Minutes of Admiralty Solicitors Group meeting (no. 108)

Held at HFW's Offices

3rd July 2007

Present: Rob Wallis (Hill Dickinson – Chairman)

James Gosling (HFW - Secretary)

Christopher Potts (Middleton Potts)

Roger Miles (Elborne Mitchell)

Joe Atkinson (Stephenson Harwood)

Joe Quain ( Bentleys Stokes & Lowless)

Silas Taylor (Andrew M. Jackson)

Michael Ellis (Winter Scott)

Jonathan Clyne (Jackson Parton)

Richard Gunn (RSRB)

1.  Apologies

Apologies received from: Peter Sim (Rayfield Mills)

John Hulmes (Hill Dickinson)

Ian Teare (Norton Rose)

Eamon Moloney (Eversheds)

James Wilson (Ince & Co.)

Mark Lloyd (Waltons & Morse)

Mark Morrison (Clifford Chance)

2. Approval of Minutes of the Meeting

The Minutes of the meeting of 6th March 2007 were approved.

3. LOF

Mark Lloyd had sent an apology. He had raised various problems with LOF which would be delayed till the next meeting. It was reported that Sonja Fink had left Lloyd's and that another lady called Karen Bizon had taken over. On 16th May 2007, she had sent a request for a list of firm representatives. Rob Wallis would arrange for us to meet her as a group and would liaise with Mark Lloyd. [Rob Wallis to arrange].


This was being driven by Ian Teare, who had also apologised for his absence. A letter had gone to Peter Spendlove at the International Group setting out some problems that had probably been answered and suggesting a meeting with them. This needs to be pushed forward [Rob Wallis and Roger Miles to deal together with Ian Teare]. Rob Wallis would circulate the final version of the letter sent.

5. ASG Cargo Undertaking

Various Club people had said they had heard that the ASG had produced a Cargo Undertaking but with no input from them. Roger Miles explained that the Clubs and Clyde & Co. had met but could not get an agreed wording. The ASG wording came out as a result of Clyde & Co. producing the wording with which all their partners could agree and which had been circulated amongst the ASG. Small amendments had been made, and that version had been put on the website. RogerMiles had spoken to, or e-mailed, various Clubs to explain the position. The ASG was perfectly happy to have input from the International Group. Rob Wallis had been in contact with RobertSearle of the West of England, who claims that he had spoken to Brian Nash at Clydes, who was purportedly representing the ASG. The International Group made it clear that it did not like the ASG wording. Rob Wallis and Roger Miles would speak to Robert Searle to see if this can be taken further forward.

6. ASG Website

A general discussion took place with regard to the ASG website. It contains several inaccuracies and there was a query as to whether the monthly fee to Indigo was worthwhile. JCG would speak to Eamon Moloney to see what could be done, as he had kindly volunteered to try to improve this area.

7. JVN

Mark Morrison had send his apologies. It was agreed to have the dinner again this year at the Crypt of the Bleeding Heart. He had circulated a list of guests – JohnReeder would be invited but, in light of his elevation, Nigel Teare would not be.

8. Officers

Nobody produced any nominations and Rob Wallis and James Gosling said they were happy to continue in their roles but that we should circulate the Members to see if anyone objected to this.

9. Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at HFW on Tuesday, 20th November at 5.00 p.m. We should do what we can to attract dry people to this meeting.

10. AOB

(a) Court Fees

There recent circular on this had produced and exchange of views, and a representation had been sent off by Eamon Moloney on behalf of the ASG. There was still some time to raise objections. Rob Wallis was to sort out who our representative is on the Commercial Court Users' Committee and why we had had so little notice of these changes. He would also check on who else on that Committee had shipping interests. It was thought that our representatives on the Committee were Rob Wallis and David Lucas.

(b) Mills & Co.

Peter Sims had sent an apology but asked that Mills & Co. take over the membership from Rayfield Mills in light of the fact of that latter firm effectively ceasing to practise. This was agreed by all Members present.

(c) The Aldgate Ward Elections

The Aldgate Ward elections were discussed and Members were encouraged to vote for Doug Barrow who, as a member of MaritimeLondon, had London's maritime interests at heart.

(d) Time Extensions

The question of extension of time in collision cases was discussed. The Members' experience was that these could and should be agreed without recourse to the Courts.

(e) UK Club "Value for Money" Initiative

This was discussed as there was a tight timetable for preferred/approved suppliers. Concerns were expressed about the strict terms that were to be required to participate, but there were differing views even among the small number present at the meeting as to this Initiative and it was clear that there was no consensus ASG view to this and that our respective firms would take their own view.

(f) Maritime London

The position with membership was again discussed. The ASG is a member of this organisation and pays a fee. Many member firms are members in their own right and pay a subscription. It was generally felt we should support this organisation if we could, albeit that there may be some duplication.

(g) Bruce Farthing

Members were reminded that his memorial service was to be held on the Thursday following the meeting.
