Question #13 Scenarios


STEP 1: On the poster board that is provided to your group, list the top ten things that your group decided that they need to survive. Be prepared to discuss with the class how your group plans to fulfill each one of those needs based on your current situation.

STEP 2:Each group will be assigned one of the scenarios listed below. Write a three paragraph response to the scenario that was assigned to your group. Each member of the group should record the response.

SCENARIO 1: Due to the limited amount of food that is on the island, food is equally rationed out for each meal to each group member. As your rations become smaller and smaller each day, and you go to bed hungry each night, you begin to realize that someone has been stealing food from the storage area! How would you go about discovering the guilty party? Based on your top ten list of things that were necessary for survival, do you feel that your group has included everything it needs to survive and function as an orderly society? Select one thing off of your list that you no longer feel is important, and replace it with something that you feel would be even more beneficial to the group, especially in helping them deal with the scenario. Be sure to explain why.

SCENARIO 2: One morning you wake up and hear screams and shouts coming from the jungle. You run towards the noise, and discover that two of the members of your group are in the middle of an intense fight. One member has a bloody nose and appears to have a dislocated shoulder. The other has two black eyes that are swollen shut, and a large gauge out his lip, which needs stitches. There are no doctors or medical supplies. How would you deal with these two group members? Based on your top ten list of things that were necessary for survival, do you feel that your group has included everything it needs to survive and function as an orderly society? Select one thing off of your list that you no longer feel is important, and replace it with something that you feel would be even more beneficial to the group, especially in helping them deal with the scenario. Be sure to explain why.

SCENARIO 3: Somewhere lurking in the jungle is a monstrous, murderous beast, whohas already attacked and seriously injured members of your group. Usually the attacks occur after dusk, and only in the jungle. Certain members of your group insist on taking nightly walks in the jungle because there is a rare and delicious fruit that ripens only in the moonlight, but rots when the sun rises. You have warned them not to continue this, but they do not listen. How would you deal with these two group members? (Remember, each group member possesses skills that you need in order to survive). Based on your top ten list of things that were necessary for survival, do you feel that your group has included everything it needs to survive and function as an orderly society? Select one thing off of your list that you no longer feel is important, and replace it with something that you feel would be even more beneficial to the group, especially in helping them deal with the scenario. Be sure to explain why.

SCENARIO 4:One of the members of your group was wearing a pair of eyeglasses when the plane crashed. You have found that the lenses are useful tools in helping to start fires, sending signals, and a variety of other practical tasks. However, your group member cannot see a thing without them, and one day he has an argument with another member of the group, who gets so angry that he takes the glasses and steps on them—destroying the lenses. How would you deal the group members in this situation? Based on your top ten list of things that were necessary for survival, do you feel that your group has included everything it needs to survive and function as an orderly society? Select one thing off of your list that you no longer feel is important, and replace it with something that you feel would be even more beneficial to the group, especially in helping them deal with the scenario. Be sure to explain why.

SCENARIO 5: As a group, you have decided that the best chance you have at being rescued is to send up smoke signals to catch the attention of any other airplanes that might fly by. This requires that a fire be kept burning constantly. You appoint one member of the group to stand guard over the fire day and night to make sure that it never dies out. However, three times it has been discovered that this group member has abandoned this responsibility in order to carouse around the island. How would you deal with this group member? Based on your top ten list of things that were necessary for survival, do you feel that your group has included everything it needs to survive and function as an orderly society? Select one thing off of your list that you no longer feel is important, and replace it with something that you feel would be even more beneficial to the group, especially in helping them deal with the scenario. Be sure to explain why.