Class 1 Curriculum Map

Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Topic / Ourselves & Our Homes / Fire & Ice / Dinosaurs / Food / Sea Sides / Holidays Travel
Big Question / What would I find on a woodland walk? / Could you be a fire fighter? / Would you find a dinosaur in a zoo? / Where does our Food really come from? / Do you like to be beside the seaside? / Where can you go on holiday?
English / LC Can I learn and retell the story of the Gruffalo?
Can I use adjectives to describe the settings and characters?
Can I recognise the beginning, middle and end of a story? / LC Can I write a recount of our visit to Holmfirth Fire Station?
How do polar bears keep warm?
What do snowmen do at night?
Retell the Christmas story / LC Can I research information about my favourite dinosaurs to write a report and use facts, labels, captions and headings? / LC Can I research information to find where food is produced around the world?
(Global Trade).
Handa’s Surprise, Hungry Caterpillar, Little Red Hen. / LC Can I write a diary entry for Grace darling?
Can I write information texts about the seaside?
Do pirates still exist? / LC Can I design a poster/leaflet for a place to visit and write a postcard?
Can I write a recount about the Mosque?
Mathematics / Properties of number
Number calculations and the number system
Problem solving
Introduction to money / Mental strategies
Number calculations
Shape and Space
Data handling / Mental strategies
Number calculations
Problem solving / Mental strategies
Shape and space
Number calculations
Data handling
Problem solving / Mental strategies
Properties of number
Number calculations
Problem solving
Measures / Mental Strategies
Number calculations Fractions
Problem solving
Data Handling
Shape and Space
Ongoing seasonal/weather changes / Does the temperature change with each season?
Our bodies & senses
Why can’t I see in the dark? / Material detectives:
How did marshmallows change when toasted?
Identify/name properties of materials
How do polar bears keep warm? / What did dinosaurs eat?
What are herbivores, carnivores & omnivores?
Write a report about each one.
Why do we not have dinosaurs now? / Can I sort plant foods from animal foods and understand the link between the foods we eat and animals/plants?
Health and exercise
Dental health / Life cycles of plants and animals – butterfly and frog.
Differentiate living, dead, never been alive.
Identify deciduous and evergreen trees / Year 2 SRE
Identify/compare a
variety of animals.
Predator/Prey relationships. Food chains.
ICT / We are Detectives
Keyboard skills
Safe use of equipment
Naming computer parts
Flow charts & Algorithms / We are Games Testers
Understanding algorithms. Create and debug simple programs / We are Researchers
Research, copy & paste information about your favourite dinosaur. Add the text, your own images, animation and sounds. / We are Photographers
Can I use the internet safely to find out about the differences in our diet in the past/present? / We are Treasure Hunters
Record & make videos / We are Painters
Flow charts & Algorithms
History / What would you like to be famous for?
Write a diary entry for Louis Braille / Who was Guy Fawkes?
Why do we wear Poppies?
Would Grandad have had an Ipad? / How do we know about dinosaurs?
Who was Mary Anning? / Is food that was available in the past available now?
How have shops changed? / Who was Grace Darling? / Why are life boats important?
Geography / Where is Hepworth?
Can I find this village on a map? Can I compare it with Kuta? Name Continents & Oceans / Where is Flanders?
Which countries make up the UK?
Maps to locate Eng/Scot, Wales & N. Ireland.
Locate north and south pole / How is a volcano made? Where do you find them?
Compass directions / Does weather and climatic conditions of
different localities affect the food that is produced and eaten?
Locate Africa – Handa’s Surprise. / Draw and label:
Ocean / Can I name all the continents and oceans?
Can I name the 4 countries & capital cities of the UK?
Art / Self portraits
Use photographs of homes to create chalk/pastel images / Fire and firework collage using variety of textures / Skills based drawing and sketching / Fruit prints/water patterns colour painting based on Arcimboldo
Fruit pictures based on Andy Warhol. / Water art inspired by David Hockney / Transient seascape collages based on Andy Goldsworthy
DT / Make percussion shakers using cylinders.
Design, make & evaluate a chair for teddy
Reverse, mod roc & paint cuboid shapes / Safely build & light fires to toast marshmallows.
Knead & bake bread. / Design and make your own mod roc volcano.
Make toasted dinosaur feet + mud! (chocolate) / Make a jam sandwich
Design and make a healthy meal.
Chopping and combining a salad mixture.
Open fire cooking / Can I make a clay thumb pot?
Can I design and make a pair of sunglasses? / Can I make ice-cream?
RE / Why do we need rules in school and the classroom? Are there any rules for life
Harvest celebration in Church / How do people from different cultures celebrate a special event? / What can we see in our wonderful world?
How can we work together to take care of our planet? / Why is Easter a special time for Christians? / How do Christians & Muslims celebrate new life?
How do people pray?
Hepworth Church Visit / Who & what are special to us?
What does it mean to belong to a Church or a Mosque?
Mosque Visit
SMSC/PHSE / What does it mean to be brave? / A special celebration of a different faith? / How can we look after our environment? – re-cycling / Respect each other’s individuality. / Fairtrade / Reflections
PE / Multi-skills
Circuit training / Football
Lion Dance / New Year’s Resolutions – How can I change?
Make zig-zag chameleon. / Gymnastics
Team games / Dance
Parachute games / Athletics
Team games
Sports day
Music / Control a steady beat. Understand rhythm. Combine beat and rhythm.
Songs for Harvest / Graphic scores
Clapping syllables
/ Percussion using own bodies and instruments for assembly / Singing – Food Glorious Food.
Can I compose music to represent different foods? / Singing songs, chats and rhymes / Copy and create rhythm patterns.
Celebration of topic / Village Walk
Explore our Woodland / Nativity Christmas Production
– A Midwife Crisis / Chinese New Year Assembly for whole School & Parents / Visit to Holmfirth shops
Easter / Beach/paddling Pool Day / Mount pleasant twinning project
Mosque visit