Element Riddles

Riddle / Answer / Choices
1. What you should do when a lush visits. / Ag
2. What president Coolidge did when he looked at the 7th fleet. / B
3. Cokium and Pepsium. / Ba
4. Someone whose job it is to uphold the law. / Bi
5. What the answer to #4 is when they get their man. / C
6. The country where Parisium is located. / Ca
7. A person who does good deediums. / Cf
8. The continent where element #32 is located. / Cm
9. What Mr. Brubaker used to drive. / Cs
10. Its capitol is Sacramentium. / Cu
11. A person without a stomach. / Eu
12. ______of Arabium. / Fe
13. For storing automobiles. / Fr
14. Warriors who attacked Greece in the evening. / Ga
15. What doctors do. / H
16. Another word for what doctors do. / He
17. Where Kal-El is from. / Hg
18. The big ship at the bottom of the AtlantiumOcean. / I
19. What housewives hate to do. / In
20. Clayton Moore’s horse. / Ir
21. Why women wear perfume. / Kr
22. The only decent thing to do with a dead skunk. / Lr
23. Where you cook on a shipium. / N
24. What Christopher Columbium thought he discovered. / Na
25. What George Bush’s speeches do. / No
26. What I do at a fancy restaurant. / Np
27. A goofy inmate. / Pb
28. God of Thunderium. / Pu
29. What I do with unwanted guests. / Rh
30. What the leader did. / Si
31. God of the seven sea-ums. / Sm
32. What the cowboy did on his horse. / Ti
33. Don’t interefere! It’s none of your ______. / Te
34. One of the outer planets. / Th
35. Another outer planet. / U
36. What the answer #18 did. / Zn