Transition Team Minutes
December 15, 2010
4:30pm – 6:00pm
900 Grant Street—NW HR Conference Room
Attendees: Margaret Bobb, Rob Gould, Jason Martinez, Bart Muller, Tracy Dorland, David Hart, Greta Martinez, Dori Claunch
Absent: Michael Lund, Don Gilmore, Cal Hosman, Henry Roman,
Scribe: Deb Cunningham
Guests: Brad Grippin, Dennis Wolfard
Review agenda: Margaret Bobb acted as co-chair (with Jason Martinez) in Henry Roman’s absence. Margaret reviewed the agenda. The agenda was approved with no changes.
Action Items
· Approve 11/17 meeting minutes. Margaret read highlights from prior meeting minutes, then moved to approve the minutes. Bart Muller seconded the motion. Minutes approved.
· Establish workgroup to review School-Based Incentive eligibility rules for SSPs. Deb Cunningham gave background that ProComp Operations reviewed the logging policy for H2Serve, Top Performing, High Growth with Itinerant and SSP managers because Cal received eligibility questions. Issue concerned those who work with other teachers. Policy says only those working directly w/ students are eligible. Managers’ point was that others at building (principals, APs, instructional support, coaches), don’t work directly w/ students either, but get paid. Operations committed to reviewing eligibility w/ group of mgrs & TT members. Mgrs participating: Donna Shocks, Gene Bamesberger, Barb Neyrink, Jean Lyons. TT representatives: Cal Hosman, Rob Gould, Dori Claunch, Jason Martinez = alternate. Action: Deb schedule meeting for January.
Information Items
· H2Serve Data. Began discussion and have additional information to gather for January decision.
o Reviewed policies:
§ K-8s use ELEM cut-point. For 6th-12th hybrid MS/HS use the MS and HS cut-points. Get if either qualifies
· There is a desire to look at a hybrid model for 6-12 and K-8. The question is whether these types of schools have different FRL results.
· Action: Deb’s team prepare cut point summary and bring pages showing schools using new 6-12 and K-8 categories.
§ Confirmed that new schools (far Northeast for example) are determined next October using next yr’s FRL
§ 5% on/off smoothing. TT agreed to increase elementary school cut point and agreed smoothing would not drop to 82% FRL (87% 2009-10 cut -5%). Margaret suggested we look at 87% on/off smoothing (92% cut point -5%). Action: Deb’s team prepare data.
§ TT agreed to make H2Serve decisions without looking at individual school names. When presenting data around the cut point to discuss smoothing & new categories, Deb’s team should label schools A, B, etc.
o TT reviewed the number % of staff paid at various cut points
o Rob asked if 56% payout rate will break the Trust. Deb: There are two year cycles of cut points11-12 and 12-13. If Trust financials change, TT will be informed in June when approving expenses.
· H2Staff Data: Dennis Wolfard presented the results of his research into demand and vacancies nationally, regionally, and locally. Rob noted that Disability Access teachers are being phased out in 2011-12. This gives us 25 more people we could potentially pay. Action: present results in Feb w/o Disability Access. We discussed combining this work with the school based incentives above, but they’re two different issues.
· Ed Wiley research updates. 1 of 2 reports delivered. Dr. Wiley has a health condition that delayed one. Jason reiterated that expenditures under the contract are governed by deliverables, so will not pay out until have documents. TT noted that DPS needs to work on scope for next year.
· ProComp Trust funding for Teacher/student data mapping follow-up
o Funding source for remaining $63,750 (50% of student-teacher mapping project). Tracy Dorland relayed that Gates budget funds the project using funding allocated to study of how to implement 50% of student outcomes. That budget included consultant work. Funding can come from this area because the 50% of student outcomes is not part of pilot project. Do need to determine where the funding comes from longer run.
o Use of bond funds. David Hart. More research is needed with District staff. There is an incomplete understanding among the finance department about approach. Capitalization is the issue. Action: Review research at next meeting.
· UCD research update – May delivery date for final report with some interim reporting available in Feb/March and April. Issue is data – discrepancy in DPS provided data + delay in state provided data.
Margaret- next negotiation needs to be informed by this research. Next negation is 2012 and will be informed by LEAP. Will this research be provided in time? TT concluded the delay was unfortunate, but research would arrive in time to inform negotiations.
· May 2010 Payment Matrix – PDU section update. Operations made a mistake reading the MoU, so posted the wrong information online regarding January 2012 payments. Correct interpretation preserves grandfathered PDU payments as salary. Margaret reiterated that there are two issues – delayed payment of PDUs and the fact that some will be paid as bonus instead of salary. Jason suggested we look at a communication in Fall, 2011 when teachers would have expected the payment to be made.
· ExEx lessons learned summary. Deb Cunningham summarized the results of the ExEx project closing work. The mapping of courses and subject + scheduling in IC is tied in with the teacher effectiveness work. ExEx will leverage their work for our calculations. Second finding is that we will complete documentation of the ARE portion of the calculations.
Next meeting of TT 1/19/11, but Trust has a mtg scheduled for that day. Deb check w/ Mandy to determine Trust mtg date.
Adjourned at 5:34pm.