WORLD Literature And AP Language and Composition

Summer Research and Reading Assignment

Animal Farm by George Orwell

Your Assignment includes the following parts:

1.  Complete the 100-pt. pre-reading research project to be handed in on the first class day;

2.  Read the novel and takes notes to be ready for the 100-pt. quiz on the first class day over the entirety of the novel and the literary terms listed at the bottom;

3.  Be prepared for class discussions, worksheets, other quizzes and a concluding writing assignment with this novel.

Pre-Reading Research Project

Complete ONE of the following and hand it in on the first class day. All projects must use a minimum of TWO sources (internet sources must be from reliable sites — for example, NO Wikipedia!). You must also Create a Works Cited page where you correctly cite your sources using the MLA-style you learned in Bridges (for a refresher, see “Library Resources” or PLAGIARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!

1.  Research the Russian Revolution. Create a poster that shows the major players and their positions in the revolution. Your poster must contain both words and pictures.

2.  Research the Russian Revolution and IN YOUR OWN WORDS write a one-page essay (typed, double-spaced) discussing ONE of the major causes of the revolution.

3.  Research the concept of fairy tales and beast fables. Create a chart that shows at least 5 points of comparison and/or contrast between the two. The chart must be typed or presented as a poster.

4.  Research George Orwell and IN YOUR OWN WORDS write a one-page essay (typed and double-spaced) discussing his political and social views.

Projects are worth 50 points and will be evaluated using the following Rubric:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Overall
Words / 3 / 1 pg, typed, DS / 3 / Fairy Tale Info / 7 / 1 pg, typed, DS / 3 / Works Cited / 10
Pictures / 7 / 1 Cause Discussed / 3 / Beast Fable Info / 7 / Addressed Pol/Soc / 3 / Grammar/Spelling / 10
Accurate Facts / 10 / Essay / 14 / Chart / 6 / Essay / 14 / Neatness/Effort / 10

Reading and Taking Notes

Read the novel and take notes. You will be taking a quiz over the entire novel on the first day of class. You will also be expected to know the literary terms listed below.

Literary Terms

Review the following literary terms, if you need to, as they are relevant to this novel: setting, character, protagonist, antagonist, conflict, foreshadowing, symbolism, and theme. All of these terms will be addressed in the quiz given the first day.