SALSA Approved Trainer’s Guide for undertaking



It has become apparent that many small and micro food businesses find the application of HACCP difficult. Whilst these businesses frequently have a HACCP Plan in place, they are reliant on external support for developing new HACCP Plans and maintaining existing documentation.

The problems appear to stem from:

  • Lack of food safety knowledge
  • Lack of confidence in the application of their existing knowledge
  • Lack of understanding of HACCP and the associated jargon
  • Lack of availability of effective, affordable training in HACCP

In order to ensure that concerns about conventional HACCP training were addressed in developing HACCP training for micro and small businesses, SALSA sought feedback from SALSA auditors and mentors attending the Continuing Professional Development meetings during 2010 and also the views of personnel from the University of Wales in Cardiff, SEAFISH and the IFST to identify food business needs. Following this work, SALSA, supported by funding and support from the IFST, SEAFISHand FoodEast, has undertaken the development of two HACCP Training Courses. These courses have been designed to address the learning outcomes detailed by OFQUAL for HACCP Training at Levels 1 and 2 of the National Qualifications Framework.

The approach taken in the development of these training courses is to ensure the learning outcomes are achieved through experiential learning i.e. learning through application and supporting feedback during the training activity. Whilst jargon has been avoided wherever possible within the training materials, the training applies HACCP as defined by Codex Alimentarius and in accordance, therefore, with legislation, the SALSA standard and other commonly applied food industry/food safety standards.

In running these HACCP training courses, trainers should use the provided core materials as a framework and will need to tailor the materials to their own style and to ensure the training is fully relevant to those attending through the use of pertinent examples, props, images and supporting materials e.g. SALSA Tools & Tips. Trainers should not, however, deviate from the core materials that are provided in order to ensure all the required learning outcomes are included within the training course.

The personnel permitted to run these training courses using the SALSA materials are required to be approved through practical assessment of their training skills. This is to ensure that training courses are delivered by individuals who are able to work interactively and effectively with those attending to ensure the training is effective and the standards of delivery are maintained.

Objectives and Required Outcomes

To ensure parity with other similar qualifications available nationally, the training content has been designed to meet the Assessment Criteria defined by OFQUAL. The details for each of the qualifications developed for SALSA HACCP training are described below.

Level 1 Training: HACCP Awareness for Production Personnel/Operators/Employees

This training is aimed at food business personnel requiring an overview of HACCP and how HACCP interrelates with other activities undertaken within the business. It also covers the specific role of those involved in the day-to-day application of HACCP in the workplace, particularly those monitoring Critical Control Points, ensuring that there is full understanding of the importance and responsibilities of their role.

This L1 training course (HACCP Awareness) will last approximately 4 hours and delegates (trainees) will be subject to continuous assessment by the Trainer during the course to determine their suitability for receipt of an L1 Certificate of Awareness. There is no test at the end of the Level 1 course.

Learning Outcomes for L1 HACCP Awareness training (from the OFQUAL Register of Qualifications)

Learning Outcomes – The Learner will: / Assessment Criterion – The Learner can:
1. Know the purpose of a HACCP system / 1.1 State the importance of a HACCP system
1.2 Outline the function of a HACCP system and reasons for its use
1.3 State how different roles contribute to HACCP systems within an organisation
2. Know the features of a HACCP system / 2.1 Identify examples of general controls within a HACCP system
2.2 Give examples of Critical Control Points within a HACCP system
3. Know how hazards are controlled / 3.1 List different types of physical, chemical and bacterial contamination
3.2 Identify where different types of hazard may be found in the workplace
3.3 Outline how contamination and cross-contamination can be avoided
3.4 State the consequences of not having an effective HACCP system
4. Know how to manage a Critical Control Point / 4.1 Explain why the Critical Limit for a familiar CCP is important
4.2 Demonstrate how a familiar CCP is monitored
4.3 State what actions would be taken,when in the course of monitoring, it is indicated that the CCP was not under control
4.4 Demonstrate the type of records that should be kept for CCP monitoring

Level 2 Training: HACCP Understanding

This training is aimed at food business personnel who have responsibility for developing and maintaining HACCP Plans and implementing them within a food business. The training provides some background information and covers the application of HACCP Principles supported by practical activities during which delegates (trainees) will have the opportunity to write part of a HACCP Plan for one of their products/processes.

Assessmentof the outcome i.e. delegate knowledge and competence will be achieved by a short multiple choice test at the end of the course, as well as continuous assessment during the course. Delegates who demonstrate a sound understanding of HACCP on completion of the course will receive an L2 Certificate of Understanding.

All delegates who attend the Level 2 training must hold a Level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene certificate or hold equivalent knowledge.

Learning Outcomes – The Learner will: / Assessment Criterion – The Learner can:
1. Know the purpose of a HACCP system / 1.1 State the need for HACCP systems
1.2 Outline the requirements of a HACCP system
2. Know the features and terminology of HACCP / 2.1 Describe the features of a HACCP system
2.2 Outline the meaning of terms used in the HACCP system
3. Know how a HACCP system is applied in the workplace / 3.1 Outline how a HACCP system is developed
3.2 Describe an operative’s responsibility within the HACCP system
3.3 State the importance of documenting, verifying & reviewing the HACCP system

SALSA HACCP Training ̶ L1 and L2 CourseDetails andRequirements

Approach to Training

Both levels of training are intended to be highly interactive to engage delegates (trainees) and encourage a sound understanding and confidence in working with HACCP Principles and/or their application. Training is intended to be bespoke and highly relevant to those attending.

Training courses are intended to be run for a maximum of 6 delegates working with one trainer and for 7-12 delegates, working with two trainers. If there are more than 12 delegates requiring training, a second course should be arranged.(For training courses run on a SALSA member’s site [category 2 training described below], the training may be offered on a one-to one or very small group basis.)

Trainers are free to tailor the ‘script’ on a local (one-to-one) basis and should actively facilitate group-working to assist trainees in gaining knowledge and to enable each trainee to be ‘assessed’ as an individual at the end of the training.

As the HACCP courses are open to both SALSA members and non-members, trainers should encourage and promote the SALSA Scheme to non-member businesses, and highlight the benefits of gaining SALSA approval.

The SALSA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has agreed there is a potential conflict of interest for those trainers who are delivering the Level 2 course. The period of conflict is for one year. Deliverance of the Level 1 course is not deemed to represent a conflict of interest.

Types of Training Courses

It is considered that there are three categories of training courses, determined by the way in which they are to be arranged, administered and run.

Category 1: REGIONAL (Group), L2

These courses will be Level 2: HACCP Understanding:organised centrally by SALSA and offered publicly to SALSA members and non-members. They will be marketed by SALSA for specific dates at pre-determined public venues.

SALSA will undertake all the administration associated with an L2 Regional Course, prepare the training materials and commission the Trainer/s for the work. Trainers will be paid at mentoring rates and will be able to charge expenses for travel to the training venue.

Category 2: LOCAL (one-to-one/very small group), L1 or L2

These courses may be Level 1: HACCP Awareness or Level 2: HACCP Understandingand are run at a SALSA member’s site or a venue provided by the SALSA member. The training may be undertaken on a one-to-one basis where applicable. These courses may be made available to SALSA members and non-members.

These Local Courses are organised, marketed and administered by an approved SALSA HACCP Trainer. In this instance, all course-related tasks, including costs are the responsibility of the approved SALSA HACCP Trainer. Trainers can decide how much they charge (within the guidelines set by SALSA) and retain the profit made from the course. This also allows, where available, for the Trainer to seek and obtain local/regional funding to offset the costs of running the course. The involvement of SALSA inthis type of course is to receive details of course attendees, and the associated Assessment of each trainee from the Trainer,copies of delegates’ feedback (course evaluation forms) and to issue an appropriate certificatefor which a charge will be incurred by the Trainer (see Costs).

Course Preparation

The expectation is that as an approved SALSA HACCP Trainer,courses will be run in a highly professional, highly interactive and effective manner.

Once approved, SALSA HACCP Trainers will be provided with access to a secure part of the SALSA website where they will be able to download all the training materials, including slides, activities and handouts. Training materials are ‘controlled documents’ and should be downloaded for use each time a training course is run as the materials are periodically updated. Operations will notify all registered Trainers via email when any updates to the documentation have been made. All SALSA HACCP Training materials are copyright and for use only for SALSA-organised Regional and Local Courses by approved SALSA HACCP Trainers. As they are copyright, they cannot be used for other training courses nor can they be provided to personnel who are not approved as SALSA HACCP Trainers.

Trainers should familiarise themselves with the course content. The example given for the Process Flow Diagram is the product apple juice. This is provided as it is a process that very few delegates would have thought of previously and is designed to get delegates to think about the process from a structural point of view. If Trainers prefer, they are at liberty to use their own example.

Trainer Responsibilities:

  • Invitation letters for Level 2 LOCAL (one to one)courses must be prepared by the Trainer (see template). Trainers should emphasise the requirement of bringing their own HACCP plan to work on. (SALSA Operations will send out the invitation letter to delegates who book a L2 REGIONAL Course).
  • Where two trainers are delivering a REGIONAL Course the Lead Trainer should undertake the on-site administrationfor the day and decide which part of the presentation/workshops the Second Trainer will deliver. A telephone conversation or email is advisable between both trainers before the course.
  • Delegate packs will be generated by SALSA Operations for REGIONAL Courses and will be sent out to the Lead Trainer in advance of the course.
  • Delegate packs for LOCAL Courses must be prepared by the Trainer and be in a SALSA folders containing:
  • Course handouts in colour
  • A copy of the presentation in colour
  • SALSA corporate leaflet
  • Blank A4 paper
  • Course Evaluation (Delegate Feedback) form
  • Trainers delivering a LOCALL1 or L2 Course can invoice SALSA Operations for related printing costs for the pack at £3/head.
  • At the end of each course, the (Lead) Trainer should complete the ‘Marks, Attendance and Feedback’ sheet for each trainee and send it to SALSA (by post) for the issue of the relevant certificates for LOCALL1 or L2 Courses. The certificates will be emailed by SALSA Operations to the (Lead) Trainer for the trainer to circulate. (For REGIONAL L1 or L2 Courses SALSA Operations will email the certificates to the delegates directly and copy in one or both Trainers).
  • Trainers delivering any REGIONAL Course can charge mileage at the standard rate (please contact SALSA Operations for the current rate).

Costings – L1 and L2 LOCAL (one-to-one) Courses

To assist with costing aLocal Course (Category 2),i.e. a course organised by an approved SALSA trainer, a spreadsheet is available to download from the SALSA website. The calculations are built in to allow those organising courses to change the variables in order to work out what they should charge delegates to ensure costs are covered. This is provided as a tool only; if a course is found to run at a loss, SALSA cannot provide any reimburse-ment/compensation.

Assessment of Trainees

Level 1– HACCP Awareness
At the end of an L1 Local or Regional course, the Trainer must ensure that the Assessment element is completed and that the individual‘Marks, Attendance and Feedback’ forms’are submitted (by post) to SALSA Operations within a week from delivering the course. The Lead Trainer must assess the degree to which each trainee has shown willingness to learn. This is recorded simply on a traffic light basis: green as ‘good’, amber ‘satisfactory’ and red for ‘unsatisfactory’. If a trainee’s performance at either L1 or L2 is deemed unsatisfactory, they are only awarded an Attendance certificate. There is no exam paper for Level 1.

Level 2 – HACCP Understanding

Eachtrainee’s result is a combination of the (lead)Trainer’s Assessment of the trainee’s engagement AND their exam mark. This information is to be entered on the ‘Marks, Attendance and Feedback’ form for each trainee. Trainees are notified of this procedure at the beginning of the training course, and reminded again before the assessment begins

  1. L2 Assessment

The Trainer must assess the degree to which the trainee has shown willingness to learn. This is recorded simply on a traffic light basis; green as ‘good’ amber ‘satisfactory’ and red for ‘unsatisfactory’. The lead trainer must complete the Assessment element on the ‘Marks, Attendance and Feedback’ form and submit this to SALSA Operations (by post). If unsatisfactory please notify SALSA Operations by e mail.

  1. L2 Multiple Choice Test Paper

A short multiple choice test of 12 questions will be given to trainees at the end of the training. Upon completion of the test the Lead Trainermust mark the paper and submit them to SALSA Operations for certification (by post).

As the course is a combination of the above i.e. Assessment and Test, Trainers must use the following criteria to determine if a trainee has passed/failed:

  • Greater or equal to 9 marks on the Test and if Assessment isGood/Satisfactory = Pass
  • 6 – 8 marks on the Test, the Trainer(s) must assess the trainee’s engagement during the day and provide commentary on why the trainee should pass - or not
  • Less than 6 marks = Fail

The Lead Trainer must identify any ‘special circumstances’ in advance/confidentially e.g. dyslexia, English not their first language etc. It is acceptable to give these candidates additional time to complete the test paper. The Trainer must provide supporting commentary to SALSA Operations for their action when submitting the test results.

Trainers must ensure the names of the trainees are spelt correctly on all paperwork, as these will be used to generate the training certificate. Any changes necessary after certificate issue, due to error by the Trainer, will incur a furthercharge.

Delegate Feedback for L2: HACCP Awareness

Trainees must answer the questions on the ‘Course Evaluation’ form provided in the folder.


Certificates are issued as follows:

For both L 1 Awareness and L2 Understanding courses:


For L1: To be issued where the trainee has not, in the Trainer/s’ Assessement, been able to sufficiently demonstrate awareness or understanding.

For L2: Where the trainee has not passed the L2 test.

For L1 Awareness course:

A ‘Certificate of Awareness’ would be issued for Satisfactory course performance. NB. No L1 Attendance certificate is issued if the delegate’s performance is deemed Satisfactory.

For L2 Understanding course:

A ‘Certificate of Understanding’ would be issued for Satisfactory/Good performance, with a pass gained in the test. No L2 Attendance certificate is issued if the delegate gains a Pass.

The charge for thecertificate is £15.00 per Level 1 trainee and £25.00 per Level 2 trainee. As SALSA operates on a ‘not-for-profit’ basis, these charges are to cover the costs of administration to satisfy the accreditation requirements of the Institute of Food Science & Technology.

SALSA Operations will invoice the Trainer for the Delegates’ certificates for Local Courses. NB. The cost for these should be taken into account by the Trainer(s) when budgeting.

Trainer Feedback and Ongoing Updates to Training Materials

Periodically, SALSA will review and update the training materials. Feedback from Trainers on these is welcomed and will be used to direct future changes in the training materials. Feedback, whether positive or negative, from the Trainer/s following each course, is encouraged, including any particular issues with trainees or venues, even if this was outside the control of the Trainer/s. Trainers are asked to include all pertinent feedback on their ‘Marks, Attendance and Feedback’ form.

Assessment of Trainers

Approved SALSA HACCP trainers must deliver a minimum of 2 SALSA HACCP courses within a 2-calendar year period. SALSA Operations will monitor the activity of trainers annually and will notify trainers of their activity periodically.