Under the supervision of the Steering Committee, the Secretary-General is responsible for leading a team of 6 at the continental secretariat and providing support to affiliates to the Network and to ensure that Arterial Network realizes its mission.


The Secretary General shall maintain an overview of all areas and shall work with the Chair:

1 Governance and Organsational Development

1.1 to ensure that the vision, mission and policies of the Arterial Network are clear, and that all stakeholders, particularly the Steering Committee, Regional Secretariats, staff, project managers, partners, are fully briefed about these and any amendments made

1.2 to regularly interrogate the Arterial Network’s vision, mission and policies in the light of changing conditions, and to make recommendations for amendments where necessary

1.3 to prepare documents for and manage Steering Committee meetings, Annual General Meetings, Elective Assemblies and integrated annual reports

1.4 to keep the Steering Committee informed on a monthly basis of developments and activities within the organization

1.5 to implement decisions of the Steering Committee and seek the Steering Committee’s advice and guidance on matters to do with strategic direction and vision

1.6 to act as the company secretary and work with the Chair of the Steering Committee to ensure organizational leadership and governance including compliance with the laws, policies and the organization’sconstitution.

1.7 to ensure that the Steering Committee and other officials receive appropriate training on organizational governance

1.8 to ensure the sound governance and development of the structure of Arterial Network and its affiliates in accordance to the constitution

1.9 Liaise with governing structures of affiliates in order to facilitate, support and strengthen structural growth and efficacy in the countries and ensure that affiliates are grounded in and contributing to Arterial Network’s Strategic Plan.


The Secretary General is responsible for managing the day to day business of the secretariat in accordance with organizational policy and decisions of the Steering Committee.

2. Projects

2.1 to research, develop and propose projects to give content and programmatic meaning to the Arterial Network’s vision, mission and strategic objectives

2.2 to recruit suitable staff to develop, implement and manage these projects to best practice standards

2.3 to oversee the evaluation of projects against the quantitative and qualitative criteria set at the beginning and to ensure that future versions of these projects take account of the learnings

3. Partnerships

3.1 to research, establish and maintain strategic partnerships with local, national and international service providers, donors, African institutions, national organizations, festivals, and key individuals as part of pursuing and realising the Arterial Network’s strategic aims and projects

3.2 to build and maintain sound relations with the media in order to develop and sustain positive associations with the Arterial Network brand

3.3 to build and sustain constructive and mutually beneficial relationships particularly with the Arterial Network’s key funders and patrons

4. Staff

4.1 to recruit staff of the highest calibre to work at and on behalf of the Arterial Network

4.2 to establish incentives to maintain the best staff for extended periods of time

4.3 to facilitate opportunities for staff to grow and be challenged

4.4 to manage the staff team with transparency, respect and fairness

4.5 to host regular staff meetings

4.6 to provide support and guidance to staff as necessary

5. Fundraising

5.1 to devise 1-3 year budgets for the Arterial Network and its projects

5.2 to ensure that sufficient funding is secured for the running of the organization and its projects

5.3 to devise and implement fundraising strategies and activities to secure independent funds to extend and/or support the work of the Arterial Network, striving towards increasing sustainability and the spreading of risk

5.4 to establish relationships with key sponsors, donors and patrons and to maintain and build on these relationships

5.5 to devise and implement sustainability strategies to ensure the longevity of Arterial Network and its National Affiliates, including, but not limited to mentoring leadership and encouraging entrepreneurship.

6. Physical infrastructure

6.1 to ensure that the Arterial Network is located in adequate physical infrastructure from where to manage its work and projects

6.2 to ensure that the projects and activities of the Arterial Network are run in safe suitable infrastructure

7. Finance

7.1 to ensure financial control and management systems are in place

7.2 to ensure that staff, project managers and service providers are familiar with, and conform to these financial systems

7.3 to monitor and approve expenditure within agreed budgets

8. Communication and representation

8.1 to oversee communications with Arterial Network affiliates, members and associates in order to communicate Arterial Network information, develop understanding of country needs and contexts, and to build effective cooperation with and within countries and regions

8.2 to represent the Arterial Network in the media, in public forums and at relevant national and international conferences/forums/seminars/events

8.3 to sign off on public documents, media releases and other forms of media representing the Arterial Network in the public domain

8.4 to monitor and respond as necessary to negative public perceptions of the Arterial Network

9. General

9.1 to participate in team-building exercises and to attend staff meetings

9.2 to constantly look to improve the image, activities and impact of the Arterial Network

Arterial Network Steering Committee: Mamou Daffe (Mali) – Chairperson; George Camille (Seychelles) – Deputy Chairperson; Jahman Anikulapo (Nigeria); Ma GloireBolunda (DRC); DavesGuzha (Zimbabwe); Limam Kane (Mauritania); Nathan Kiwere (Uganda); Pierre ClaverMabiala (Congo); MuziNtshangase (Swaziland); GhitaKhaldi (Maroc)