Date: 1 February 2017

Att: News Editor

For immediate release

Loud in colour – CANSA Shavathon

The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA)is hosting its annual CANSA Shavathon campaign. This year will celebrate the 14thShavathon with events happening at malls across the country on 25 February (26 Feb at select venues) and at workplaces from 27 February to 3 March. Link to venues http://www.shavathon.org.za/shave-or-spray-at-a-shopping-centre/

Corporate Shavathon

CANSA encourages workplaces, corporates and service organisations to get involved. They can register as a Shavathon host. Hosting a Shavathon is so easy. They simply need to invite their contacts to the event, register and order the Shavathon products via CANSA’s eShop (http://www.shavathon.org.za/shop/) – please note that the eShop closes on 17 Feb. Manuals can be dowloaded (http://www.shavathon.org.za/how-to-organise-your-own-shavathon-event/) to help and set up an event. All Shavathon gear is delivered by Globeflight.

Hosting a Shavathon event at workplaces, or places of study, community halls or home provides the chance to have a little fun, while bringing important awareness to a serious illness. For a R50 donation (R25 for kids under 12), people can shave or spray hair. Hair can also be donated if the ponytail measures 25cm or longer. All hair donations (which meet all necessary requirements) will be used to make wigs for cancer patients, which are provided at no cost.

CANSA Head of Sustainability, Maria Scholtz says“Shavathon provides the opportunity to give back, by raising funds for cancer patient care & support programmes through shaving or spraying, or by making a hair donation for wigs; and to show solidarity with those battling cancer, or whose loved ones are fighting cancer. It’s also a time to remember and honour those who have lost the battle.”

Cancer Survivorship

Cancer survivors find great comfort in this campaign:

Shaun Terblanche, CANSA Global Hero of Hope (33) a brain cancer survivor, has perhaps the best response to what Shavathon means to him; “Away with hair, away with cancer.”

Nikki Seboni (26), a skin cancer survivor shares; “We don't need a reason to help others. It's the selfless acts we do that make us rise when helping others. CANSA Shavathon showed me Ubuntu and the beauty of selfless acts.”

Share your story – Why Shavathon?

Sharing stories is also part of the Shavathon experience. Hair donors share their previous experiences:

KirshuaRamsammy – “This year I donated my ponytail for a wig, over 30cm’s was cut off. I got my mum to do the same and this wasn’t our first time. I will do it over and over, knowing that this is something awesome. I would rather donate it to this amazing cause.”

Isabella and Sofia Colatruglio – “My name is Isabella and I donated my hair last year when I was 10 years old. This year my sister, Sofia, who is 9 is also donating her hair. I hope someone feels beautiful with our hair.”

Share your fun pictures on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and remember to use the hashtag #CANSAshavathon.

Shavathon and SANBS

The South African National Blood Service (SANBS) has joined forces again, at selected Shavathon venues allowing the public to make a blood donation, along with Shavathon participation.

“Blood donations are often used for cancer patients undergoing treatment or blood transfusions, and that’s why we’re putting a call to action to the participants at the Shavathon events. Not only are you helping a cancer patient by donating your R50 (or R25 for kids) to help CANSA support those affected by cancer, but now you can also donate your blood which could be used to help a cancer patient during treatment,” says Scholtz.

Shavathon at shopping centres

Most shopping centres across the country will participate in hosting a Shavathon on Saturday 25 February (and at selected malls on 26 Feb). Scholtz adds, “From CANSA’s side, we are so grateful to them, just about all of them provide us free space and help with refreshments, so a big shout out and thank you.”

The full list of participating malls can be found here: http://www.shavathon.org.za/participating-shopping-centres/

“CANSA Shavathon is a fun way to show your support in solidarity to those who are currently fighting cancer. It also creates awareness about the impact that cancer has to those affected by it. Shavathon will be nothing with your support and without the help of all of the dedicated CANSA volunteers – thank you,” concludes Scholtz.

For more info visit www.cansa.org.za or contact CANSA toll-free 0800226622 or at as email address. Follow CANSA on Twitter: @CANSA (http://www.twitter.com/@CANSA) and join CANSA on Facebook: CANSAThe Cancer Association of South Africa.



(For more information, please contact Esti Lindner, Marketing and Communication Coordinator at CANSA at email . Call 011 616 7662 or cell: 072529 6082. You can visit www.cansa.org.za or call CANSA toll-free 0800 22 66 22 or email: .)


CANSA offers a unique integrated service to the public and to all people affected by cancer. As a leading role-player in cancer research (more than R12 million spent annually), the scientific findings and knowledge gained from our research are used to realign our health programmes, as well as strengthen our watchdog role to the greater benefit of the public. Our health programmes comprise health and education campaigns; CANSA Care Centres that offer a wide range of care and support services to those affected by cancer; stoma and other clinical support and organisational management; medical equipment hire, as well as a toll-free line to offer information and support. We also supply patient care and support in the form of 12 CANSA Care Homes in the main metropolitan areas for out-of-town cancer patients; a hospitium based in Polokwane; and CANSA-TLC lodging for parents and guardians of children undergoing cancer treatment.