Sandwell Safeguarding Children Board

Prevention and Early InterventionSubgroup

Terms of Reference


The function of the Prevention and Early Intervention subgroup is to ensure that the following SSCB priorities are delivered in order to achieve positive outcomes for Sandwell’s children:

  • Develop and monitor the effectiveness of the Early HelpOffer in Sandwell including ensuring the Early Help Strategy and associated action plan is on track
  • Monitor and review the effectiveness of the SSCB Threshold Framework
  • Scrutinisethe effectiveness of the Children’s Front Door in Sandwell, including the effectiveness of multi-agency working within the MASH
  • Monitor the implementation of action plans arising from external reviews commissioned by the SSCB
  • Oversee the implementation of Signs of Safety model across the partnership
  • Embed the model of Locality Working via Community Operating Groups and oversee the effectiveness of the Strategic Operating Groups in each of the 6 towns
  • Ensure delivery of the Troubled Families agenda in Sandwell


The Chairof the sub group will be the Service Director for Children and Families within Sandwell MBC. The Core Members - the group will consist of representatives of the following organisations:

  • Sandwell Children and Families’ Service
  • West Midlands Police (WMP) – Vice Chair
  • NHS Hospital Trust
  • NHS Clinical Commissioning Group
  • NHS Black Country Partnership (including Adult Mental Health)
  • Neighbourhood Services
  • School Inclusion Representative
  • Sandwell Women’s Aid
  • Fire and Rescue Service
  • Voluntary and Community Sector (SCVO)
  • Public Health
  • Barnardos
  • Staffordshire & West Midlands Community Rehabilitation Company (SWM CRC)
  • National Probation service

Invitations may be extended to any appropriate personnel to attend and provide evidence, information or expert advice to the subgroup.

If unable to attend a meeting a core member must, wherever possible, nominate a deputy, who has full authority to act on their behalf, to attend the group in their place

Attendance at the subgroup will be monitored and reported to the board if quarterly non- attendance takes place.

3.Frequency and Notice of Meetings

The subgroup shall meet on a bi monthly basis. Additional formal or informal meetings may be arranged and convened by the Chair.

Additional Task and Finish groups may be arranged and convened by the Chair as required.

Meeting papers must be sent out 5 working days in advance of the meeting.

Action notes will be sent out within 5 working days of meeting.

4.Principles of the Group

Members are expected to demonstrate their commitment to the Prevention and Early Intervention Sub Group by prioritising their time to ensure that they, or their nominated deputy, are able to attend and contribute to every meeting and provide data / reports as required.

Members will be accountable for carrying out the actions which they are allocated by the chair and take quality and performance information back to their part of the organisation.

Members are expected to fully engage in the sub group, represent their section of the organisation and report any risks associated with the implementation of prevention and early intervention across Sandwell.

Members are expected to raise any concerns regarding prevention and early intervention which may place children and young people at risk. Concerns should be escalated to the SSCB’s Chair’s Group and the member organisation concerned.

All information discussed at the subgroup is confidential and shared only be shared where necessary to safeguard children with member agencies.

NP July 2016


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