RAFT Crisis Hotline Volunteer Application


Name: / Date of Birth:
Social Security #:Not Required / E-mail:
Local Address:
City, State, Zip: / Permanent Address (if different):
City, State, Zip:
Cell Phone: / Home Phone:


Emergency Contact Person:
Relationship: / Phone:
Medical Conditions (in case of emergency):


Are you a student (yes or no)?
Are you currently employed (yes or no)?
School attending: / If yes—
Place of employment:
How long have you worked there?:
Expected Graduation Date:
Educational Goals:
Do you plan to stay here after graduation (yes or no)?: / If no—
Are you retired?:


Please provide 3 character/professional references. This may be a relative, friend, professor, coworker, employer, mentor, etc. Please try to list a variety of references.
Name / Relationship / Phone Number
Name / Relationship / Phone Number
Name / Relationship / Phone Number


Do you have any prior volunteer experiences? If yes, what are they?

In signing, I am certifying that the information I provided is correct and current. I understand that I must notify the Raft Crisis Hotline Manager of any changes to my contact information.

Signature: Date:

Raft Prescreening Questions

  1. How did you hear about the Raft Crisis Hotline?
  1. Have you worked for a hotline before? If yes, please explain.
  1. Why would you like to volunteer with Raft?
  1. What skills/experiences/trainings do you have that will help you as a Raft volunteer?
  1. Are you available to cover shifts on the weekends and/or over night? Please explain.
  1. Are you available to cover shifts at the Hotline during times when students are usually on breaks (i.e. Thanksgiving week, Winter (mid-December to mid-January), Spring Break (early March), and Summer (mid-May to mid-August)? Will you be here during the summer of 2016? Please explain.
  1. Volunteering with Raft is an extremely rewarding experience, but also requires a great deal of commitment. The longer you stay with us, the more your skills and knowledge will increase and the better you will become at helping our callers. How long do you plan on volunteering with Raft?
  1. Which evenings would you be most available to train during the desired semester/season?
  1. Anything else you would like to share about you or your abilities?

Submit your completed application to . Our administrative team will review your application and either email you or call you to set up an interview if you are selected!