HIV Adult Questionnaire Codebook


Coding Manual for All Data Collection Points

This manual provides coding instructions for data collected using the National Minority SA/HIV Prevention Initiative Adult Questionnaire

(OMB No.: 0930-0298, Expiration Date: 03/31/2019).

Please note: Items that the respondent left blank should be coded as 98. The 98 code should also be used in cases where the respondent selected multiple response options to items that require a single response. These instructions are repeated in detail in the item-by-item coding rules listed below.

Language of Survey Instrument / Please indicate if the survey administered was in English, Spanish, or another language using the provided response options. / 1= SAMHSA-provided Standard English Instrument
2=SAMHSA-provided Standard Spanish Instrument
Language of Survey Instrument if Other / Please write in the language of the survey instrument if other than a SAMHSA-provided Standard English or Spanish Instrument is being used. / (Text Response) / LANG_OTHER
Grant ID / Grant ID (5 digits) / Five-digit number that follows “SP0” in the Grant Award Number issued by CSAP / GRANT_ID
Grp Type / Study Design Group (Select one) / 1= Intervention
2= Comparison / DESIGNGRP
Part ID / Five Digit Participant ID (5 digits) / Five-digit number 10000 to 99999 / PARTID
Adm Mth / Month of Survey Administration / 1=January 8=August
2=February 9=September
3=March 10=October
4=April 11=November
5=May 12=December
7=July / MONTH
Adm Day / Day of Survey Administration / Two-digit number 1 to 31 / DAY
Adm Yr / Year of Survey Administration / Record the four-digit year (e.g. 2015, 2016 etc.) / YEAR
Interview Type / Interview Type / 1= Baseline
2= Exit
3= Follow-up / INTTYPE
Service Duration / Service Duration (Select one) / 1= Single-session (1 day or less duration)
2= Multiple-session brief (2 and 29 days’ duration)
3= Multiple-session long (30 days or longer duration)
98= Left blank / INTDUR
Intervention Names(s)
Intervention Name 1 / Name of First Intervention / Enter the code corresponding to the reported intervention name
98= Left Blank / INTERVENTION_A
Intervention Name 2 / Name of Second Intervention / Enter the code corresponding to the reported intervention name
98= Left Blank / INTERVENTION_B
Intervention Name 3 / Name of Third Intervention / Enter the code corresponding to the reported intervention name
98= Left Blank / INTERVENTION_C
SECTION ONE: Facts About You
1 / How would you describe yourself? (Gender) / 1= Male
2= Female
3= Transgender (Male to female)
4= Transgender (Female to male)
5= Transgender (No further detail) / GENDER
98= Left Blank or multiple responses selected
2 / In what year were you born? / Record the four-digit year (e.g. 1960, 1961, etc.)
98= Left blank / YOB
3 / Are you of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin? (If yes, you may select one or more categories)
3a / Not of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin? / 1= Checked
0= Not checked
98= Entire question left blank / E_NONHISPAN
3b / Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a? / 1= Checked
0= Not checked
98= Entire question left blank / E_MEXICAN
3c / Puerto Rican? / 1= Checked
0= Not checked
98= Entire question left blank / E_PUERTRICAN
3d / Cuban? / 1= Checked
0= Not checked
98= Entire question left blank / E_CUBAN
3e / Another Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin? / 1= Checked
0= Not checked
98= Entire question left blank / E_OTHERHISPAN
4 / What is your race? (Select one or more?)
4a / White selected? / 1= Yes
0= No
98= Entire question left blank / R_WHITE_N
4b / Black or African American selected? / 1= Yes
0= No
98= Entire question left blank / R_BLACK_N
4c / American Indian or Alaska Native selected? / 1= Yes
0= No
98= Entire question left blank / R_AMERINALSK_N
4d / Asian Indian selected? / 1= Yes
0= No
98= Entire question left blank / R_ASIAIN_N
4e / Chinese selected? / 1= Yes
0= No
98= Entire question left blank / R_CHINESE_N
4f / Filipino selected? / 1= Yes
0= No
98= Entire question left blank / R_FILIP_N
4g / Japanese selected? / 1= Yes
0= No
98= Entire question left blank / R_JAPAN_N
4h / Korean selected? / 1= Yes
0= No
98= Entire question left blank / R_KOR_N
4i / Vietnamese selected? / 1= Yes
0= No
98= Entire question left blank / R_VIETNAM_N
4j / Other Asian selected? / 1= Yes
0= No
98= Entire question left blank / R_OTHERASIA_N
4k / Native Hawaiian selected? / 1= Yes
0= No
98= Entire question left blank / R_HAW_N
4l / Guamanian or Chamorro selected? / 1= Yes
0= No
98= Entire question left blank / R_GUAM_N
4m / Samoan selected? / 1= Yes
0= No
98= Entire question left blank / R_SAMO_N
4n / Other Pacific Islander selected? / 1= Yes
0= No
98= Entire question left blank / R_OTHERPI_N
5 / How would you describe yourself? (sexual orientation) / 1= Straight/Heterosexual
2= Bisexual
3= Gay/Lesbian
4= Unsure
98= Left blank or multiple responses selected / SEX_PR
6 / How well do you speak English? / 1=Very well
3=Not well
4=Not at all
98=Left blank or multiple responses selected / SPEAK_ENG
7 / What is your primary spoken language? / 1= English
2= Spanish
3= Asian (Chinese, Japanese, or other)
4= American Indian (Apache, Blackfoot, Navajo, or other)
5= Other Language
98= Left blank or multiple responses selected / LANG
8 / What is the highest level of education you have finished, whether or not you received a degree? (Mark the highest grade you have completed.) / 1 = Elementary school
2 = Middle school
3 = High school
4= Community college or technical or trade school
5= Four-year college
6= Beyond four-year college
98= Left blank or multiple responses selected / EDLEVEL_N
9 / Are you currently attending college? / 0= No
1= Yes, I live on campus
2= Yes, I live off of campus
98= Left Blank or multiple responses selected / COLLEGE
10 / Which of the following best describes you? (Mark the one that fits best) / 1= Employed full time (35+ hours per week)
2= Employed part-time
3= Unemployed (full-time student)
4= Unemployed (other reason)
98=Left blank or multiple responses selected / EMPLOY_N
11 / Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone - such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping? / 1= Yes
0= No
98=Left blank or multiple responses selected / PMECONDITION
12 / If you have ever been in juvenile/adult detention, jail, or prison for more than 3 days, how long has it been since you last got out? / 99= Never in juvenile/adult detention, jail, or prison for more than 3 days
1= Less than two years
2= Two years or more
98= Left blank or multiple responses selected / JAILTIME_N
13 / Have you ever served in the Armed Forces, in the Reserves, or the National Guard [select all that apply])?
13_1 / No, (Skip to #14) / 1= Selected
0= Not Selected
98= Entire question left blank / MILSERVENO
13_2 / Yes, in the Armed Forces / 1= Selected
0= Not Selected
98= Entire question left blank / MILSERVEARM
13_3 / Yes, in the Reserves / 1= Selected
0= Not Selected
98= Entire question left blank / MILSERVERES
13_4 / Yes, in the National Guard / 1= Selected
0= Not Selected
98= Entire question left blank / MILSERVENG
13a / If YES to question 13,
Are you currently on active duty in the Armed Forces, in the Reserves, or the National Guard? / 1= Yes, in the Armed Forces
2= Yes, in the Reserves
3= Yes, in the National Guard
0= No, separated or retired from Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard
98= Left blank or multiple responses selected / ACTIVE
13b / Have you ever been deployed to a combat zone [select all that apply]?
13b_1 / Never deployed / 1= Selected
0= Not Selected
98= Entire question left blank / DEPLOYEDNO
13b_2 / Iraq or Afghanistan (e.g., Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn) / 1=Selected
0= Not Selected
98= Entire question left blank / DEPLOYEDIRAQ
13b_3 / Persian Gulf (Operation Desert Shield or Desert Storm) / 1=Selected
0= Not Selected
98= Entire question left blank / DEPLOYEDPERS
13b_4 / Vietnam/Southeast Asia / 1=Selected
0= Not Selected
98= Entire question left blank / DEPLOYEDASIA
13b_5 / Korea / 1=Selected
0= Not Selected
98= Entire question left blank / DEPLOYEDKOR
13b_6 / WWII / 1=Selected
0= Not Selected
98= Entire question left blank / DEPLOYEDWWII
13b_7 / Deployed to a combat zone not listed above (e.g., Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo) / 1=Selected
0= Not Selected
98= Entire question left blank / DEPLOYEDOTH
14 / Is anyone in your family or someone close to you on active duty in the Armed Forces, in the Reserves, or the National Guard, or separated or retired from Armed Forces, Reserves, or the National Guard? / 0= No, (Skip to #16)
1= Yes, 1 person
2= Yes, 2 people
3= Yes, 3 people
4= Yes, 4 people
5= Yes, 5 people
6= Yes, 6 or more people
98=Left blank or multiple responses selected / OTHACTIVE
15_1 / If YES to question 14,
If yes, answer the following questions for each person you marked in question 14 (up to six people).
Service Member’s relationship to you: / 1= Mother/Father
2= Brother/Sister
3= Spouse/Partner
4= Child
5= Other, specify
98= Entire column left blank / SERVREL1
15_1 other specify / If OTHER, SPECIFY to question 15,
Specify / (text response) / SERVREL1_OTHER
15_2 / If YES to question 14,
If yes, answer the following questions for each person you marked in question 14 (up to six people).
Service Member’s relationship to you: / 1= Mother/Father
2= Brother/Sister
3= Spouse/Partner
4= Child
5= Other, specify
98= Entire Column Left Blank / SERVREL2
15_2 other specify / If OTHER, SPECIFY to question 15_2,
Specify / (text response) / SERVREL2_OTHER
15_3 / If YES to question 14,
If yes, answer the following questions for each person you marked in question 14 (up to six people).
Service Member’s relationship to you: / 1= Mother/Father
2= Brother/Sister
3= Spouse/Partner
4= Child
5= Other, specify
98= Entire Column Left Blank / SERVREL3
15_3 other specify / If OTHER, SPECIFY to question 15_3,
Specify / (text response) / SERVREL3_OTHER
15_4 / If YES to question 14,
If yes, answer the following questions for each person you marked in question 14 (up to six people).
Service Member’s relationship to you: / 1= Mother/Father
2= Brother/Sister
3= Spouse/Partner
4= Child
5= Other, specify
98= Entire Column Left Blank / SERVREL4
15_4 other specify / If OTHER, SPECIFY to question 15_4,
Specify / (text response) / SERVREL4_OTHER
15_5 / If YES to question 14,
If yes, answer the following questions for each person you marked in question 14 (up to six people).
Service Member’s relationship to you: / 1= Mother/Father
2= Brother/Sister
3= Spouse/Partner
4= Child
5= Other, specify
98= Entire Column Left Blank / SERVREL5
15_5 other specify / If OTHER, SPECIFY to question 15_5,
Specify / (text response) / SERVREL5_OTHER
15_6 / If YES to question 14,
If yes, answer the following questions for each person you marked in question 14 (up to six people).
Service Member’s relationship to you: / 1= Mother/Father
2= Brother/Sister
3= Spouse/Partner
4= Child
5= Other, specify
98= Entire Column Left Blank / SERVREL6
15_6 other specify / If OTHER, SPECIFY to question 15_6,
Specify / (text response) / SERVREL6_OTHER
SECTION TWO: Attitudes & Knowledge
Perception of Risk/Harm
16 / How much do people risk harming themselves physically and in other ways when they smoke ONE OR MORE PACKS OF CIGARETTES PER DAY? / 1= No Risk
2= Slight Risk
3= Moderate Risk
4= Great Risk
97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say
98= Left blank or multiple responses selected / RSKCIG
17 / How much do people risk harming themselves physically and in other ways when they smoke MARIJUANA once or twice a week? / 1= No Risk
2= Slight Risk
3= Moderate Risk
4= Great Risk
97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say
98= Left blank or multiple responses selected / RSKMJ
18 / How much do people risk harming themselves physically and in other ways when they have five or more drinks of an ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE once or twice a week? / 1= No Risk
2= Slight Risk
3= Moderate Risk
4= Great Risk
97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say
98= Left blank or multiple responses selected / RSKALC
Your Friends Risky Behavior
19 / How many of your friends and acquaintances often have 5 or more drinks in one sitting? / 1= None of them
2= A few of them
3= Some of them
4= Most of them
5= All of them
98= Left Blank or multiple responses selected / PEERBINGE_A
20 / How would you feel about your close friends frequently having 5 or more drinks in one sitting? / 1= I would strongly disapprove
2= I would disapprove
3= I would neither approve nor disapprove
4= I would approve
5= I would strongly approve
98= Left blank or multiple responses selected / WRGBINGE_A