Nether Kellet Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting 2nd November 2016
Those Present: Cllrs. David Manning (Chairman), Ian Williams, George Smith, Peter Riley; Judith Bentham; Michael Watson (Clerk); City Cllr. J Roger Mace
1 Apologies for Absence: Cllrs David Whitaker & Chris Halhead
2 Minutes from the Meeting: 5th October 2016 (enclosed with agendas and previously circulated by email as provisional) were agreed and signed as a true record.
3 Declarations of Interest: None
4 PACT (Police Matters): None.
5 Matters Arising:
(a) Road Safety and related matters: Pothole on Back Lane bend. Further email to County Highways. Warning lights on Back Lane had not been working but this would be attended to. Email to County Highways with copy to Mr Storey regarding lack of provision of warning lights on approach to entrance from the south. Clearance of footway by Back Lane ~ Clerk had emailed Barry from the probation service to involve him in possible clearance.; Bollards on the verge on Kellet Lane ~ County Highways have this in hand. Damaged T junction sign on Main Road had been reported~ Clerk had been in touch with United Utilities who confirmed that the works proposed for Bridge Road would be attended to shortly.(refer item 5a 01.12.15)
(b) Not otherwise covered by the agenda:
6 Planning:
(a) 16/01061/FUL: Erection of a replacement porch/garden room to the front for Mr Carl Westworth @ Lunesdale Laithbutts Lane LA6 1EB ~ Permission granted by City Planners
(b) LCC/2016/OO61: Variation of condition 1 of planning permission 01/06/2004 to permit the use of the existing batching plant until 22nd Feb 2022 @ Dunald Mill Quarry ~ Permission granted by County Planners
(c) 16/01053/FUL: Erection of a hay and straw agricultural storage building for Mr A Riley @ Westfield Farm Kellet Lane ~ Permission granted by City Planners
(d) 16/0141/TCA: Fell X 4 conifer trees and 1 X Leylandii for Mr David Towers @ Glen Anne Halton Road LA6 1EU ~ No concerns raised:
(e) 16/01351/FUL: Erection of an agricultural building for free-range hens and creation of a new access point for W A Agriculture Ltd @ land to south east of Lower Addington Farm Kirkby Lonsdale Road Halton. ~ Similar to previous application 16/00606/FUL turned down by City Planners. Advice of this not directly received and more time requested in order that councillors can examine the details properly and then advise clerk of any concerns so a suitable response can be sent.
7 Accounts:
(a) Nether Kellet Congregational Church ~ Hire of rooms for meetings Apr’15 to Oct’15 incl. 17 X £18 £306.00
(b) M J Watson Clerk’s Salary May to Oct’16 incl. £923.50
(c) M J Watson Expenses (Stationery, photocopying postage stamps inter-net contr.) May to Oct ’16 incl. £128.19
(d) CPRE ~ Annual Subscription £ 36.00
(e) Consolidated fund (playing field) application for return of fund signed by authorised signatories to
NK current account
All Accounts matters approved unanimously
8 LALC ~Next Local meeting Monday 5th December~ letter re “Council Tax Referendums”. It was agreed that the council would take no action.
9 Quarry Matters: None
10 Lengthsman Report: Weed-killing ‘wet pour’ areas and strimming of play area. Moss killing and sweeping Ashmeadow Road, Loosening weeds soil etc. prior to City Council sweeper and working in conjunction with the ‘brush’ operator.
11 Twinning Association: The association were sad to learn of the accident in South Africa which resulted in the untimely death of Dudley Bayn., Both he and his wife Carole were keen supporters of the association and had travelled to and from Bussieres on several occasions over the years and had given hospitality and formed friendships in France. Sincere condolences are offered to Carole and her family.
The event in the village hall with the Lancaster Bombers had proved to be very successful which resulted in a profit in the region of £800 towards financing trips to and from Bussieres. The AGM of the association is to take place on the 10th November.
12 Web-site: The clerk is to arrange a meeting with Ms Mace over the Xmas period to refresh the method of placing information on the site.
13 Fly Tips: A few small tips had been noted and removed.
14 Footpath Report: The area of the plantation between Hawthorns and High Roads Quarry had been cleared with thanks to Aggregate Industries. Now that the M6 Heysham link is completed ‘Costains’ to be contacted again regarding promise of aggregate for use on Hallfield Lane path (FP No.3). Clerk to liaise with Cllr Chris Halhead. Mike is to work on provision of walkway to avoid wetness to north of Limekiln on permissive path. Cllr Judith Bentham enquired regarding possible clearance of ramp leading to bridge over M6 by Cole Wood. With the onset of winter the weeds should die down so it is probably as well to delay action until the growing season next year.
15 Defibrillator: Cabinet now received from suppliers. Clerk to contact Steve Hinde re installation
16 Projects: Cllr Peter Riley has made contact with a supplier and has indicted that the cost of a suitable information board including design based on information provided would be between £13400 to £1450. Peter is also to redraft the proposals for the proposed board.
17 The project to extend this ‘Broadband improvement’ to the village is progressing and a further meeting is to take place during mid- November. Anyone interested should contact Roger Mace, John Bentham or Tony Jones.
18 Play Area Issues: Repairs to safety surfacing mentioned last month are to proceed (refer item 18 ~ 05.10.16). This may result in the play area being out of action whilst works are carried out. Concerns were raised regarding use of the play area and equipment by older children. Enquiries are to be made of City Council regarding age limits imposed elsewhere.
19 Emergency plan. We are now awaiting confirmation as to whether our bid for funding has been successful. In the meantime, Councillor David Manning has asked the other councillors to examine the contents of the templates supplied by City Council so that a full appraisal could be made prior to the next meeting of the parish council. They were asked to consider where they would be prepared to contribute to the emergency document for Nether Kellet and advise him accordingly. The templates are to be circulated once again by David via email as a number of councillors intimated that they could not trace having received them.
20 Christmas Tree 2016-17: Cllr Ian Williams reported that this was in hand and is intended to be ready for erection on the 3rd December.
21 Lancaster District Local Development Plan ~ Infra structure Delivery: Clerk to draft details of facilities available in the village and outline those things that are lacking. This would be circulated to councillors for their comments so that a response could be submitted prior to the 18th November.
22 Parish Bus Seminar Workshop (email from County: It was agreed that no action was required.
23 Items for Circulation: Clerks & Councils Direct Nov’16
24 Items for Next Agenda: Grass cutting, Playing Field Hedge
25 Next Meeting of Parish Council: 7.00 p.m. Wednesday 7th December 2016