Summary of Project ideas submitted
Please note that Project ideas listed in italic script are participants who have expressed interest in presenting their project orally but have not sent a Project proforma. These participants must send in a Project Proforma before the event or hand it in when they register.
Name / Organisation / Proforma attached / Title / Presentation
E Government
Frances.M Buggy / South East R.A / Yes / ICT toolset for European spatial/socio-economic planning / Yes
Ray de Graff / North Yorshire CC / Yes / E-government to improve public services in rural areas / No
Liam Breslin / Cooperative development association / Yes / Communications cooperative / No
Dr Robert Huggins / National centre for Environmental Data & surveillance / Yes / Virtual environmental Planning system
(VEPS) / Yes
J. Keyes / Offaly CC / Yes / Wireless Internet to rural communities / No
Frank Mc Carthy / SEISS. South East regional Authority / Yes / Connected communities WLAN Pilot project / Yes
Thomas Kirby – Marie Collins / Mid-West Regional Authority / No / Yes
E- business
Paul Hassan / South West Screen / Yes / New solutions for SME’s / No
Monika Gatzke / FTK –Dortmund / Yes / Virtual SME campus for e-business training / No
Liam Breslin / Telework Ireland / Yes / Channelling ework from public bodies / No
Margaret Grene / Telecommunications Software Systems Group / Yes / B2B Portal – establishing an E-Infrastructure / No
Shelagh Lorne / East Sussex CC / Yes / Maximising SME benefits from ICT / No
Rocio Rubio Centenio / ERNACT – Donegal / Yes / New VIRIDIAN / Yes
Jochen Werres / Yorkshire sub region ICT partnership / Yes / Public sector E-government improvement for rural areas / No
Jacques Beslot / Research & Developt
Consultant / Yes / Identifying possible market ‘niches’ derived from future ICT developments / No
Michael Thompson / Leicestershire EconomicPartnership / No / Yes
Jenny Tooth / London Borough of Croydon / No / Yes
Matt Morden / Carmathenshire CCET / Yes / Developing e-learning strategies at county level / Yes
Jeremy Clayton / Taurus 2000 Ltd / Yes / Management training with languages / Yes
Huw Owen / / Yes / Developing elearning through Broadband
In different sectors (business, health ) / No
Marie-France Urban / France 3 European TV programmes / Yes / ANTENEO : cooperation between local regional TVs to develop transnational programmes / Yes
Theme 1
PRO FORMA FOR INTERREG IIIB NWE PROJECT IDEASSecond transnational thematic workshop
“Improved Access to the Information Society”
Cork, Ireland – 26th-27th June 2003
Please try to keep the document to no more than 1 page long
Project idea title / Communications Cooperative.
Lead Partner Organisation
Address / (Cooperative Development Association)
Ballinaglera Co Leitrim
Contact Person
Position within Organisation / Liam Breslin Director
Telephone number / + 353 78 43000
Fax number / + 353 78 43000
E-mail address /
Summary description of project / There is a market failure in broadband both in supply and demand, in rural areas. Co-ops work where there is market failure. Community provision of broadband via radio etc and other services will be explored.
Key objectives / Identifying suitable rural community network technologies
Identifying suitable community cooperative organisation format
Demonstration of technology
Demonstration of need for rural broadband.
Planning for wider uptake of technology
Expected concrete results / Identification and assessment of existing and trends in wireless and other technologies.
Demonstartion of technology
Setting up of cooperative.
Estimated total eligible cost (€)
Estimated total ERDF sought (€)
Project partners already involved / Telework Ireland
Cooperative Developemnt Association
North Leitrim Community Broadband Group
Other types of partners you are looking for (Country, activity sector, etc.) / Border Counties Ireland, elsewhere. Local Authorities, Community groups, Academic groups industry groups.
PRO FORMA FOR INTERREG IIIB NWE PROJECT IDEASSecond transnational thematic workshop
“Improved Access to the Information Society”
Cork, Ireland – 26th-27th June 2003
Please try to keep the document to no more than 1 page long
Project idea title / Public Sector E-government Improvement for rural areas
Lead Partner Organisation
Address / NYCC
County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AH, UK
Contact Person
Position within Organisation / Ray de Graff
Telephone number
Fax number
E-mail address
Summary description of project / Use ICT effectively in a sustainable way with new innovative measures and methods for the delivery of public services in rural areas
Key objectives / Public Access for all (or most)
Applied Rural delivery Mechanisms and methods
Apply E-democracy approaches / Better involvement of people in political and spatial decision making / transformation of organisation of bureaucracy and administrations in rural areas, better integration and interaction with the public sector
Expected concrete results / Improved application of ICT possibilities
Schemes to improve public services
Developing transnational strategies for the application of ICTfor public sector rural delivery
Investment in small scale pilot infrastructure
Estimated total eligible cost (€) / ~ 250,000€ per partner
Estimated total ERDF sought (€) / 125,000€ per partner
Project partners already involved / NONE in NWE / some potential found in NSR
Other types of partners you are looking for (Country, activity sector, etc.) / Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, France
Strategic Implementation of e-Europe and national e-government agenda in relation to rural specifities
Second transnational thematic workshop
“Improved Access to the Information Society”
Cork, Ireland – 26th-27th June 2003
Please try to keep the document to no more than 1 page long
Project idea title / Working Title: ICT enabled European regional socio-economic/spatial /network/skill planning toolset
Lead Partner Organization
Address / Overall lead partner for the project to be identified – but Irish lead partner is South-East Regional Authority
Contact Person
Position within Organization / Frances M. Buggy, MBA
Projects Officer, South-East Regional Authority
Telephone number / 052-26200
Fax number / 052-26512
E-mail address /
Summary description of project / Exploiting a unique practical opportunity to beta test and launch unique ICT enabled spatial planning software tools from GIS and GPNS experts GAMMA & the OSI - which facilitate optimal planning of telecommunications network and traffic management . SERA will build an additional learning/ software/hardware development opportunity from the deployment of database powered- emerging combination of GIS & GPNS, on top of two significant projects in implementation- due for completion in 2005 – SERPANT – roll-out of 6 municipal broadband rings; AND the concurrent drafting of the regional planning guidelines for the National Spatial Strategy – together with the use of state of the art technology for the creation of the next regional 5 year plan.
Key objectives / -Establish a European best practice model for the deployment of new GIS database & GPNS technologies to improve the spatial , socio economic, and human capital/skills planning and deployment process . This operational model will offer a practical online/offline toolset to European planners and policymakers –offering greater scenario testing capability and more practical economic planning capability.
Expected concrete results / Actual spatial planning tool which facilitates spatial planning in terms of infrastructure, ICT/broadband network rollout, and skills mapping- and which has been tested transnationally to ensure that significant exercises in infrastructural development can be planned, executed and measured for effectiveness – over a shorter cycle than heretofore.
Estimated total eligible cost (€) / Estimate in progress – but c. 1.5m Euros over 3 years
Estimated total ERDF sought (€) / Estimates in progress- available in detail for the June conference.
Project partners already involved / SERA, -co-ordinating Irish partners: Gamma Ltd., (possibly Vodafone and OSI)
Other types of partners you are looking for (Country, activity sector, etc.) / Similar Regional development agencies with pre-existing relationships with organizations with ICT/socio-economic human capital/spatial planning expertise: Preferably from regions who face the same strategic challenges- urban sprawl, rural migration, loss of ICT graduates from the region, poor transport infrastructure, need to apply technology to overcome economic heritage and regional disparity. Eg – from UK,. Germany, Belgium , Netherlands, etc.
Second transnational thematic workshop
“Improved Access to the Information Society”
Cork, Ireland – 26th-27th June 2003
Please try to keep the document to no more than 1 page long
Project idea title / Virtual Environmental Planning System. (VEPS)
Lead Partner Organisation
Address / Environment Agency
National Centre for Environmental Data and Surveillance
Lower Bristol Road, BATHBA2 9ES
Contact Person
Position within Organisation / Dr. Robert J. Huggins
Environmental Information Manager
Telephone number / 01225 444066
Fax number / 01225 469939
E-mail address /
Summary description of project / Development of an on-line virtual tool based on a digital photography and a digital elevation model using LIDAR data. This virtual world to be overlaid on to a GIS system delivering environmental data and models.
Key objectives / To provide easy quick access to easily understood environmental data and information in the context of planning proposals and land use change.
Expected concrete results / Development of a tool to assist planners and others to visualise and understand the environmental consequences of planning decisions and land use change.
Estimated total eligible cost (€) / N/A
Estimated total ERDF sought (€) / N/A
Project partners already involved / None so far.
Other types of partners you are looking for (Country, activity sector, etc.) / To be determined
Second transnational thematic workshop
“Improved Access to the Information Society”
Cork, Ireland – 26th-27th June 2003
Please try to keep the document to no more than 1 page long
Project idea title / Wireless Internet Access to Rural communities
Lead Partner Organisation
Address / Offaly County Council,
Aras an Chontae, Tullamore,
Co. Offaly, Ireland.
Contact Person
Position within Organisation / Mr. J. Keyes, Dir. Of Services
Mr. H. O’Donoghue, Head of IS
Telephone number / +353 506 46800
Fax number / +353 506 46868
E-mail address / and/or
Summary description of project / The provision of wireless internet access to a marginalised and rural community, initially in West Co. Offaly.
Key objectives / Increased domestic and small business access to services on the world wide web.
Expected concrete results
Estimated total eligible cost (€) / Currently being assessed
Estimated total ERDF sought (€) / Currently being assessed
Project partners already involved / Offaly Co Council (Local Authority), Shannon Development (Development Agency), Banagher 2000 (local Development initiative)
Other types of partners you are looking for (Country, activity sector, etc.) / Similar to above in the public/semi-public/private sector. Regarding country we are open to suggestions.
Second transnational thematic workshop
“Improved Access to the Information Society”
Cork, Ireland – 26th-27th June 2003
Please try to keep the document to no more than 1 page long
Project idea title / Connected Communities WLAN Pilot Project
Lead Partner Organisation
Address / SEISS / South-East Regional Authority
1Gladstone Street, Clonmel,
Co.Tipperary, Ireland
Contact Person
Position within Organisation / Frank Mc Carthy
Senior Project Officer, SEISS
Telephone number / 353 53 63010 or Mobile 353 86 8376837
Fax number
E-mail address /
Summary description of project / Piloting the use of a variety of wireless technologies and configurations in the unliscenced bandwidth area using 802.11 compliant equipment, to provide managed bandwidth access to a range of community sites located in each of the five regional counties of the South-East Regional Authority area. A range of backbone access methods will be used in a diversity of community locations each of which are currently building local contend under a connected communities project , this will ensure adequate traffic on the systems to better evaluate the configurations and business models proposed.
Key objectives /
- Explore the effectiveness of a range of WLAN configurations as a means of providing last mile broadband access for remote communities.
- Compare different access methods in both Rural and Urban sites with a range of customer types, SME, Household, Educational and Large Industries.
- Testing the configurations in a number of sites with diverse population configurations requiring low to medium capacity in a variety of geographic communities.
- Identify constraints to deployment of these technologies for rural broadband access.
Expected concrete results /
- Comparative assessement of different access methods and performance of different configurations in supplying broadband
- Development of appropriate WLAN configurations and economic business models to suit rural communities.
- Mechanisms and models for aggregating demand to create economic broadband access for SMEs & local communities
- Quantitative and Qualitative analysis statistics on performance, attitudes and uptake of broadband in rural communities
Estimated total eligible cost ( / Estimated 3 – 400,000Euro
Estimated total ERDF sought / To be determined
Project partners already involved / SEISS / South-East Regional Authority
Omniserve Europe Equipmen/ Technical Expertise
TSSG Waterford Institute of Technology
Other types of partners you are looking for (Country, activity sector, etc.) / Partners from similar rural regions who wish to deploy economic broadband access to remote rural communities
Ref: for regional ICT strategy and action plan details and a profile of the South-East Region also for a profile of the South-East Regional Authority
Second transnational thematic workshop
“Improved Access to the Information Society”
Cork, Ireland – 26th-27th June 2003
Please try to keep the document to no more than 1 page long
Project idea title / Municipal E-Government and its contribution to stimulate the regional economy
Lead Partner Organisation
Address / German Institute of Urban Affairs
Straße des 17. Juni 110-112
D-10623 Berlin
Contact Person
Position within Organisation / Christine Siegfried
Telephone number / ++49+30-39001201
Fax number / ++49+30-39001116
E-mail address /
Summary description of project / Cities are building virtual town halls to provide citizens with information and knowledge via the Internet. On-line services of the administration are already offered in many forms by many towns and cities. Recently, a number of municipalities have been trying to combine their administrative services and the e-commerce facilities in a single system, in so called portals. They offer electronic communication and transactions with the aim to gain a greater transparency, ensure their efficiency, minimize their costs and increase people’s participation.
Currently, only little do we know about the actual needs and requirements of citizens and enterprises using online-services. We don’t know which applications (in either direction Government to Business (G2B) or Government to Citizens (G2C)) are required and why so. However, cities do not evaluate the needs of their inhabitants for online-services systematically, and most of them don’t design any e-government-strategies. On the other hand enterprises often do not know about the online-services offered and if they are useful.
This project will give answers to the following questions:
- how can cities rise the acceptance of online-services?
- which special needs do have enterprises?
- how can e-government contribute to stimulate the regional economy?
- how could the internet (particulary portals) be used as an instrument of business development?
- which are critical factors for success in developing portals?
Key objectives / To investigate the special needs of enterprises regarding E-Government, to initiate cooperation between cities and enterprise,s
to find good-practices for G2B-applications,
to find out how e-government can contribute to regional business-development
Expected concrete results / Fostering regional and interregional Cooperation between cities and Enterprises
Dissemination of good-practices
Seeking out critical factors for success
Estimated total eligible cost (€) / To be calculated
Estimated total ERDF sought (€) / To be calculated
Project partners already involved / Zentrum für interaktive Medien e.V. Köln (Center for interactive media) with up to 10 member cities
Other types of partners you are looking for (Country, activity sector, etc.) / Any other European Partners that are dealing with the subject of G2B-applications or with the subject of using the Internet for regional business-development
Theme 2
E-Business & Teleworking
PRO FORMA FOR INTERREG IIIB NWE PROJECT IDEASSecond transnational thematic workshop
“Improved Access to the Information Society”
Cork, Ireland – 26th-27th June 2003
Please try to keep the document to no more than 1 page long
Project idea title
Lead Partner Organisation
Contact Person
Position within Organisation / Jacques BESLOT
Telephone number / + 33 (0) 241672293
Fax number
E-mail address /
Summary description of project / Anticiper l’évolution des nouvelles technologies del’information et de la communication, les expérimenter et les partager pour accompagner le développement de niches commerciales transnationalesdurables.
Trois étapes sont proposées:
1)une étude locale et régionale dans chaque pays, à partir d’une filière commune (formation continue en langues) et d’une filière commerciale propre, sur une durée d’un an.
2)Des expérimentations transnationales
3)Des applications technologiques et l’accompagnement vers un commerce transnational entre ces pays s’appuyant sur ces NTIC.
Une étude a été conduite en Anjou située en Région Centre et Région Pays de la Loire. La coordination de cette étape pourrait être continuée à partir de l’ Anjou.
La coordination des deux autres reviendrait aux partenaires européens intéressés.
Expected concrete results / Développement de niches commerciales transnationales
Estimated total eligible cost (€)
Estimated total ERDF sought (€)
Project partners already involved
Other types of partners you are looking for (Country, activity sector, etc.) / Agriculteurs, écoles de langues, formation continue, entreprises innovantes, professions indépendantes et libérales, ingénieurs, développeurs, recherche et développement, communes, collectivités locales et régionales.