Redbank Group Practice

Patient Participation GroupAnnual Report

2016 to 2017

The Group

Following the 2016 Annual General Meeting Redbank Patient Participation Group, (PPG), had 8 constitutionally elected committee members (see Appendix I). During this period, one patient memberwas co-opted to the committee and several patient members were in attendance at committee meetings from time to time.

The Practice Manager is a co-opted member of the committee and performs the role of secretary to the committee. One of the GP Partners attends committee meetings and continues to have a regular agenda item. There are an additional 57 patients who have registered on the website to receive PPG information.

Support continues to beprovided by the Practice Personal Assistant who records meeting minutes and forwards the agendas, minutes and action logs. The Personal Assistant also updates the PPG section of the website with minutes of approved meetings and notifying patients of the date/time of the next meeting – The Personal Assistant alsoarranges visiting speakers, responds to patients who have expressed an interest in attending the PPG and follows up actions as required by the committee.

The Constitution states that committee meetings will be held monthly. These take place on the 4th Thursday of the month. This will be reviewed at the AGM on 26 October 2017.

Meetings were scheduled:

27 Nov 2016

24 Dec 2016

26 Jan 2017

23 Feb 2017

23 March 2017

27 April 2017

25 May 2017

22 June 2017 – cancelled

27 July 2017

24 August 2017

28 September 2017

26 October 2017

Topics discussed at meetings included:-

Demise of Newsletter and consideration to re-development of the website, including the potential for an App for Smartphones

Guest speakers (including A Better Life For You and Nurse Practitioner)

Patient Comments and Questions

Patient Complaints and Compliments

Bury CCG Patient Cabinet

Promotion of Patient Group

Devolution of Health & Social Care in Greater Manchester

Establishment of a Patient Group at Mile Lane Surgery with a view to a possible joint Group or two separate groups with an overarching main group, in the future.

Review undertaken of Practice back office function. A confidential questionnaire was provided by reception staff and feedback presented to the Practice Manager.

TV Screen Practice information reviewed for easier reading and display purposes.

For each Committee meeting one Committee member provides references to NHS news and items of interest via the Health Service Journal (HSJ) and health and social care issues in Greater Manchester and the north West.

Group Priorities

The Group’s immediate priority is to set up a patient group at its sister surgery at Mile Lane with one patient groupCommittee member providing a liaison role. A link will then be forged between both groups for future working. Consideration has also been made to the setting up of an over arching Patient Group with two smaller groups (for Redbank and Mile Lane as the needs of each will be different). A Committee member has drafted and submitted arevised constitution, Terms of Reference and Rules of Engagement for consideration.

A new priority relates to having arevitalised website along with a Smartphone App is being considered following the demise of the Practice Newsletter. The Practice website contact list will be informed of these developments once in place.

The Group’s ongoing priority is two way communication between the Group and staff following the Chair’s engagement with the Reception Manager who is keen to connect with the group, particularly aroundaspirations on both sides and regular two way communication.

Statement from Group

Since the last AGM, there has been no patient representative on the West Sector Group which is supported by Bury CCG. However, the Patient Cabinet has undergone a review during 2016/17 and is now in its early stages of a new group with revised TOR.

The CCG Patient Cabinet reports to the CCG Clinical Governance Committee and then the CCG Board. The role of the Patient Cabinet now is to assure the CCG Board around consultations, engagements and communications. It has a reactive role regarding what patients are saying on issues such as complaints, FOIs and PALS, but it also has a business intelligence analysis role.

The Patient Cabinet meets every two months with formal meetings. In the intervening months, a development session is held which discusses agendas, issues and ideas for the up and coming meetings. The Patient Group will receive future dates of the CCG Patient Cabinet and has been extended an invite for members to attend if they so wish.

Action for 2017/18:

To continually strive to improve the role of the PPG, to expand the working relationship with all health care professionals and to attend all Redbank Practice meetings as appropriateto ensure that all changes benefit both patients and staff.

To raise patient awareness of the group and increase patient involvement.

The annual AGM will take place on 26th. October,2017 at which new Committee members will be elected. This will be followed by a scheduled PPG Committee meeting at which new officers will be elected.

To address a proposed over arching patient group within the Redbank Group of Practices once the Mile Lane patient group has been established and set up. This will ensure continuous engagement.

To explore possible meetings with senior managers and clinicians to endeavour to build better engagement and to look at the proposal for future working together.

Achievements from Annual Report 2014-2016

PPG Awareness Week 2016 Survey

As partof PPG Awareness Week 2016, The Patient Group developed a questionnaire to ask patients their views with regard to the Practice and its services. A summary of the feedback was presented and discussed at the Patient Group held on 23 June 2016, and the Redbank Practice Clinical Meeting on 30th June 2016. The summary was made available on the Redbank Group Practice website.

Engagement with Practice Staff/Clinicians

The Practice continuously strives to build better engagement with the Patient Group and practice staff. A Nurse Practitioner and Reception Office Manager, aswell as the Practice Manager for Mile Lane Surgery have attended meetings.


Elected PPG Committee Members

Doug Galvin, Chair

Jim Rogers, Vice Chair

Doreen Hawk

Syl Skelly

John McCullough

Elaine McCullough

Moira Grinyer

Pat Walmsley

Co-opted Members

Alison Bridge, (Practice Manager), Secretary

Raffaele Tuccullo