1 Computer Credit / Mrs. Moga
B103 /

If you are interested in pursuing a career in any branch of engineering or computer science in college and you want the advantage of knowing how to program in advance, take this class!


This is a yearlong course that emphasizes object oriented programming methodology with an emphasis on problem solving and algorithm development and is designed to be the equivalent of a first-semester college course in Computer Science.

This classwill follow the approved College Board curriculum for the AP Computer Science A course. We will be using Java (Java 2 Platform Standard Edition Development Kit 7.0 written as J2SE SDK 1.7) to learn the fundamentals of programming and Computer Science. The AP Computer Science A exam which is given on Tuesday, May 2, 2017(morning session) isrequired.

Materials Needed:

  • Optional: a flash drive with a long lanyard attached to the drive itself, not the cap. It should also have your name on the outside of the device.
  • You will need a 3” binder. All materials including labs, handouts, quizzes, tests and assignments will be put in the binder.
  • You will be assigned a text book for the year and a workbook. All files and projects will be saved to your server space and/or flash drive.


  • Treat everyone in our class with kindness and respect
  • Be respectful, responsible and ready to learn
  • Please keep in mind Thomas A. Edison’s words “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”
  • Please no food or drink at the computer work station
  • Do not modify the desk top or save to the hard drive
  • Store only appropriate files on your server space and flash drive and do not abuse the computers, printers or access privileges
  • This is a college level course so independent study and reading is expected!


  • Your grade is determined by the points you accumulate in your assignments including: homework, labs, quizzes, tests and possibly class participation. Summative tests, quizzes and some projects will have a weight of 70%, all other assignments will have a weight of 30%.
  • Late assignments will be penalized accordingly
  • The final exam and midterm exam will each be worth 10%
  • The Hudson High School grading scare will be used.


If you are absent, it is your responsibility to see me the day you return to school to get your handouts and assignments. Excused absences will have the number of days absent to make up the work.

Some Internet Sites to visit: