/ Stow-on-the-Wold Town Council
Stow Youth Centre, Fosseway, Stow-on-the-Wold,
Gloucestershire GL54 1DW
Caroline Doran - Town Clerk

t. 01451 832 585

MinutesParks & Square Committee Meeting

held on Thursday 4 June at 7:00pm


Cllr. Simon Clarke
Cllr. Mike Curtis
Cllr. Tom Edwards
Cllr. Sue Green
Cllr Jenny Scarsbrook
Cllr. Alun White / (SC)
(AW) / John Perkins
Nigel Surman
Sue Curtis
Caroline Doran / (JP) Allotments
(NS) Civic Society

ApologiesReceived and accepted fromJack Baggott,

Cllr. Ben Eddolls sent apologies and would arrive late.

Election of Chair and Deputy Chair

Resolved: Sue Green was elected as Chair. Proposed SC, Seconded MC, all in favour

Resolved: Simon Clarke was elected as Deputy Chair Proposed MC, Seconded TE, all in favour

Declaration of interest None

Minutes of Last Meeting

The minutes of the Parks and Square Committee Meeting held on 24 March 2015were approved as a correct recordsigned by the Chairman.
Proposed – MC, Seconded – SC, All present agreed

Matters Arising

a)Chaplin Circus - w/c 22 June. Clerk to confirm if they are coming and which field they wish to use.
b)Stocks: Application to delist the stocks – ongoing. SC reported that John Hamilton remembered that the stocks were replaced during the war with old gate posts after a US army jeep ran over them.
c)£40 received from a resident of KGF for the removal of tree cuttings left on the field.
d)CGS have been asked to plant ground cover plants in the bank on Wraggs Row and the planter on the green.
e)Stow Festival - details of the arrangements were circulated. Clerk to ask G. Parkes if the Unicorn and Stow Lodge could provide parking.
f)Wells, Clerk to check that the cuttings have been removed
g)Grass cutting. Members to consider on their walk about whether grass improvement measures are needed in addition to the regular cuts.
h)CGS are in the process of cleaning the benches on the green. / Clerk


  1. 1. Committee Terms of Reference
Resolved to accept the new terms of reference. Committee to meet 7.15pm approx. every 6 weeks. Proposed SG, Seconded MC 4 in favour
Suggestions for Co- option to be proposed at the next meeting: Jack Baggott, John Perkins
Priorities: To be thought about before the next meeting
Walk about date: Tuesday 23 June at 7pm meet at the Youth Club
  1. Bell Inn
Clerk to ask the owners for information on how they propose to use the grass area. / Clerk
  1. Green Spaces
CDC requires detailed forms to be submitted before 30 June. Councillors to help.
Clerk to find out if we need to register common land as green space. / Clerk
  1. Well Lane
Clerk to find out if GCC will pay for the clearance of the ditches. If not clerk to get quotes,
Clerk to ask GCC if they will pay for mowing of the verges.
The boundaries along Well Lane are ill defined. MC and Jack Baggott to undertake the task of registering the towns interest in the land.
BE entered the meeting. / Clerk
  1. Cricket Club Lease
Resolved. The lease will be presented to Council for signing.
Proposed SG Seconded BE All in favour
  1. Conservation Issues.
SC, AW & clerk met Iain Smith, CDC conservation officer.
The Wells. IS agreed to a French Drain with stone slabs above adjacent to the RHS of the upper well. He suggested that the concrete copings could be replaced with stone and that grants might be available from the Landfill Tax. Clerk to investigate, He thought a French drain above the lower well would not work and suggested drilling holes. Replacement of the concrete apron was thought to be acceptable.
VIC. IS would like the VIC and the library information merged into one notice board.
Clerk to liaise with library. He would also like the map relocated. / Clerk
  1. Farmer Market.
Resolved. To permit an additional market during the summer months.
Proposed SG, Seconded JS All in favour
Clerk to ask if it would be possible to have a community table and to find out how much other towns charge per table / Clerk
  1. Allotments
TE, MC, BE declared an interest
JP to provide council with an upto date map of the allotments / JP
  1. New Gates to QE2 Field
The existing gate will be examined on the walk-about

Any Other Business

VIC – It needs to be decided which committee has responsibility for the VIC.
Clerk to arrange a review meeting with the library and CDC
Working Party – to be held on Wed. 1st July from 5pm on the QE2 Field. Notices to be put up in the field
A Small Gardens Open Day was suggested by SC
Letter re beech trees on QE2 Field. Clerk to write back saying that they are in good order and are being monitored,
Letter re KGF proposals. Clerk to write explaining that at this stage the council have only agreed to a feasibility study
Invoice for Chirstmas Lights from 2009. Clerk to find out more details.
Playing Field Assessment by Playing Fields Association. It was agreed to apply for a free assessment.
Civic Society – Town Pride letter. NS to join the walk about to help to identify issues. / Clerk

Signed ………………………………………………..

Date ………………………………

Councillor Sue Green Chairman of Parks and Square Committee