DGGE Band / Lenght
(bp) / Phylogenetic group / Closest relative (accession number)
(% similarity) / Habitat or source / Reference
1-ASC-Tuq-sed / 165 / Bacteroidetes / Uncultured bacterium clone 243
(EU012285) (94) / Unpublished
2-ASC-Tuq-sed / 163 / Gamma-
Proteobacteria / Uncultured Pseudomonas DGGE gel (EF590135) (88) / Unpublished
6-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 167 / Gamma-
Proteobacteria / Halomonas sp. BSi20609 (EF673297) (97) / Unpublished
7-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 164 / Gamma-
Proteobacteria / Halomonas sp. R675 (AY371415) (96) / Marine bacterium / (Sfanos et al. 2005)
12-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 164 / Gamma-
Proteobacteria / Halomonas sp. DPB4_(MB)_50.2mbs
(DQ344858) (96) / Deep sea sediment / (Biddle et al. 2006)
13-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 162 / Firmicutes / Bacillus sp. N29 (AM778699) (98) / Extremophiles culture collection, Laguna Negra, Catamarca, Argentina / (Ordonez et al. 2009)
90-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 142 / Firmicutes / Uncultured Firmicutes bacterium clone Upland_500_9635 (JF990334) (99) / Soil development under agricultural use / Unpublished
14-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 139 / Firmicutes / Uncultured Peptostreptococcus DGGE band CH5 (AM712071) (98) / Laguna Chaxas, Chile / Unpublished
17-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 170 / Bacteria / Uncultured compost bacterium clone: 570-OTU1 (AB298559) (92) / Unpublished
18-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 164 / Firmicutes / Bacillus sp. JZDN34 (DQ659014) (98) / Unpublished
21-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 168 / Gamma-
Proteobacteria / Halomonas sp. CG3 clone 253.2
(DQ357712) (96) / Marine bacterium / (Schulze et al. 2006)
22-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 135 / Alpha-
Proteobacteria / Azospirillum brasilense strain ISSDS-858 (EF634031) (97) / Unpublished
24-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 165 / Beta-
Proteobacteria / Burkholderia sp. M27-VN8-1W
(AB299593) (94) / 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid-degrading marine bacterium, Singapur / (Huong et al. 2007)
29-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 165 / Firmicutes / Bacillus sp. 5IX/A01/133 (AY612759) (98) / Marine bacterium / (Agogue et al. 2005)
31-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 163 / Beta-
Proteobacteria / Uncultured beta proteobacterium clone (AB074614) (98) / Unpublished
39-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 158 / Firmicutes / Bacillus agaradhaerens strain GSP78
(AY553093) (98) / Halotolerant, Fe(III) reducing-bacteria / Unpublished
41-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 168 / Gamma-
Proteobacteria / Uncultured marine bacterium clone
(EU010159) (97) / Unpublished
47-ASC-J1-sed / 159 / Bacteroidetes / Uncultured bacterium clone ELB19-204 (DQ015831) (95) / Antarctica / (Glatz et al. 2006)
53-ASC-Tuq-sed / 170 / Bacteroidetes / Uncultured Flavobacterium clone DGGE bandVe4 (AM778524) (92) / Argentina: Catamarca, Laguna Verde / Unpublished
54-ASC-Tuq-sed / 167 / Gamma-
Proteobacteria / Uncultured Halomonasclone
D20 (AY687584) (90) / Unpublished
55-ASC-Tuq-sed / 159 / Bacteroidetes / Uncultured bacterium clone ELB19-204 (DQ015831) (95) / Antarctica / (Glatz et al. 2006)
59-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 166 / Gamma-
Proteobacteria / Uncultured marine bacterium
clone A3 (EU010159) (98) / Unpublished
61-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 158 / Firmicutes / Bacillus agaradhaerens strain GSP78 (AY553093) (98) / Halotolerant, Fe(III) reducing-bacteria / Unpublished
64-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 139 / Firmicutes / Uncultured Firmicutes bacterium clone AI-1M_G12 (EF219719) (98) / Antarctica / Unpublished
65-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 139 / Firmicutes / Uncultured Clostridia bacterium DGGE band GMFC4 (EF506591) (97) / Unpublished
74-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 163 / Firmicutes / Paraliobacillus sp. YIM C158 (EU135793) (96) / Facultative anaerobic, halotolerant / (Ishikawa et al. 2002)
80-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 141 / Firmicutes / Clostridiaceae bacterium CAa338 (EU180997)(99) / Produce arsenic sulfide mineral (YeAs) / (Ledbetter et al. 2007)
86-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 145 / Firmicutes / Alkaliphilus metalliredigens QYMF
(AY137848) (97) / Fe(III) reducing-bacteria / (Ye et al. 2004)
91-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 162 / Gamma-
Proteobacteria / Uncultured Pseudomonasclone ESP450-K6IV-53 (DQ810743) (98) / South Pacific Ocean, Chile / (Stevens and Ulloa 2008)
97-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 162 / Firmicutes / Bacillus sp. TDWCW7 (AM419753) (98) / Unpublished
103-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 166 / Spirochaetes / Uncultured spirochete clone
DGGE gel band 6D (AY485804) (95) / Unpublished
107-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 136 / Firmicutes / Alkaliphilus transvaalensis (AJ630291) (96) / Alkalophilic bacterium , isolated from a gold mine in South African / (Takai et al. 2001)
108-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 140 / Firmicutes / Uncultured bacterium clone Atacama-colB49 (EF071538) (98) / (Dong et al. 2007)
8-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 161 / Gamma-
Proteobacteria / Halomonas sp. BSi20609 (EF673297) (97) / Unpublished
34-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 168 / Gamma-
Proteobacteria / Halomonas sp. BSi20609 (EF673297) (97) / Unpublished
35-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 164 / Gamma-
Proteobacteria / Halomonas sp. BSi20609 (EF673297) (97) / Unpublished
105-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 163 / Gamma-
Proteobacteria / Uncultured Pseudomonasclone ESP450-K6IV-53 (DQ810743) (98) / South Pacific Ocean, Chile / (Stevens and Ulloa 2008)
40-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 170 / Gamma-
Proteobacteria / Uncultured marine bacterium clone A50
(EU010159) (97) / Unpublished
42-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 168 / Gamma-
Proteobacteria / Uncultured marine bacterium clone A3
(EU010159) (97) / Unpublished
60-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 169 / Gamma-
Proteobacteria / Uncultured marine bacterium
clone A3 (EU010159) (98) / Unpublished
100-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 140 / Epsilon-
proteobacteria / Uncultured bacterium clone RH.208-35-22 (DQ662470) (97) / Hypersalineindustrial
wastewater / (Ben-Dov et al. 2008)
73-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 167 / Firmicutes / Bacillus sp. TDWCW7 (AM419753) (98) / Unpublished
77-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 165 / Firmicutes / Bacillus sp. TDWCW7 (AM419753) (98) / Unpublished
37-ASC-Tuq-AsV / 166 / Firmicutes / Bacillus agaradhaerens strain GSP78
(AY553093) (98) / Halotolerant, Fe(III) reducing-bacteria / Unpublished
70-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 165 / Firmicutes / Uncultured Firmicutes bacterium clone AI-1M_G12 (EF219719) (98) / Antarctica / Unpublished
102-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 143 / Firmicutes / Uncultured bacterium clone M55_D15_L_B_A09 (EF586044) (92) / Anaerobic digester / Unpublished
106-ASC-Tuq-AsIII / 142 / Firmicutes / Clostridiaceae bacterium CAa338 (EU180997)(99) / Produce arsenic sulfide mineral (YeAs) / (Ledbetter et al. 2007)
182-ATA-Chax-AsV / 171 / Gamma-proteobacteria / Halomonas sp. 10064
(EU432576)(97) / Anaerobic digester / Unpublished
DGGE Band / Lenght
(bp) / Phylogenetic group / Closest relative (accession number)
(% similarity) / Habitat or source / Reference
115-ATA-Teb-sed / 146 / High G+C Gram-positive bacteria / Uncultured Salinibacterium E14 (DQ667068)(95) / Psychrotrophic bacteria isolated from Antarctic seawater (Ross Sea) / (Lo Giudice et al. 2007)
118-ATA-Teb-sed / 141 / High G+C Gram-positive bacteria / Uncultured Actinobacteriaceae
bacterium clone LA1-B9 (AF513961) (99) / Hawaiian Archipelago / (Donachie et al. 2004)
122-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 162 / Firmicutes / Bacillus sp. SeaH-As7s
(FJ607357) (91) / Isolayted from an arsenic-contamination Abandoned Mine to Kwangyang Coastal Bay Areas / Unpublished
123- ATA-Chax-AsIII / 165 / Epsilon-
proteobacteria / Uncultured bacterium clone RH.208-35-22 (DQ662470) (98) / Hypersalineindustrial
wastewater / (Ben-Dov et al. 2008)
125-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 160 / Firmicutes / Bacillaceae bacterium NS1-3(AY466703) (89) / Anaerobic thermophile isolated from compost / (Bae et al. 2005)
127-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 176 / Gamma-proteobacteria / Marinobacterium sp. HPC 1064
(AY948255) (95) / Bacterium isolated from nitro- and chloro-aromatic residues / Unpublished
129-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 162 / Gamma- proteobacteria / Marinobacter sp. BC36
(AJ623277) (98) / Denitrifying bacteria / Unpublished
165-ATA-Chax-AsV / 167 / Gamma- proteobacteria / Marinobacter sp. SKA S7
(AB252062) (94) / Bacterium isolated from halocline water from an Antarctic meromictic lake / Unpublished
164-ATA-Chax-AsV / 167 / Gamma- proteobacteria / Marinobacter sp. BC36
(AJ623277) (98) / Denitrifying bacteria / Unpublished
135-ATA-Chax-AsV / 167 / Gamma- proteobacteria / Marinobacter sp. SKA S7
(AB252062) (94) / Bacterium isolated from halocline water from an Antarctic meromictic lake / Unpublished
145-ATA-Chax-AsV / 177 / Gamma- proteobacteria / Vibrio sp. YASM-26
(DQ780556) (94) / China Sea / Unpublished
146-ATA-Chax-AsV / 166 / Gamma- proteobacteria / Vibrio sp. A1-03
(AJ784127) (99) / Egg-associated microflora of Pacific threadfin / Unpublished
DGGE Band / Lenght
(bp) / Phylogenetic group / Closest relative (accession number)
(% similarity) / Habitat or source / Reference
147-ATA-Chax-AsV / 172 / Gamma- proteobacteria / Marinobacter flavimaris strain CJHH25 (EU169559) (94) / Isolated from China sea / Unpublished
149-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 166 / Bacteria / Uncultured low G+C Gram-positive bacterium clone CMpl2run3F07(EF092768) (90) / Guanabara Bay ecosystem / (Vieira et al. 2008)
153-ATA-Chax-AsV / 164 / Firmicutes / Bacillus subtilis isolate 14
(AY659865) (95) / Unpublished
157-ATA-Chax-AsV / 166 / Firmicutes / Bacillus sp. JZHS13
(DQ658954) (99) / Bacteria in the water of Jiaozhou Gulf / Unpublished
162-ATA-Chax-AsV / 169 / Gamma- proteobacteria / Gamma proteobacterium GWS-SE-H242b (AY332184) (98) / Bulk water, aggregates, and surface sediments in the German Waddden Sea / Unpublished
171-ATA-Chax-AsV / 164 / Gamma- proteobacteria / Halomonas sp. BSTJ-7
(DQ780550(91) / Isolated from China sea / Unpublished
173-ATA-Chax-AsV / 164 / Bacteria / Marinobacterium sp. JW3.2b
(FN556570)(92) / Bacterial fuel contamination. / (White et al. 2011)
175-ATA-Chax-AsV / 165 / Epsilon-
proteobacteria / Uncultured bacterium clone RL311-aam24d12 (DQ803355) (97) / Unpublished
187-ATA-Chax AsIII / Firmicutes / Haloanaerobium congolense
(U76632) (91) / Anaerobic, moderately halophilic, thiosulfate- and sulfur-reducing bacterium / (Ravot et al. 1997)
195- ATA-Chax AsII / 145 / Epsilon-
proteobacteria / Uncultured bacterium clone root_Ell_138
(EF029031) (95 / Bacterial community from deep see sediment / Unpublished
205- ATA-Chax AsV / 168 / Gamma- proteobacteria / Pseudoalteromonas sp. BSi20615
(EF673286) (96) / Arctic sea ice, Canada Basin / Unpublished
DGGE Band / Lenght
(bp) / Phylogenetic group / Closest relative (accession number)
(% similarity) / Habitat or source / Reference
185- ATA-Chax AsIII / 164 / Firmicutes / Uncultured Firmicutes, clone MS072
(AM157528) (86) / Hypersaline wastewater / (Lefebvre et al. 2006)
211- ATA-Chax AsV / 165 / Gamma- proteobacteria / Pseudoalteromonas sp. BSw20470
(EF639374) (98) / Arctic sea water / Unpublished
215- ATA-Chax-sed / 136 / Alpha- proteobacteria / Rhodobacteraceae bacterium DG1295
(DQ486507) (97) / Unpublished
217- ATA-Chax-sed / 139 / Alpha- proteobacteria / Rhodobacter sp. p1rd1
(FN811291) (97) / Northern coast of Tunisia / Unpublished
218-ATA-Teb-sed / 144 / High G+C Gram-positive bacteria / Uncultured actinobacterium, isolate
Gahai2-7 (AM182297) (94) / Hypersaline lake, Tíbet,
China / (Wu et al. 2006)
219-ATA-Teb-sed / 147 / Alpha-
proteobacteria / Uncultured Rhodobacteraceae bacterium,
(AM691091) (95) / Canadahypersaline lakes
system / (Csotonyi et al. 2008)
221-ATA-Teb-sed / 146 / High G+C Gram-positive bacteria / Uncultured Actinobacteridae bacterium clone
LA1-B9 (AF513961) (98) / Water fromalakein aHawaiianArchipelago / (Donachie et al. 2004)
222-ATA-Teb-sed / 145 / Alpha-
proteobacteria / Uncultured bacterium isolate DGGE gel band FBR04C (AY905684) (90) / Sulfide-oxidizing bacteriainbiofilters. / (Cytryn et al. 2005)
223-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 169 / Firmicutes / Clostridiaceae bacterium CAa338
(EU180997) (97) / Produce arsenic sulfide mineral (YeAs) / (Ledbetter et al. 2007)
226-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 177 / Firmicutes / Uncultured Bacillus sp. isolate DGGE band 37 (AM232797) (76) / Microbialdiversity in PunaArgentinagrasslands / Unpublished
233-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 174 / Firmicutes / Clostridiales bacterium HAW-EB17
(AY579754) (82) / (Zhao et al. 2004)
238-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 183 / Gamma- proteobacteria / Cronobacter sakazakii strain BQ9
(HM069215) (95) / Enterobacter isolated from dry infant formula / Unpublished
241-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 168 / Delta-proteobacteria / Uncultured bacterium isolate TGGE
band B88 ( AY328511) (98) / Sulfate-reducing bacteria from salinesediment. / Unpublished
242-Teb-AsIII / 168 / Delta-proteobacteria / Uncultured Desulfovibrionaceae bacterium
clone (EF454896) (80) / Unpublished
DGGE Band / Lenght
(bp) / Phylogenetic group / Closest relative (accession number)
(% similarity) / Habitat or source / Reference
244-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 143 / Synergistetes / Dethiosulfovibrio acidaminovorans
( NR_029034) (97) / Anaerobic thiosulfate and sulfur-reducing isolated from sulfurmats in salineenvironments / (Surkov et al. 2001)
252-ATA-Chax-AsV / 162 / Firmicutes / Bacillus alkalidiazotrophicus strain MS 6
(EU143680) (98) / Isolated from soda solonchak soils / (Sorokin et al. 2008)
263-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 162 / Epsilon-
proteobacteria / Uncultured bacterium clone RH.208-35-22
(DQ662470) (93) / Hypersalineindustrial
wastewater / (Ben-Dov et al. 2008)
271-ATA-Chax-AsV / 170 / Firmicutes / Uncultured low G+C Gram-positive bacterium clone mixed culture A-1 (DQ206425) (84) / Microbial communityofMono Lake,California,thatarsenate-reducing andsulfide-oxidizing / (Hollibaugh et al. 2006)
274-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 163 / Gamma- proteobacteria / Pseudomonas guinea, strain LMG 24017
(AM491811) (95) / PsychrotolerantAntarcticbacteria / (Bozal et al. 2007)
276-ATA-Chax-AsV / 168 / Gamma- proteobacteria / Uncultured Stenotrophomonasclone DGGE
band 10 ( AM778508) (77) / Hypersaline ecosystems, Catamarca, Argentina / Unpublished
277-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 168 / Firmicutes / Halolactibacillus miurensis , NRIC 0637
(AB362701) (98) / Unpublished
278-ATA-Teb-AsIII / 162 / Bacteria / Uncultured bacterium clone Napoli-MN16BT2
209 (AY593447) (83) / Bacterialcommunityof
deep-seavolcanoes / (Heijs et al. 2006)
283-ATA-Chax-AsV / 140 / Firmicutes / Uncultured Firmicutes bacterium clone AI-1M_G12 (EF219719) (99) / Antarctic bacteria / (Yergeau et al. 2007)
284-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 164 / Firmicutes / Bacillus alkalidiazotrophicus strain MS 6
(EU143680) (94) / Diazotrophic, alkaliphilic, isolated fromsodasoilMongolia. / (Sorokin et al. 2008)
287-ATA-Teb-AsIII / 169 / Gamma- proteobacteria / Uncultured Xanthomonadaceae bacterium clone
(EF665752) (98) / Unpublished
292-ATA-Chax-sed / 141 / Alpha-
proteobacteria / Rhodobacteraceae bacterium DG1295
(DQ486507) (96) / Unpublished
294-ATA-Chax-sed / 137 / Alpha-
proteobacteria / Uncultured alpha proteobacterium,
clone B1-35 ( AM229471) (97) / Marine microbial
community / Unpublished
DGGE Band / Lenght
(bp) / Phylogenetic group / Closest relative (accession number)
(% similarity) / Habitat or source / Reference
297-ATA-Chax-sed / 134 / Alpha-
proteobacteria / Alpha proteobacterium B27
(AB302385) (98) / Hydrocarbondegradingbacteriaisolatedfrom the seaofIndonesia. / (Harwati et al. 2007)
172-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 163 / Epsilon-
proteobacteria / Uncultured bacterium clone RH.208-35-22 (DQ662470) (97) / Hypersalineindustrial
wastewater / (Ben-Dov et al. 2008)
196-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 138 / Epsilon-
proteobacteria / Arcobacter marinus strain CL-S1
(EU512920) (97) / Marine bacterium / (Kim et al. 2010)
170-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 143 / Epsilon-
proteobacteria / Arcobacter marinus strain CL-S1
(EU512920) (97) / Marine bacterium / (Kim et al. 2010)
150-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 145 / Epsilon-
proteobacteria / Arcobacter marinus strain CL-S1
(EU512920) (97) / Marine bacterium / (Kim et al. 2010)
262-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 142 / Firmicutes / Clostridiaceae bacterium CAa338
(EU180997) (97) / Produce arsenic sulfide mineral (YeAs) / (Ledbetter et al. 2007)
224-ATA-Teb-sed / 167 / Firmicutes / Clostridiaceae bacterium CAa338
(EU180997) (97) / Produce arsenic sulfide mineral (YeAs) / (Ledbetter et al. 2007)
227-ATA-Teb-sed / 142 / Firmicutes / Clostridiaceae bacterium CAa338
(EU180997) (97) / Produce arsenic sulfide mineral (YeAs) / (Ledbetter et al. 2007)
163-ATA-Chax-AsIII / 164 / Firmicutes / Halolactibacillus miurensis , NRIC 0637
(AB362701) (98) / Unpublished

Table S1. Accession numbers for partial 16S rDNA sequences obtained from DGGE bands, percent sequence similarity and characteristics of the nearest GenBank neighbours.

Suplementary references

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Bae J-W, Rhee S-K, Park J, Kim B-C, Park Y-H (2005) Isolation of uncultivated anaerobic thermophiles from compost by supplementing cell extract of Geobacillus toebii in enrichment culture medium. Extremophiles 9:477-485

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