UpdateJan 2015

Extant recognises that its operations can have a negative impact on the environment – local, regional and global. Extant is committed to finding ways to reduceenvironmental impacts of our business and operate in an environmentally responsible manner.


Extant is a registered charity. It is Britain’s only professional arts company of visually impaired people with a mission to promote the arts and culture of the visually impaired community through the performing arts.

Extant’s aims are:

  1. Raising awareness and inclusion in wider society through training, education and consultancy of blind and partially sighted performing artists
  2. Demonstrating artistic excellence, professionalism and high production values with the inclusion of blind and partially sighted performing artists
  3. Operating best practice through self-determining governance and leadership by blind and partially sighted people
  4. Providing sustainable employment and the professional development of blind and partially sighted people
  5. Opening access to greater methods of communication and training for all people

Company description:

  • Our small core team of 4 part-time employees, two of whom are visually impaired. We work with approximately 50 freelancers annually of whom around 40% are disabled. All our participants and performers are visually impaired and 40% of our board have disabilities.
  • The core team is based at The White House, London, SE11 – Oval Theatre, London; an ageing and listed building. Energy and water usage and contracts are dealt with centrally by the landlord.
  • We aim to tour a production nationally every 12 months and produce a minimum of 3 participation programmes for 50-70people annually. We sometimes tour internationally.
  • The AD regularly travels nationally, and occasionally internationally, as part of her role.
  • The company regularly uses taxis to support access for staff/volunteers/performers who are disabled. However most journeys by our visually impaired users, and the company on tour, are made by public transport.
  • We regularly produce large-print, hard copy versions of company and production documentation to ensure the inclusion of visually impaired users.
  • Extant began monitoring its environmental impact in 2012.
  • We ask suppliers and partners for their environmental policies and share our own commitments.
  • We recycle paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, printer cartridges, IT / electrical equipment, furniture, production sets and any other materials as applicable.


  • To consider the use of energy and resources; where possible to use sustainable energy sources; to conserve energy when it is not needed.
  • To minimise waste, especially hazardous waste, and maximise recycling. To dispose of all non-recyclable waste through safe and responsible methods.
  • Procurement and materials sourcing: to choose sustainable and environmentally friendly options.
  • We will produce an annual report on our environmental performance and progress and make this available internally and externally.


  1. AUDIENCE TRAVEL: Our priority focus for this period is in measuring use of private transport by our audiences and encouraging the use of public transport to reduce the environmental impact of audience travel.
  2. PRODUCTIONS: Continue to use salvaged materials in production sets and store sets for future use / recycle them, wherever possible. Include appropriate environmental briefs in freelance contracts.
  3. OTHER: Continue to measure and monitor our environmental performance across as many of our delivery areas as possible using IG Tools or other appropriate tools and identify any areas for improvement in our annual review.
  4. Work with our landlord and explore other appropriate partnerships to increase our knowledge and identify further ways to reduce environmental impact in the long-term.

This policy is reviewed on an annual basis by the General Manager and updated as and when necessary with Board approval. It is supported by an Environmental Action Plan produced by the General Manager and key board members.


JAN 2015


  • Office: energy use, carbon emissions, printing, waste disposal, water use
  • Business travel and staff commuting: fuel use and carbon emissions
  • Communications materials: printing and paper, energy for digital access/storage
  • Our productions and participation projects: energy use, water use, choice of materials, lighting, sound and other equipment, waste, transport, production and audience travel
  • Goods and services: stationery, food/catering, ICT, furniture, cleaning
  • Business services: website, data and email server hosting, utilities, banking