P.P. Atkins Newsletter
Spring2013 Newsletter
We’re in the home stretch for 2013 - Is Your Business Where You Wanted To Be?
We are now on the home stretch for 2013. We have a new Federal Government, low interest rates, and a lower Australian Dollar, so how are you placed for 2013? Are you meeting your business KPI’s, are you on track for your budget projections? It’s easy to get caught in the daily grind of business and if you haven’t stopped to check your results how do you know if you are improving or not.
In this newsletter we have tried to provide material that will make you stop and take stock of where you are. After all, the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect a different result
  • How to Think Like a Leader
  • Latest HR Issues For Employers
  • Cash Or Crash – The Importance Of Managing Cash Flow
  • 6 Ways To Make Your Leadership And Workplace Fun Again
If you want some ideas and suggestions on practical things you can change to ‘SHAKE’ your business up, just give me a call on 9525 8788.
David Atkins
How to Think Like a Leader
Source - Jack Welch Founder, Jack Welch Management Institute at Strayer University
Too often, people who are promoted to their first leadership position miss the point. And that failure probably trips up careers more than any other reason.
Being a leader changes everything. Before you are a leader, success is all about you. It’s about your performance. Your contributions. It’s about raising your hand, getting called on, and delivering the right answer.
When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. It’s about making the people who work for you smarter, bigger, and bolder. Nothing you do anymore as an individual matters except how you nurture and support your team and help its members increase their self-confidence.
To find out more about the psychology of leaders click here.
Latest HR Issues For Employers
Source – The Informant – Updates on Workplace Law & HR
Employer's refusal to grant part-time work equated to constructive dismissal.
An employer has been found to have constructively dismissed a female employee after it unreasonably refused the employee's request to return to work on a part-time basis after the birth of her child.
Enterprise Agreements must not allow pre-paid leave
Two recent FWC decisions prohibiting the inclusion of clauses providing for pre-payment of annual and personal leave in enterprise agreements have highlighted the increasing need for caution when drafting enterprise agreements.
For the full details about both of these cases please click here.
Cash Or Crash – The Importance Of Managing Cash Flow
Source – The Accounts Studio
One of the keys to being successful in any business is the ability to properly manage the cash flow. Every business ultimately relies on cash to pay employees and suppliers in order to provide the goods and services to customers so that it can remain in business.
While it’s certainly possible for many businesses to access a line of credit to smooth out any fluctuations in cash flow so they can still acquire goods and services to provide their customers, this will only work to help a business to stay afloat in the short term.
Without a long term plan to properly manage cash flow so that employees, suppliers and even taxes and other fees are paid on time, a business will ultimately fail.
If you find that you are often robbing Peter to pay Paul in your business just to stay afloat, you might want to consider clicking here to find out some strategies to better manage your cash flow.
6 Ways To Make Your Leadership And Workplace Fun Again
Source - Glenn Llopis, FORBES Magazine
People desire a “leadership refresh” in their organizations. Employees want leaders that are likeable, understand their needs, can authentically motivate people and know how to energize a workplace culture to generate the best results for the organization. Just because you are a great sales person doesn’t mean you will be an effective leader.The traditional leader still employs the old school ways of doing things that make it difficult to engage a workforce that is more diverse and multigenerational than ever before. Today’s short-term, rapid-paced, limited-resource workplace requires more trust amongst employees and their intentions, transparency in communication and requirements and cross-departmental collaboration to fuel more desired outcomes – where people feel valued and respected.
Click here for the full article and list of methods to make your workplace fun and productive.
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P.P. Atkins & Co
The Stables, 77 Willarong Road
Caringbah, NSW 2229
(02)9525 8788
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