Practice Math Facts Using Your Learning Style!

Kids and Parents: Try lots of these ideas to see which works best for you. You may be surprised by what you discover. Keep in mind that some methods may take more time than others to practice, but they may be very effective!

For tactile/kinesthetic learners and creative types:

-Use finger paint to paint math facts

-Draw your math facts in a sand box

-Use magnetic numbers on the fridge; rearrange them into math facts

-Play a video game that practices math facts (

-Make flash cards and use them while walking around, sitting in the car, hopping up and down

-Skip count while doing jumping jacks (ie: 7, 14, 21, 28…)

-Play “Math Facts War” with a friend or family member (playing cards)

-Invent a game that requires using math facts and teach it to a friend or family member

-Use finger patterns to help you remember when you are having trouble

-Use Math Shark or a similar video game if you have it

For auditory learners:

-Say math facts out loud to yourself while practicing with cue cards or timed mad minute tests

-Choose your favorite melody and sing the math facts back to yourself over the melody

-Use rhymes to remember facts- ie: 8x8=64 could be “skate times skate equals sticky floor”

-Use a math facts CD with songs and activities (available at book stores and teacher’s stores)

-Have a parent ask you your math facts in the car or while cooking supper

-Play “license plate math” in the car- multiplying the numbers you see in licence plates.

For Visual Learners:

-Make sticky notes with math facts on them and post them all over your house. If a sticky note is posted on a door, you must answer the question before you can open the door

-Give yourself timed Mad Minute paper tests (or have someone else time you_

- You can print these off at or

-Use wipe-off math practice mats

-Find the particular facts that are giving you trouble and write them out 10x each day.