
  5. Talk with students about how to select items for their portfolios. Use the reflection questions to support the conversation.

October /
  1. Create a checklist for students to help them finalize portfolios prior to fall conferences.
  2. Prepare a letter to parents explaining the process of student-led conferences.
  3. Create a conference guide to assist students to lead their conference.
  4. Plan class time for students to add content to their portfolio in class using laptops.
  1. Students should finalize portfolios, publish them to K12 Share, and test the link on K12 share to confirm that all components work.
  2. Students should complete the conference guide to support the student-led conference.
  3. Students should practice the student-led conference with a partner using the conference guide.

November/ December /
  1. Continue to plan learning reflections, artifact collection, and learning goal reflections.
  2. Plan class time for students to add content to their portfolio in class using laptops.
  1. Students should be continually reflecting on their learning goals for each subject area and collecting artifacts in their H drive and/or the portfolio pocket folder.
  2. Have students type learning reflections prior to going to the lab.
  3. At least one content area teacher takes students to the lab to add artifacts and reflections written throughout the month in all content areas.
  4. Language Arts: Have students analyze their first SIP assessment, record scores in their portfolio and write a reflection. Consider having them reflect about their progress compared to last year.

January /
  1. Continue to plan learning reflections, artifact collection, and learning goal reflections.
  2. Plan class time for students to add content to their portfolio in class using laptops.
  1. Students should be continually reflecting on their learning goals for each subject area and collecting artifacts in their H drive and/or the portfolio pocket folder.
  2. Have students type learning reflections prior to going to the lab.
  3. At least one content area teacher takes students to the lab to add artifacts and reflections written throughout the month in all content areas.

February /
  1. Continue to plan learning reflections, artifact collection, and learning goal reflections.
  2. Create a checklist for students to help them finalize portfolios prior to spring conferences.
  3. Prepare a letter to parents explaining the process of student-led conferences.
  4. Create a conference guide to assist students to lead their conference.
  1. Students should finalize portfolios, publish them to K12 Share, and test the link on K12 share to confirm that all components work.
  2. Students should complete the conference guide to support the student-led conference.
  3. Students should practice the student-led conference with a partner using the conference guide.
  4. Teach students how to share their portfolio using the public key in K12 Share for out-of-town family members.
  5. Language Arts: Have students analyze their second SIP assessment, record scores in their portfolio and write a reflection. Consider having them compare their first SIP to their second and talk about growth or changes between the two.

March /
  1. Continue to plan learning reflections, artifact collection, and learning goal reflections.
  2. Plan class time for students to add content to their portfolio in class using laptops.
  1. Students should be continually reflecting on their learning goals for each subject area and collecting artifacts in their H drive and/or the portfolio pocket folder.
  2. Have students type learning reflections prior to going to the lab.
  3. At least one content area teacher takes students to the lab to add artifacts and reflections written throughout the month in all content areas.

April /
  1. Continue to plan learning reflections, artifact collection, and learning goal reflections.
  2. Plan class time for students to add content to their portfolio in class using laptops.
  3. Plan final celebration of learning.
  1. Students should be continually reflecting on their learning goals for each subject area and collecting artifacts in their H drive and/or the portfolio pocket folder.
  2. Have students type learning reflections prior to going to the lab.
  3. At least one content area teacher takes students to the lab to add artifacts and reflections written throughout the month in all content areas.
  4. Language Arts: Have students analyze their third SIP assessment, record scores in their portfolio and write a reflection. Consider having them reflect on this SIP their progress/growth made over the course of the year.

May /
  1. Final celebration of learning.
  1. Remove any extra portfolio pages not used. Publish final portfolio to K12 Share.

Student Artifact Examples:

  • Audio recordings or SMART recorder recordings of solving math problems.
  • Photos of the steps of a lab with an explanation of the process and what was learned.
  • Assessment artifacts with an error analysis and reflection.
  • Photos of three dimensional works such as cell project, poster, diorama, drawings, etc.
  • Scanned images of hand written work.
  • Electronic files