St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic Church

Life Teen Youth Ministry Registration Form 2017-2018

Student Name: ______D.O.B.______Grade: _____

My student needs to be prepared for: Baptism Y __ N__ 1st CommunionY __ N__ Confirmation Y__ N__

Please indicate information if student has celebrated either of these Sacraments:

How many years has your child attended Religious Education or Youth Ministry Classes? _____ When?______

Does your child have any special needs? ______

Additional children can be added on the back of this page.

Parent/Guardian Information


Address: ______

Phone Numbers: Home ______Work ______Cell ______

Email: ______Are you a registered parishioner here? Y ____ N ____

What is the preferred method of contact? Phone (choose one) – Home/Work/CellTextEmail

Who may we contact in case of emergency?

Name ______Relationship ______Phone: ______

Name ______Relationship ______Phone: ______

We are asking that each family contribute to our program this year in at least 1 of the following ways:

Please check at least 1 (or more) way(s) you would like to help us this year.

Help prepare, serve, and/or clean-up for 2 total meals for various Life Nights, Lock-Ins, or Retreats

Donate food, supplies, or monetarily towards various event meals

Volunteer to chaperone or drive for various events

For Staff Use Only $50 for each student, $30 for each additional student

Amount Paid ____Date Paid ____Circle One: Cash Credit Card Check#______Balance Due ______

Student Name: ______D.O.B.______Grade: _____

My student needs to be prepared for: Baptism? Y __ N__1st Communion? Y __ N__ Confirmation? Y__ N__

Please indicate information if student has celebrated either of these Sacraments:

How many years has your child attended Religious Education or Youth Ministry Classes? _____ When? ______

Does your child have any special needs? ______

Student Name: ______D.O.B.______Grade: _____

My student needs to be prepared for: Baptism? Y __ N__ 1st Communion? Y __ N__ Confirmation? Y__ N__

Please indicate information if student has celebrated either of these Sacraments:

How many years has your child attended Religious Education or Youth Ministry Classes? _____ When? ______

Does your child have any special needs? ______

Student Name: ______D.O.B.______Grade: _____

My student needs to be prepared for: Baptism? Y __ N__1st Communion? Y __ N__ Confirmation? Y__ N__

Please indicate information if student has celebrated either of these Sacraments:

How many years has your child attended Religious Education or Youth Ministry Classes? _____ When? ______

Does your child have any special needs? ______

Updated 5/17