Richmond Lodge No. 230

Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania

June 8, 2011

A STATED MEETING of Richmond Lodge No. 230, Free & Accepted Masons,

will be held in Egyptian Hall, Masonic Temple, One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on…


JUNE 21st., 2011

at 7:30 o’clock, P.M.

*** ***** *******

Dinner: Lower Banquet Room, 6:30 P.M. We need to know if you will be joining us for dinner. Please call the Dinner Reservations

Bro. John Graham (215) 637-3696, not later than June 17th., 2011.

From the East:


This month is one of the busiest of months of the Masonic year. All of the grand bodies are having there big meetings of the season. So I have been all over this great state of Pennsylvania, like Pittsburgh and Williamsport. I was installed as the Grand Sentinel of the Grand Commandery of Pennsylvania in Pittsburgh. Next I will be heading to Williamsport for the Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter of Pennsylvania where I am serving as the Grand Master for the First Vail. But the one thing that these grand bodies have in common is. They both have some of the best Master Masons you can find in the state. These brethren are all hard workers and some of the nicest people you come by, and I just call them all my friends. That is why I do not mind going to Pittsburgh or Williamsport just to see them again. Also that is why I work so hard to see that our lodge succeeds. This is not only my lodge but it is where all my friends come together once a month, and I for one can not wait each month to come out and see everyone.

So there is one thing I would like to say to each and every member of Richmond Lodge. When was the last time you came out to a stated meeting of the lodge? Don’t you think that it is time to come out to a stated meeting and say hello to all your friends? Don’t you think that some one night be there that you have not seen in a long time? They might like to say hello to you and catch up on old times.

The Program this month is me. I will be doing a short talk membership and masons in PA.

Thank You

Jerry O. Richards, P.M. W.M.

Richmond Lodge No.230


TUESDAY, JUNE 14th, 2011

at 6:30 o’clock, P.M.

Dinner will be served at 6:30PM at Chili’s Restaurant, Northeast corner of 13th & Filbert Street. The same rules apply as last month. The Lodge pays the first $10.00 of your bill you pick up the rest. As we have work coming up. We need as many members present as possible to make this successful. If you are interested in learning or brushing up on the ritualistic work, we encourage you to attend. Candidates for advancement are required to attend to pass proficiency.

As the Second Tuesday is normally the night we reserve for Masonic Instruction and Education, those Brethren who desire Instruction or those with questions about the Fraternity should feel encouraged to attend this meeting.

Lodge Officers Elected & Appointed are required to be present.


Richmond Lodge has come into the Electronic Age.


Last Month / Petitions / Admissions / Losses
(Resignations, Suspensions, etc.) / Deaths / This Month
227 / 00 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 227



If you know of any of our Brethren who are ill or unable to get out, please notify the Lodge Secretary as soon as possible.

William H. Kavash, Jr. PM
6555 Tabor Ave., Apt # 3721
Philadelphia, PA 19111

Please notify the Lodge Secretary if you’re sick or know of a Brother who is sick or incapacitated. Please leave an address and telephone number so a proper announcement can be placed in the notice.

Quote by Billy Graham:

“Heaven is full of answers to prayers for which no one bothered to ask.”


The Worshipful Master will honor the Brethren who are celebrating their Masonic Birthday this month.

Earl L. Ferguson / 67 / John T. Zell / 49 / Sebastian Demanop / 27
Charles F. Hughes, Jr. (July) / 66 / Richard D. Miller, P.M. / 44 / Steven M. Coppola / 25
Samuel J. Schweigert, Jr. / 57 / Richard R. DeWitt, P.M. / 42 / George W. Fleischmann / 23
Harman Y. Cope, Jr. / 55 / Augustine J. Palazzo, P.M. / 39 / Daniel F. Eckman / 21
Benjamin H. Elwell / 54 / Estel R. Hicks / 35 / Gilbert G. Groff, P.M. / 19
Harry T. Emig / 54 / William A. Schwartz, Jr. / 32 / Michael P. Dewease / 9
Thayer K. Russell, Jr. / 50 / Harry Abbott, P.M. / 28 / Daniel P. Rodden / 5

If you know of a person who is interested in becoming a mason be sure to give him a petition. As part of this new program of inviting men who you feel would be a good mason we are including a petition. If you need additional petitions contact the secretary and he will send you as many as you need. Remember that a check must accompany the petition for the amount of $175.00. Our annual dues are a modest $40.00 a year. Remember Life Membership is only $1,000.00.

At the Stated Meeting a motion will be placed on the floor to cancel meetings for the summer months. If it’s necessary to have “a Stated Special or Extra Meetings during the summer months of July and August you will be notified by an official lodge notice.

Calendar of Events

June 14th 6:30 pm a light dinner at Chili’s

7:30 pm Instruction Meeting at the Temple

20th 6:30pm Dinner, Stated Meeting

July 5th 7:30pm Regional School of Instruction, Tacony Temple

12th 7:30pm Regional School of Instruction, Tacony Temple

19th 7:30pm Regional School of Instruction, Tacony Temple

26th 7:30pm Regional School of Instruction, Tacony Temple

August 2,9,16,23,30 7:00pm By-Laws Meeting

September 13th 6:30pm Instruction Meeting

17th 11:00am – 6:30 pm Autumn Days at Elizabethtown Masonic Homes

20th 6:30pm Dinner, Stated Meeting

27th 6:30pm Past Master Meeting & Dinner

Frederick B. Koelble, Sr. P.M.,