(Specifier Note: The purpose of this guide specification is to assist the specifier in correctly specifying flood vent products and their installation. The specifier needs to edit the guide specifications to fit the needs of specific projects. Contact a Flood Solutions Product Representative to assist in appropriate product selections. Throughout the guide specification, there are Specifier Notes to assist in the editing of the file.

References have been made within the text of the specification to current MasterFormat section numbers and titles, specifier needs to coordinate these numbers and titles with sections included for the specific project. Brackets [ ] have been used to indicate when a selection is required.

SECTION 08 95 16


Flood Solutions, LLC

Model C Series Cast Aluminum Engineered Flood Vents



A.  Cast aluminum engineered flood vents with screen for installation in [masonry] [concrete] [framed] [insert wall description] walls for flood control.


A.  ASTM International

1.  ASTM B26 – Standard Specification for Aluminum Alloy Sand Castings.

2.  ASTM B85 – Standard Specification for Aluminum Alloy Die Castings.

3.  ASTM B209 – Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate.

B.  Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

1.  Technical Document 1: Openings in Foundation Walls and Walls of Enclosures.


(Specifier Note: DELETE Submittal Procedures paragraph when not required. Coordinate requirements with Division 01, Section 01 33 00 – Submittal Procedures.)

A.  Refer to Section [01 33 00 Submittal Procedures] [insert section number and title].

B.  Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s current technical literature for each type of product.

C.  Shop Drawings: Submit detailed drawings showing vent construction, dimensions, and installation details.

D.  Provide documentation that wall vent is certified as a flood vent in the state which the project is located as defined by FEMA.

(Specifier Note: DELETE LEED submittal requirements when project is not pursuing LEED certification. LEED-NC v2.2 credits are in red LEED-NC v3 credits are in red bold.)

E.  LEED Submittals:

1.  Material and Resources (MR)

a.  Product Certificates for Credit[MR 4] [MR4.1[and CreditMR4.2]]: For products having recycled content, documentation indicating percentages by weight of postconsumer and preconsumer recycled content.

b.  Product Certificates for Credit [MR 5] [MR5.1[and CreditMR5.2]]: For products and materials required to comply with requirements for regionally manufactured materials. Include statement indicating cost, location of manufacturer, and distance to Project for each regionally manufactured material.


(Specifier Note: If engineered flood vents are to be included in a Division 3 – Concrete, Division 4 – Masonry or Division 07 – Thermal and Moisture Protection section copy “Wall Vents” article into appropriate Section and delete “Substitution Limitations and “Materials” paragraphs, edit remaining paragraphs for project conditions.)


A.  Manufacturer: Flood Solutions, LLC; 1 Industrial Drive, No. 27, Pelham, New Hampshire 03076; 800-325-9775; www.floodsolutions.com.

1.  Model: C Series Cast Aluminum Engineered Flood Vent.

(Specifier Note: DELETE or COORDINATE Substitution Limitations paragraph if substitutions are addressed in Division 01, Section 01 21 00 – Substitution Procedures.)

B.  Substitution Limitations:

1.  Submit written request for approval of substitutions to the Architect [a minimum of [14] days prior to the date for receipt of bids] [Insert time period].

2.  Substitutions following award of contract are not allowed except as stipulated in Division 01 – General Requirements.

C.  Materials:

1.  Aluminum castings: 3/8 inch minimum thickness cast aluminum complying with ASTM B26 or ASTM B85, Alloy No. 319.

2.  Fasteners: Type, size, and spacing as recommended by vent manufacturer for project conditions.

(Specifier Note: Include sealant paragraph if vents are to be installed using sealant.)

3.  Sealant: Type as [specified in Section 07 92 00 - Joint Sealants] [Insert section number and title] [recommended by vent manufacturer].

D.  Assembly

1.  Type: Cast aluminum, engineered flood vent with insect/rodent screen.

2.  Nominal sizes:

a.  Width by Height: 16 by 8 inches.

b.  Depth: 3/8 inch

3.  Screens: 1/4 inch perforated aluminum rodent screen with a No. 8 aluminum mesh insect screen set behind louvers in extruded stop on frame.

E.  Finish:

1.  [Mill Finish.]

2.  [Painted Finish:

a.  [Fluoropolymer Kynar colored coating complying with AAMA 605.2.]

b.  Color: [Black] [Light Grey] [Light Tan].]



A.  Concrete foundations:

1.  Verify that block-outs have been provided in foundation wall formwork.

2.  Verify that recommended clearances and necessary attachment framing has been provided to allow for installation of engineered flood vent.

(Specifier Note: Include preparation paragraph if vents are to be installed in existing opening.)


A.  Temporarily lay vent over existing opening, plumb and level, mark locations of four vent tabs on existing wall. Cut existing wall to accept vent tabs

B.  Wood blocking: Install 3/4 inch thick pressure treated wood blocking on each side of existing opening, hold blocking back so that vent is flush with face of wall. Secure blocking to [masonry] [concrete] wall using anchors recommended by manufacturer.


A.  General:

1.  Do not install vents that are damaged or scratched. Replace damaged and scratched vents.

2.  Install vents secure, level, and plumb with wall surface.

3.  Install vents in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions, FEMA Requirements, and approved shop drawings.

4.  Bottom of flood vents shall be located no more than 12 inches above adjacent grade.

5.  After installation is complete seal around perimeter of vent with sealant.

(Specifier Note: Include “Masonry construction” paragraph if vents are to be built into masonry wall.)

B.  Masonry construction:

1.  Build vents into wall with mortar as part of masonry construction specified in Section [04 20 00 – Unit Masonry] [insert section number and title].

2.  Protect exposed vent surfaces from wet mortar.

(Specifier Note: Delete paragraph if vents are installed as masonry wall is constructed.)

C.  Installation into existing [Masonry] [and] [Concrete] openings:

1.  Drill hole in each corner of vent and mechanically secure vent to pressure treated blocking.


A.  Remove excess sealant with mineral spirits or other solvent acceptable to sealant manufacturer.


Project Name/Project Number/10-Nov-11 08 95 16 - 1 Wall Vents

Flood Solutions – C Series Wall Vents