Employee Service Centre Process for
Reporting a Work Injury to WCB
Employee (Worker) Responsibilities
If you are injured at work, you must:
·  Tell your employer/supervisor/manager.
·  Complete and submit to the Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB), the Worker’s Initial Report of Injury (W1) as soon as possible. Go to www.wcbsask.com; click File an Injury Incident form (W1), complete the W1 form and submit it to WCB either online or Fax at 306-787-4311 or 1-888-844-7773 and forward a copy to your supervisor or manager. Paper forms can be obtained from your supervisor/manager, the WCB website or a WCB office. Note: Online submission is preferred by WCB.
·  Stay in touch with your employer/supervisor/manager and your WCB representative.
·  Follow the treatment program set out for you.
·  Get involved in your return-to-work plans.
á  It is your responsibility to report to your employer any injuries that occur at work as well as
advising your employer and WCB of any updates or changes to your status.
Employer (Supervisor/Manager) Responsibilities

Once you are aware of a work-related injury, as an employer, you must report the injury to WCB within fivedays of being notified of the injury by submitting the Employer’s Initial Report of Injury (E1) form. Ifyou do not provide an employer’s report within five days, you may be subject to a fine. You should also ensure the injured employee/worker submits a Worker’s Initial Report of Injury (W1) form to WCB andprovides you with a copy. You are required to provide the W1 form to any worker who is injured or who asks for a copy of the form. You may obtain the forms online through the WCB website, the ESC Knowledge Centre or from a WCB office. See the Contact information below for links to these websites.
How to Report an Injury:
No Time Loss Injury When an employee/worker does not miss any time away from work as a result of the injury orisonly absent for the remaining portion of his/her shift on the date of the injury.
·  Go to : www.wcbsask.com; click File an Injury Incident form (E1); complete the E1 form sections A, B, C and E and submit form to WCB either online, Mail or Fax. Keepa copyforyourrecords.
·  Do not send a copy to the Employee Service Centre (ESC) for NoTimeLossInjuryclaims.
Time Loss Injury When an employee/worker is absent from work beyond the date of injury.
·  Go to www.wcbsask.com; click File an Injury Incident form (E1); complete all sections except Section D:: #11, #12, #16 and submit the form to WCB either online, Mail or Fax and keep a copy for your records.
·  Forward the completed E1 Form to the ESC by email or fax. The subject line of the email should read MIN(WCB) – Employee’s Name – E1 Form. The ESC will complete Section D: #11,#12, #16 and will fax this information to WCB. WCBwill match this information together with the E1and W1 forms previously submitted.
For more information on ESC WCB processes, see the ESC Knowledge Centre > Managers WCB
Timecard Information
·  Day of injury – record time as RT (regular time worked).
·  Day(s) following injury – record time missed due to the WCB injury with one of the following time codes:
·  Employees with Sick Leave entitlements ~ WS – WCB Sick Leave Pending
·  Employees with NO available Sick Leave entitlements ~ LS – Sick Leave Without Pay
Once the WCB claim has been approved or denied, the ESC will contact the supervisor/manager with the updated time code information for recording WCB absences on the employee’s timecard.
Employee Service Centre (ESC) / Saskatchewan Workers’
Compensation Board (WCB)
2100 Broad Street
Regina, SK S4P 1Y5
Phone: (306) 798-0000 or 1-877-852-5808
Fax: (306) 798-9966 or 1-877-852-9219
Email: / Claimant Inquiries, Information & Forms
Website: www.wcbsask.com
Phone: (306) 787-4370 or 1-800-667-7590
Fax: (306) 787-4311 or 1-888-844-7773
Worker’s Initial Report of Injury (W1 form)
WCB: http://www.wcbsask.com/workers/file-a-workers-initial-report-of-injury-w1/
ESC Knowledge Centre: : Worker's Initial Report of Injury (W1).aspx
Employer’s Initial Report of Injury (E1 Form):
WCB: http://www.wcbsask.com/employers/file-an-employers-initial-report-of-injury-e1/
ESC Knowledge Centre: : Employer Initial Report of Injury (E1).aspx
