
Bend City Council

February 1, 2017

City Council Chambers/Boardroom, Bend City Hall

710 NW Wall, Bend, Oregon

Light Meal, 4:30 p.m.

City Council Work Session, 5:00 p.m.

1. Convene Work Session

2. Council Schedule (30 minutes)

3 Parking Study (30 minutes)

Carolyn Eagan, Economic Development Director

4. Bend 2030 Presentation on Charter Review (1 hour)

Erin Morgan, Executive Director Bend 2030 and Bend 2030 Board Members


City Council Regular Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

1. Roll Call: Mayor Casey Roats, Mayor Pro Tem Sally Russell, Councilor Bill Moseley, Councilor Bruce Abernethy, Councilor Nathan Boddie, Councilor Justin Livingston, Councilor Barb Campbell

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Good of the Order

A. Bend Joy Campaign Noelle Fredland, Marketing Director Old Mill

4. Visitor’s Section– 3 minutes per person; when invited to the podium, please state your name and whether you live inside the City of Bend.

Louise Palmer provided an update on her work on trees, “green infrastructure” and the reinstating of Tree City USA and establish an urban forestry advisory board. There’s a group of concerned citizen who are interested.

Chris Madison a local consulting arborist expressed his interest in preserving the urban forest.

Rondo supported Charter review. He stated that we need to be a sanctuary city.

Keith Scott said that the election of mayor should be a topic of discussion. He commented on library operating hours.

Justin Gottlieb

Carol Elwood, Safe Passages North East, asking for an accelerated timeline for a roundabout at Wells Acres and Butler Market.

Eric responded that there would be discussion of CIP priorities in March.

Louis Capozzi spoke about why UBER is important for the transportation system in Bend, it introduces technology into the transportation mix, and it’s one of the only proven things to get people out of their cars.

Allegra Briggs attended the January meeting of TSAC where there was discussion about dissolving TSAC and creating a new group of stakeholders. She said that meant special interest which results in a smaller voice for individuals.

Bryce Bennett GM for UBER in Oregon, a technology platform to connect riders and drivers. Safety,

5. Consider a Motion to approve the Consent Agenda

A. Approval of Minutes:

·  November 16, 2016 Work Session

·  November 16, 2016 Regular Meeting

B. OLCC Report

C. Authorize an amendment to the agreement with Olson LLC to perform required backflow testing in the amount of $244,450.00 in substantially the form presented to Council

End of Consent Agenda

Councilor Russell moved to approve the consent agenda. Councilor Abernethy seconded the motion.

Voice Vote – All those in favor: Yes 7 No 0

6. First reading of an ordinance repealing Bend Code 7.35, Taxicabs, and replacing it with new Bend Code 7.35, Vehicles for Hire

Recommended motion: I move for the first reading of an ordinance repealing Bend Code 7.35, Taxicabs, and replacing it with new Bend Code 7.35, Vehicles for Hire.

Staff report by Jon Skidmore Assistant City Manager and Ian Leitheiser, Associate City Attorney.

Keith Witcosky responded to Councilor Livingston that Redmond is considering a separate operating and access agreement at the Redmond Airport. There will be a designated spot for TNCs separate from taxis.

School busses providing transport to students (not just school district).

Need to work on discretionary language regarding crimes. City to maintain discretion, companies should not.

Councilor Moseley favored less involvement from the City. He had concerns with including technology standards in an ordinance. He asked about other forms such as pedal cabs, horse drawn carriages or cycle pubs.

Councilor Campbell asked about what type of offenses would prohibit approval to drive.

Councilor Russell asked for some type of identification on cars.

Issues to address for first reading at the next meeting:

TNCs in Bend

Councilor Boddie raised public safety, equity, transportation planning implication.

Main motion Councilor Moseley moved for the first reading of an ordinance repealing Bend Code 7.35, Taxicabs, and replacing it with new Bend Code 7.35, Vehicles for Hire. Councilor

Main motion - Voice Vote – All those in favor: Yes No

Amendment 1 Councilor Mosely moved to amend the motion 7.35.101 removing animal drawn vehicles and vehicles powered by humans. Councilor Abernethy seconded the motion.

Point of information, non-motorized vehicles that serve alcohol. Abernethy 2nd.

Amendment 1 - Voice Vote – All those in favor: Yes No

Amendment 2 Councilor Livingston moved to amend the ordinance to include all school busses for student transport. Councilor Russell seconded the motion.

Amendment 2 - Voice Vote – All those in favor: Yes 7 No 0

Councilor Russell moved to table this ordinance to the next meeting (2/15). Councilor Boddie seconded the motion.

Voice Vote – All those in favor: Yes 7 No 0

Councilor Abernethy summarized to work with TNCs on background review

Add school busses and private transport

Effort to treat some uses differently (pedi cab, horse drawn, etc.)

Reduce data requirement

Councilor Boddie asked for labeling requirement, require fire extinguishers, - not support from 4.

Councilor Campbell asked for insurance costs for pedi cabs vs a new car.

7. Resolution in support of a Transportation Funding Package in the 2017 Legislative Session

Recommended motion: I move for a roll call vote to approve a Resolution supporting the development of a Transportation Funding Package in the 2017 Legislative Session to invest in the maintenance, operation, capital construction, and safety of our transportation systems, and to encourage our legislative delegation to support such a package.

Councilor Campbell moved for a roll call vote to approve a Resolution supporting the development of a Transportation Funding Package in the 2017 Legislative Session to invest in the maintenance, operation, capital construction, and safety of our transportation systems, and to encourage our legislative delegation to support such a package. Councilor Russell seconded the motion.

Roll call vote by Robyn: Councilors Russell, Moseley, Abernethy, Boddie, Livingston, Campbell, Mayor Roats, 7-0

8. Second reading of an Ordinance adopting Planning Commission Code Amendments

Recommended motion: I move for the second reading and adoption by roll call vote of the Ordinance amending Bend Code Section 1.20.030 to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the Planning Commission.

Councilor Campbell moved for the second reading and adoption by roll call vote of the Ordinance amending Bend Code Section 1.20.030 to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the Planning Commission. Councilor Moseley seconded the motion.

Roll call vote by Robyn: Councilors Russell, Moseley, Abernethy, Boddie, Livingston, Campbell, Mayor Roats, 7-0

9. Second reading of an Ordinance establishing Interest and Penalties for Untimely or Non-Payment of Voter-Approved Recreational Marijuana Sales Tax, and declaring an emergency

Recommended motion: I move for the second reading and adoption by roll call vote of the Ordinance amending Bend Code to establish interest and penalties for untimely or non-payment of the City’s Recreational Marijuana Sales Tax.

Councilor Campbell moved for the second reading and adoption by roll call vote of the Ordinance amending Bend Code to establish interest and penalties for untimely or non-payment of the City’s Recreational Marijuana Sales Tax. Councilor Boddie seconded the motion.

Roll call vote by Robyn: Councilors Russell, Moseley, Abernethy, Boddie, Livingston, Campbell, Mayor Roats, 7-0

10. Council Action and Reports

A. Committee Reports

Councilor Campbell asked to invite the group interested in tree protection to the meeting on 2/17.

Councilor Livingston attended the Larkspur general membership meeting. He thanked Mayor Endicott to appointing him to the Redmond Airport Commission.

Councilor Boddie stated that we are a tolerant town. Oregon is a sanctuary state. He is pleased with recent ideas developed by the Affordable Housing Committee.

Councilor Abernethy attended the Orchard District neighborhood meeting. On Monday sat in on the committee looking at mid-market housing with Bend 2030.

Councilor Moseley commented on two recent articles. He asked to start in our community in a position of trust.

Appointments to the Planning Commission.

Civil Service Commission – When committees were discussed on 1/11 Barb volunteered to review applications. We need one other Councilor to join her.

The Civil Service Commission adopts and implements rules for Fire Department recruitment, selection, promotions, retention, discipline and discharge. This a three person commission with members appointed for six year terms. Councilor Boddie will assist.

Re-appointment of James Lewis to the Budget Committee.

Councilor Russell moved to support the re-appointment of James Lewis to the Budget Committee. Councilor Abernethy seconded the motion.

Voice Vote – All those in favor: Yes 7 No 0

Councilor Campbell moved to support the appointment of Lindsey Hopper to the Planning Commission. Councilor Russell seconded the motion.

Voice Vote – All those in favor: Yes 7 No 0

Councilor Russell moved to support the appointment of Jeff Payne to the Planning Commission. Councilor Moseley seconded the motion.

Voice Vote – All those in favor: Yes 5 No 2 Campbell, Boddie

11. Receive City Manager's Report

Due to the extremely unusual weather, we exceeded the contract amounts and the $100,000 threshold for bringing a contract to Council for 2 contracts; the Airport snow removal and the city facilities and downtown parking lots snow removal contracts.

The Code requires that we bring the approval for these emergency procurements to the next Council meeting after the emergency but we were still determining final amounts up until Monday so these have been scheduled for 2/15.”

12. Adjourn



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