Home Fellowship Manual for the week of February 19, 2017

(Based on Sermon by Pastor Eringa Edosa)


Scripture Text: Matthew 5:17-24, Exodus 20:1-17


In the book of Exodus, we see how God delivered the children of Israel from Egypt in a way that still amazes people today. The world tries to explain if this occurred due to climate change or any other natural weather phenomenon, but we know it was the mighty hand of God that parted the Red Sea and caused them to walk on dry land - Exodus 14. In Exodus 13: 21-22, we see how God used a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to lead them so the enemy could not touch them. In this same manner God is delivering you and the enemy cannot touch you.

Points of Discussion:

Matthew 5:17-19 - Jesus did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it. The Old Testament is still relevant.

Exodus 20:1-17 - the Ten Commandments.

Ø  The first commandment asks, where is your heart? What is your treasure? What is your God?

Ø  The second commandment- God is protective of His identity- we should be jealous of our faith, protective of our salvation.

Ø  The third commandment- vs 7 - where is your respect? Is He mighty to you? “Do not take the Lord’s name in vain”.

Ø  The fourth commandment- work ethic- find time for your God, your family, your friends and rest.

Ø  The fifth commandment- vs 12 - “honour your father and mother…” Your children have to honour you, but you need to do right by providing for them, disciplining them and praying for them. Help your children to honour you.

Ø  The sixth commandment vs 13 - “do not kill” who have you killed lately? People’s joy, salvation, marriages, families? It’s not only physical killing.

Ø  The seventh commandment vs 14 - “do not commit adultery”. Is it possible to stay pure? Yes! God created your emotions, sexuality, hormones, and will. Let Him help you to rule over them.

Ø  The eighth commandment - vs 15 - “do not steal”. Don’t steal from people what you cannot give back. People’s future, joy, salvation, family, emotions.

Ø  The ninth commandment – vs - 16- “do not bare false witness against your neighbor”. Do not lie.

Ø  The tenth commandment- vs - 17- “do not covet your neighbour’s…..” Do not be malicious and want things without regard.

Things we need to know/do

Ø  Every one of the Israelites crossed over - no one was left behind. Who have you left behind?

Ø  If you have something good to do for someone, do it. Be happy to help your brother and do not withhold nor regret when you do it.

Ø  The first thing the children of Israel did after they crossed over was worship. They sang, rejoiced and were happy - Exodus 15.

Ø  When God sends a Jethro to you, it’s for your good. Jethro gave Moses good counsel and offered him a simple solution when he was stressing himself. Exodus 18


In order for God to give us direction to prosper, we must be in listening mode. The Ten Commandments set forth strong ethical principles by which we should live. Imagine the state of people’s emotions, lives, communities and ultimately the world, if everyone embraced and lived by these principles.