December 16-20, 2013

Unit A Chapter 4 wrap-up

Who was Baron Kelvin of Largs?

·  When and where was he born?

·  When and where did he die?

·  What did he develop?

·  When did he propose his idea?

·  What is his invention used for today?

Monday –Wednesday December, 16th and 18th

·  We will be wrapping up the loose ends, for Unit A and start our re-looping after the Christmas Break.

Thursday and Friday December, 19th and 20th

·  The week will end with a trip to the media center, to allow students to complete any missing items, and research a new assignment

Christmas Break

·  Complete your summary’s

·  Complete any assignments not submitted

·  Enjoy your family

·  Be safe during the break

January 6-17 2014

• Re-looping of Unit A Chapter 4 “The Big Idea”

• Re-looping of Unit A chapter 4 Vocabulary

• Re-looping of Unit A Key Concepts questions

• Notebook review

Research topic for the week

Albert Abraham Michelson and Edward Williams Morley

·  What did they research

·  When did they work together

·  Where did the work

·  What school did they attend

·  What degree did they receive

·  Five facts that you did not know

·  Due the end of next week 1/17/2014

·  Explain in a ten line paragraph how their discovery is still being used in science today, as is relates to space travel

Assessment for end of Unit A January 22 and 23, 2014

Study guide student notebooks, and text book

Our next Unit will be Unit C Cells

·  Choose your team members wisely to be prepared to start Cell team teaching project

·  Each team will be given a Cell concept to research

·  Team members will teach their part of the cell assignment

·  Team will write lesson plans, draw diagrams, color, identify, and define the parts of the cell assignment

·  Each team member will be given task for the project, and report what part each person’s contributions where for the projct

If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me, via e-mail or cell phone.

Lewis Young

SCMS Cell 704-763-4112 (Text)

Middle Grades Science