Unit 3Grammar practice

Modal verbs; modal perfects

1Circle the modal verb which is not possible.

The test must / may /shouldhave been difficult because nobody got good marks.

1Peter could / has to / should study medicine because he’s excellent at science.

2Sunday is my favourite day because I don’t have to / mustn’t / needn’t get up early.

3Simon may not / can’t / mustn’t drive the car because he hasn’t got a driving licence.

4I haven’t seen her today. She might / should / could be ill.

5We were sitting at the back, so we couldn’t /
weren’t able to / might not hear the speaker.

6Students must / have to / can be quiet in the library.

7I didn’t have to / mustn’t / didn’t need to study last night.

2Complete the email with the words in the list.

can’t have can must had to should have
’ll be able couldn’t shouldn’t
Hi Clara,
Thanks for your email. You must be relieved that your exams are over and you (1) ______now relax and enjoy yourself for a few weeks. I don’t believe you when you say you’ve failed. You (2)______done badly because you worked so hard! You (3)______worry so much!
As you know, we’re moving to China in October. I’ve had Mandarin lessons for six months, but it’s a very difficult language and I don’t think I (4)______to say very much when I get there! I (5)______started classes last year at the same time as my brother did. He’s really good now.
I’m sorry I didn’t see you at Jim’s barbecue last week, but I
(6)______go because my parents were out that evening and I (7)______look after my little sister.
That’s all for now. I’ll phone you when I get home.

3Complete the sentences with suitable modal verbs, using the clues in brackets to help you. Sometimes there may be more than one possible answer.

By the end of the course, you could speak fluently.(ability)

1When I went to the USA for the first time, I______understand anything people said.
(no ability)

2I’m not sure where Billy is. He ______be in the gym.(possibility)

3You ______leave all your revision to the last minute. That’s not a good idea.(advice)

4The students ______wear a uniform at Jenny’s new school.(obligation)

5You ______take food into the library. It’s against the rules.(prohibition)

6Alright, you ______go out this evening if you study at the weekend.(permission)

7He ______be a doctor. He didn’t go to university.(certainty)

4Complete the second sentence with between two and five words so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence. Use the bold words.

He ought to do a vocational course.

He should do a vocational course.(should)

1We needn’t hand in our maths homework until next week.

We ______hand in our maths homework until next week.(have)

2It was a mistake not to go to the college open day last week.

We ______to the college open day last week.(should)

3Taking mobile phones into the exam room is prohibited.

You ______your mobile phone into the exam room.(take)

4It’s possible that I left my bag on the bus.

I suppose I ______my bag on the bus.(may)

5Complete the second sentence with a different modal verb from the first sentence so that it has a similar meaning.

He ought to work harder if he wants to go to university.

He should work harder if he wants to go to university.

1I may have left my keys at home.

I ______

2Anne could have gone home already.

Anne ______

3Students aren’t allowed to take food into the library.

Students ______