Council Meeting October 10, 2005

Council Chambers:

ROLL CALL: The City Council of Lincoln Center convened in regular session at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Del Vignery presiding. Councilmembers present: Marion L. Florence, D. Leon Kingan, Craig L. Ledet, Arletta R. Morse, and Glenn M. Stegman. Officials present: Clerk Rose M. Gourley, Attorney Daniel D. Metz. Also present: Superintendent Ron Mason.

VISITORS: Others in attendance for all or portions of the meeting: Larry L. Douglas, Amy Hawkinson, Jeff Campbell, George Miller, Sheriff Russ Black.

MINUTES: Minutes of the September 12, 2005, regular meeting were approved as written.

PAYROLL VOUCHER: Payroll Voucher No. 05-09, for September wages and salaries in the amount of $40,764.84 was presented. Included in the total was the reimbursed Library payroll totaling $1,763.83, leaving a net City payroll of $39,001.01. A motion by Stegman, seconded by Kingan, to approve said Payroll Voucher, carried.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Accounts Payable lists were reviewed. Invoices prepaid in September totaled $473.23. Unpaid invoices received to date totaled $136,807.35. Upon motion by Stegman, seconded by Morse, all invoices, in the amount of $137,280.58 were approved for payment.

DELINQ. ACCOUNTS: The Governing Body reviewed a list of eleven delinquent utility accounts totaling $1,626.21.

2004 AUDIT REPORT: Larry L. Douglas, C.P.A., presented his Audit Report for the year ending December 31, 2004. He noted that the financial statements for enterprise funds were reported according to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP.) With the change in reporting format approved last year, however, the financial statements for all other City funds demonstrated only the City’s compliance with the cash basis and budget laws of the State of Kansas. He reviewed various statements and indicated sources for the changes in equity. There followed a motion by Stegman, seconded by Morse, to accept and approve the 2004 Audit Report. Motion carried.

HOUSING DEVELOPMENT: Mayor Vignery advised the Sheppard Development Project would be wrapping up soon with the installation of gas mains and repair of certain asphalt and concrete areas scheduled prior to the end of October.

CURB/GUTTER PROJECT: Two bids for a project involving the installation of approximately 1000 linear feet of curb & gutter on the east side of North 1st Street were reviewed, as follows: Wrench Construction - $22,000.00 with the City providing materials and labor for the street side of the job; Finch Construction - $22,690.00 for all materials and labor for the complete job. Mayor Vignery provided further details about the project, after which Florence made a motion to accept the bid from Finch Construction. Motion seconded by Stegman, carried.

NUISANCES: Mayor Vignery reported the possibility of using Beloit’s Code Enforcement Officer to serve as Lincoln’s designated “public officer” for investigation and reporting of dangerous and unfit structures in the community. He also indicated the owner of the Lincoln Ave. property reported dangerous and unfit last month intended to paint the front of the building and work to improve its condition. To that end, the City had assisted in removing a dangerous fire escape from the rear of the structure. Providing the City of Beloit had no objections, Stegman moved to designate Chris Jones, Beloit’s Code Enforcement Officer, as the City of Lincoln’s public officer for dangerous and unfit structures. Motion seconded by Ledet, carried.

Attorney Metz reviewed the status of several old health nuisance complaints. Notice had also recently been served on the owner of a property on South 1st Street. A new, signed complaint, for a property on North 3rd Street, was received and discussed. It was decided that the Public Health Officer should be contacted to investigate and report on this new location.

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PARK FOOTBRIDGE: Replacement of the foot bridge in the middle of the City Park was again discussed. The suggestion that Beloit Vo-Tech students be utilized did not prove feasible. It was agreed that further study would be needed. The proposed joint sidewalk/bridge project with Lincoln County and USD 298 was also reviewed. Superintendent Mason advised the Council that the 10-foot sidewalk proposed would not be possible if the sidewalk were to be located between the swimming pool and the tennis courts. Clerk Gourley said it was her understanding that the proposal, if Lincoln County was successful with a KDOT Grant, would be funded in 2008, and the City’s share of the matching funds would be around six or seven thousand dollars.

ANIMAL SHELTER: Clerk Gourley requested and received confirmation from the Governing Body that the City Animal Shelter could be used to house out-of-town dogs only in cases where statute violations were alleged, and in those cases, expenses should be billed to Lincoln County through the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department.

WATER TEST WELLS: Superintendent Mason reported results from the five test wells recently drilled by Peterson Irrigation. The best result was from the southernmost well which pumped 250-300 gallons per minute. More information will be provided as it is gathered.

AQUILA SALE: Correspondence had been received from Mid-Kansas Electric Company, LLC (MKEC,) informing the City that MKEC had successfully completed negotiations to purchase the Aquila Kansas Electric Network. A meeting with Aquila’s wholesale customers was scheduled for October 14th in Hays. The purpose of the meeting would be to provide information regarding MKEC’s plans for the future, including its desire to continue to provide electric service to wholesale customers. Superintendent Mason said he would attend the meeting.

SOLID WASTE RES. 05-04: Resolution No. 05-04, establishing the fee for municipal solid waste collection and disposal, was introduced. Said Resolution would increase the monthly fee for each residence from $12.40 to $13.00, effective with the billing beginning November 15, 2005, to be first included on City of Lincoln utility billings payable January 1, 2006. The fee would include the following components: an increase from $7.00 to $7.50 for the County’s collection contractor, $5.00 for Lincoln County’s disposal fees, an increase from $.15 to $.25 for Lincoln County administrative fees, and $.25 for the City’s billing and administrative costs. Morse moved to adopt Resolution No. 05-04. Motion seconded by Stegman, carried.

DRUG/ALCOHOL TESTING: A motion was made by Ledet, seconded by Stegman, that City Clerk Gourley be named as the Designated Employer Representative in conjunction with its Drug and Alcohol Testing Program. Motion carried. An Agreement with The Mental Health Consortium (TMHC,) was presented and reviewed. It was suggested that seasonal employees be included in the random testing roster for those months applicable. Following further discussion of training and testing procedures, a motion was made by Stegman, seconded by Ledet, that the City execute the document entitled, “Administration of Company Drug and Alcohol Testing Program and Support Line Service Agreement.” Motion carried.

PERSONNEL POLICIES: Councilmember Ledet made comments regarding telephone requirements and employee time restrictions for meal and rest breaks.

KEOIF LOAN: Correspondence was received from the Kansas Department of Commerce indicating the performance criteria for the 4th year of the KEOIF loan had been met. Therefore, principal in the amount of $20,000.00 for the 4th year had been forgiven. Clerk Gourley explained that the remaining $20,000.00 balance could be forgiven in the next year if required payroll numbers were met by US Tower Corporation.

BANDSTAND: Councilmember Ledet introduced the possibility of improving the area in front of the park bandstand so that there could be regular use of the structure.

CURFEW: Councilmember Morse commented that curfew violations had been reported and the Sheriff’s Office had been notified.

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ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Stegman moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Ledet, carried. Council adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

S/ Rose M. Gourley

City Clerk