Who: What:

Where: When:

Why: How:

Campbell Connection:

Elements of a Story

Summary Lead (one long sentence that answer many of the above questions in the most basic way)

Lead Quote:

Impact to Campbell Students:





First Paragraph - summary lead

Second Paragraph – Backup or lead quote.

Third Paragraph – Answer any of the 5W and H not answered in the summary lead or the next most important question for the reader (motivation for attack, safety of the school, how it was resolved)

Get a direct reaction (not summary) quote in your story before the third paragraph!

Use attribution for all your information even if it is not a direct quote (according to police, according to school officials, Principal Rivera said.).

In Inverted Pyramid style you want to answer the most important questions first. Be sure to do this before you describe things like how the incident was discovered and responded to. Do not organize your story chronologically! Do not include your interview process as part of the story. You are invisible.

Be sure to include good full direct quotes (at least two) and introduce each new speaker before the quote.

(Organizer adapted from

Spartan ChroniclesReporting Plan
(for all stories, blogs, slideshows, and videos)
Byline / Ms. Aughey
Who / Campbell junior Jacobi Green, a popular and charismatic student
What / Is looking for a job
Where / Locally in Smyrna
When / Right now
Why / He needs the money.
(I picked this story because I taught Jacobi last year. He is funny and interesting. I think people would want to read his story and relate to it. Many students are looking for work.Many parents are out of work and depend on their kids to contribute to the family or they can’t give teens money because they just don’t have it. It is a timely story because of the holidays. Some jobs might be available.)
Campbell Connection / Jacobi is a Campbell student and many students are looking for jobs. His story might help others look for and find jobs in this tough economy. I am hoping to find some create ways to job hunt or some ideas for teens to start their own businesses.
Summary Lead
Alternative Lead / (quote, triplet, question… Justify why you would use an alternative lead.)
Lead Quote
Impact to Campbell
Hyperlinks or online resources
Interview questions (at least 5 and list who you will interview) / JacobiCave
  1. What kind of job are you looking for?
  2. What skills do you have?
  3. Personalization- Why did you change your Facebook name to Jacobi “IneedAjobCave?
  4. Has this helped you in any way?
  5. Take me through your job hunt process so far. Do you have a quote for our readers about job hunting?

Image, graphic, or picture / A picture of Jacobi – not sure what he should be doing or where I should stage the picture. Maybe filling out an application? By hand or on computer?
Sources / Jacobi- Interview and 2 other students who are looking for jobs, too.
Sources / Monster.com- job hunting resource
Sources / Local places that hire teens. What do they look for in a teenage employee?
Sources / Counselor- sources from the school
Sources / US Census bulletin- job stats (Maybe the AJC, too).

Comments or notes: