P-Park Helping the People of Africa

Teacher Project


Daniel Tilney

6th Grade Geography Teacher

Pinellas Park Middle School


1.) Students will know:

·  the definition of poverty.

·  the definition of unequal distribution of wealth.

·  causes and effects of poverty.

·  ways to fight poverty.

2.) Students will make a/an:

·  PowerPoint presentation.

·  advertisement slogan.

·  appeal using facts and data to encourage other students at Pinellas Park Middle to donate monies to the American Red Cross to help out their operation in Africa.

Steps for Success:

1.) The teacher will lead the class in reading encyclopedia articles about poverty and the distribution of income.

2.) The students will answer the following questions orally as they read the encyclopedia articles.

·  What is poverty?

·  What are some causes of poverty?

·  What are some effects of poverty?

·  What are some ways to fight poverty?

·  What is the unequal distribution of wealth?

·  What is an example of unequal distribution of wealth?

3.) The teacher will lead the class in a discussion about what is going on in Africa in regards to poverty, unequal distribution of wealth, and the lack of resources.

4.) The teacher will explain that the students will create a PowerPoint presentation to advertise the collection of monies for the American Red Cross—International Fund to help out the people of Africa. The students will be required to create at least 3 slides in their presentation, an advertisement slogan to encourage people to donate money to the American Red Cross. The students will make an appeal using facts and data to encourage other students at Pinellas Park Middle to donate monies to the American Red Cross to help out their operation in Africa.

5.) The teacher will show the students how to make a PowerPoint slide.

6.) The students will create the PowerPoint presentations.

7.) The teacher will assess the PowerPoint presentations by looking for the required items in the PowerPoint. The presentations are worth 30 points.

8.) The teacher will select the best PowerPoint presentations to be shown on the closed-circuit television show—Pinellas Park Middle School Morning Show.

9.) Selected students will introduce their PowerPoint presentations and will encourage students to bring in monies for the American Red Cross on the Morning Show.

10.) Collection of monies will correspond with the annual Global Awareness Week at Pinellas Park Middle School. This school year it will be the second week of May 2008. The monetary goal for the collection is $1,000. Last year, the school collected approximately $600 for the genocidal victims in Darfur, Sudan.


The lesson plan energizes the student’s compassion for other people and interest for learning while teaching the students about poverty, unequal distribution of wealth, PowerPoint presentations, and advertising.