S. Brown
Sent by email to:
request-152414-d97abad6 @whatdotheyknow.com / Westminster Parking Services
Customer Relations
PO Box 396
WA55 1EL

Strategic Director for City Management:

Leith Penny

Date: 2 April 2013
Tel No: (020) 7641 1743
Fax no: (020) 7641 1744
My ref: FOI/10395
Dear S. Brown

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000: Request for information

Thank you for your request for information logged on 8 March 2013. You have requested that Westminster City Council provides you with the following information:

I understand from your response to FOI/10130 that WCC use 12 Mobile CCTV enforcement vehicles. In light of that, please could you provide me with the following information:

1.Starting from 1st April 2012 and continuing to date, could you give me a month by month breakdown of how many Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) have been issued using evidence from the Toyota iQ CCTV cars? (i.e. single camera on a mast).

For example, April 2012 - x amount PCNs, May 2012 - y amount PCNs, June 2012 - z amount PCNs etc.

2.Similarly, from 1st April 2012 to date, could you give me a month by month breakdown of how many PCNs have been issued using evidence from the ANPR/CCTV equipped (multi camera) vehicles? (5x Toyota iQs and 3x Vauxhall Combo vans).

3.Please could you confirm how many CCTV/ANPR enforcement vehicles are being paid for each month, from 1st April 2012 to the present date?

In response to your request, I can advise as follows:

1.Neither the City Council nor the appointed on-street parking enforcement contractor, NSL Limited (NSL), records which specific make or model of mobile CCTV unit has issued a particular PCN. Therefore, the specific information you have requested is not available for the purpose of Section 1 (4) of the FOIA 2000 and, therefore, the City Council is unable to provide it. However, we can and have provided the number of PCNs issued by mobile CCTV units across the borough for the period requested. Please see table 1 at the end of this letter.

2.Neither the City Council nor NSL use ANPR for the purpose of parking or traffic enforcement. Therefore, the information you have requested is not available for the purpose of Section 1 (4) of the FOIA 2000 and, therefore, the City Council is unable to provide it.

3.NSL are responsible for determining how many vehicles are required in order to meet their obligations and the operational requirements of the Parking Enforcement Contract. Therefore, the number of vehicles in use can fluctuate depending on operational demand. As mentioned in the previous request, there are currently 12 mobile CCTV units.

If you are not satisfied with this response please set out your reasons in writing and send to:

Knowledge and Information Management Team

Information Services

Westminster City Council

10th Floor, East

City Hall

64 Victoria Street



Tel: 020 7641 3921

Fax: 020 7641 2872


Should you still be dissatisfied with the outcome of any such complaint you have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner, pursuant to section 50 of the FOIA. The contact details are:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Tel: 0303 1231113 or 01625 545745

Fax: 01625 524510


Yours sincerely

Departmental Records Officer

Table 1 – PCNs issued by mobile CCTV units

Month/Year / PCNs issued by mobile CCTV unit
Apr-12 / 243
May-12 / 176
Jun-12 / 283
Jul-12 / 319
Aug-12 / 739
Sep-12 / 1,053
Oct-12 / 948
Nov-12 / 942
Dec-12 / 1,028
Jan-13 / 967
Feb-13 / 806
Mar-13 / 354
Total / 7,858